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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. There are still rumors floating around that London could still be in GTAIV, but it's pretty much confirmed that Liberty City is definetly one of the locations if not the location. Yeah, the downloadable content could be done, but the content isn't going to be as hard as creating a new game. Yeah, that's correct, we don't finish the game at the same time... I don't get how your 3rd comment points to London...but ok. Actually, a lot would like to stay in the US, some would like to have a different location and others want both or don't give a shit. Just because players wouldn't want it to be in the US...what makes you think it would definetly be London? They would also stop rumors of GTAIV being London if they say its some where else... Well when they start up the next generation of the series, they usually start in the present time and like I said before, London could be the downloadable content, but they'd still have to make the whole map...they're not just gonna give us the 2D version. This doesn't really prove anything...
  2. Damn, laying down the law here aren't cha? I too believe in the possibility and I think it's pretty stupid just to throw it out. There are a lot of interesting videos on Youtube about all of this, and no, not videos made by people on Youtube. They upload videos of shows that were on TV; History Channel, Discovery Channel and hell, even the Travel Channel.
  3. Actually, San Andreas was never said to be either California or Nevada, but could most likely be categorized as being both. Yes, the San Andreas Fault is in California, which causes you to lean towards GTA San Andreas of being based off of California, but having a Nevada location in it, it could be argued as either or both. Now to get back to my point, even if they improvise, it would still be in the wrong direction and Rockstar has stayed with keeping their locations in the corresponding places to the locations they are based on in real life.
  4. I already searched through to see if anyone posted a topic like this yet and found nothing...so maybe this is of some news to a few of you. After waiting for a long ass time, VRock Army A.K.A. Rockstar Games sent me back the self addressed stamped envelope with the following inside; VRock Vulture Bumper Sticker, (2) Rockstar Games Stickers and a card advertising Vice City Kubricks (which I already have). So if you did this and got something, post pics if you can. I think everyone got something different whether it be more stuff or just different stuff all together.
  5. I'll do more to it ok? But you can see the pics. And OGM stfu, you're getting annoying. You seriously need to go to some anger management courses or something. I was just trying to tell you this isn't anything special and Chris just pointed that out as well, but you didn't say anything back to him like "stfu" because he's an admin you feel you should kiss his ass. If you don't want my criticism, than I'll stop...just trying to help you out. You were the one that came to me asking how to prove yourself "knowledgeable" of the GTA series, but now you think you're all that. So fine, I'll stop trying to help.
  6. Ok, than that means it's based on one of the following US States; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine. Please let me know which one of these states you think is Carcer City. Carcer city is unlikely to be a GTA location as it was used in another R* game. I tried to point that out before, but this one is hard to get to.
  7. Ok, than that means it's based on one of the following US States; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine. Please let me know which one of these states you think is Carcer City. If we use your source, Carcer City is one of the following; Newark(New Jersey), Detroit(Michigan), Pittsburgh(Pennsylvania), Philadelphia(Pennsylvania), or Cleveland(Ohio). Neither of those are North of Liberty City.
  8. Like the rumours have been going around it'll go to upstate liberty, a new part of Liberty City. Or how about just Carcer City. The heartland of America . I already told you, none of the states North of New York have the characteristics of Carcer City. So "Upstate" is Upstate Liberty.
  9. So they have the technology to travel to other planets and galaxies but they cannot grasp sustaining life? No, but our planet is probably extremely far from those that have the same kind of sustanable life on it that these extra terrestrials may need to help them with certain shit. Beats the hell out of me.
  10. The following quote from you implies that you thought GTAPlayer meant that the trolley was in Vice City. I never said that you thought the one scene was in Vice City, but simply that you thought GTAPlayer thought that. You're once again misreading the post.
  11. Just because it says to Visit Vice City on a sign doesn't mean that that scene is in Vice City.
  12. Well If I remember corectly thats sign means nothing because I haven`t seen any train station or railroads in VIce City 1986, of course VC may have in 200?, when GTA takes place, trains and railroads but in 1986 VC didn`t had ... We never said that that scene was in Vice City...
  13. Ummmm, UFOs or "alien space crafts" are usually in the air...how the hell am I gonna talk to them? They most likely wouldn't speak english.
  14. I agree with you to. I'm Christian as well and some of my teachers and the religious people around say if aliens were real, there would be no religion. I know other people has said what I am about to say but, its just stupid to think that were the only planet with life. Theres billions of other galaxy's. Plus, back when the bible was written, they didn't have the technology we do today. Did you ask them why there would be no religion?
  15. Really or are you just pulling my chain? Nope, but i can't find the sign, so i gess its Liberty City and Upstate Liberty. Well if that person is right, than I guess I was correct, but I still don't believe that he found a sign. "The OC Master" said that it was at 00:47, but you can't see shit.
  16. I think it would be possible, but everything would definitely be smaller in size compared to it in real life. I just don't think the ShitBox 360 could handle it...hell, I don't even really think the PS3 could. If they used the same graphics as they did in the other GTA games, than I'd say it's extremely possible, but with these new graphics...very unlikely. Even if they used the older graphics, I think there wouldn't be that many interiors. Maybe they made their own little version of the USA and left out some of the less exciting places. There is a very slight difference between the consoles. Can't you have a discussion without making fan-boy comments? It definitely seems possible to have more than just Liberty City. How much more isn't really as obvious right now... I like to throw one in there every once in a while. I love how it bugs people. Really or are you just pulling my chain?
  17. The whole conspiracy of the existance of Extra Terrestrials have been around since ancient times. Why would they "explode"? Maybe they have some other form of breathing.
  18. Well after looking around New York a little bit using Google Earth, I made this assumption. The only problem is that the Statue of Liberty is in the portion I boarded as being Liberty City, so maybe Liberty City is even smaller than what I made it out to be in this picutre.
  19. Now about what did I change my mind? And me being a Christian, I do believe in the humans being the supirior beings. And somehow think this elian thing goes against my believe and also commen sence. Also the alien conspiracy. What the hell?! Why would the goverment want to cover such thing? In my eyes it's just one big hoax. Well I'm a Christian too, but certain things in the bible are looked at the wrong way. Where does it say "There are no things such as Extra Terrestrials." I do remember something saying that the earth is the only place that was inhabitant with life...but when was the Bible last updated? Things could have changed since then. Take a look at this video. Someone just sent it to me and it seems interesting and I'm guessing it's the key video out of the 24 videos. This sort of answers why Extra Terrestrials would come to our planet.
  20. I got a lot of other videos that you could watch. I've gotten complete disbelievers to start believing in the idea of Extra Terrestrials visiting planet earth. One of the main reasons Extra Terrestrials would choose our planet is because ours is the only one that has a good grasp on sustaining life.
  21. I think it would be possible, but everything would definitely be smaller in size compared to it in real life. I just don't think the ShitBox 360 could handle it...hell, I don't even really think the PS3 could. If they used the same graphics as they did in the other GTA games, than I'd say it's extremely possible, but with these new graphics...very unlikely. Even if they used the older graphics, I think there wouldn't be that many interiors. Maybe they made their own little version of the USA and left out some of the less exciting places.
  22. I have the videos right on here...how can you get any lazier?
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