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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. *runs into 2007 out of breath* HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! SCREW YOU 2006!!!!!!
  2. Don't know if anyone suggested this, but why dont you put the awards under the member's PIP? If they already have one for being an Admin, Mod, Gang Member, etc...then just creat a new pip for them that combines both the award and PIP they had before. For example.
  3. I feel left behind now, I still have 3 hours and 44 minutes to go. EDIT:...All the cool people are still in 2006
  4. Sue??? for what? The only thing Rockstar would want to sue him for is because he's some what making them look bad, well GTA. They could sue him for a number of reasons but the question is, "Why would they want to sue him?".
  5. Yeah if they go all out with graphics it might ruin the feel of the way GTA is set up. They just need to touch up a few things with the graphics, but not much.
  6. Yeah those weren't too great. If anything they should have those as side things...well not the eating one, they should just have food give you health and thats it. I think they could have jobs in there, much like Firefighing, Paramedic, etc. These jobs will be more complex...sorta like main storyline missions, but you keep getting them...all being brand new...downloadable content...*hint* *hint*.
  7. Well I think Rockstar could make their made up advertisments actual advertisments. They could sneak in websites and shit that go to the made up advertisments "official sites" that have advertisments on that leading to the real advertisments...I think that'd be the best creative Rockstar way to do it.
  8. Ok cool, I'm going to be watching it soon. So if you other guys, Ghost and Godfather, want my vote show my some vids or else Slayer will have my vote seeing as this will be the only video I'll be seeing. BTW, when does the voting stop? EDIT: Well I just figured out that you guys were on the same stunting team and watched a video of all three of you giving me an idea of how you guys stunt and what not. No need to give me links to any more videos because...I voted
  9. only 5 Hours and 23 Minutes for me. Original GTA Master's New Year's Resolutions: -Pay more attention in school...I guess study too -Get a steady job -Get my license -Find a decent looking, non-bitchy chick Can't really think of anything else at the moment.
  10. I have a little less then 9 hours...
  11. Well I have GTA Real Estate set up in a way where you could do all the gang wars on the forum being just as fun as if you were in MTA or Multi-Player, minus the lag. Afterwards all of it is created into a video, using GTA Studio mods, and you could see what it all looked like, making it a hell of a lot more interesting.
  12. Wow this is a good topic to go to if you feel like shit.
  13. I don't think any of the GTA games go any lower than a 7/10 rating. VCS had an amzing storyline but I still think Vice City had a better one. LONG LIVE TOMMY VERCETTI!
  14. Yeah the sharks seemed to of gone down hill after 84' or sometime in between 84' and 86'.
  15. I could probably make a better book about GTA then him...wait a minute...can't Rockstar sue this guy for using their product name and shit like that?
  16. I don't think it works that way because "Liberty City Cocks" were mentioned on San Andreas' radio station, WCTR, and that was the hint for Liberty City Stories. Don't worry, just read my radio theory and stick to that because its been working so far. I think "Tokyo, China" is our best bet as of now seeing that I have more leads to it. Find more for the locations you found. By the way, I never said "Tokyo, China" was the deffinite GTAIV location...just was pointing it out. So if anyone finds a radio hint to another location, try finding more leads to it.
  17. I went trying to download some of your guys' videos but each time I downloaded one you weren't in them..or the videos had viruses...so if either of you guys want my vote you'll have to send me links to where I could download non-virus videos that you're in.
  18. I got to the last "district" or whatever it was...not Little Havana but the district on the other side of Downtown...didn't buy really any places there.
  19. Each game, right now, cost $59.99. The graphics, physics and all that shit seem to be a lot better. No, the graphics are really good. I havn't played any PSOne games on it but the PS2 games seem semi better...I don't have an HD TV so I cant tell much. Another really cool thing is that they could play those old Blue disk that couldn't work in most PS2s. I think its worth the $642 <<<thats including tax
  20. Yeah deffinetly TVG, he ended up closing about 3 of my good topics with his spaz attacks.
  21. I some what lost intrest in Scarface...thought it was a great game...actually I dont play too many video games now besides the ones I have for my PS3 and I also play GTA III, VC and SA on the PC, but thats just to get pics for my site...usually.
  22. Yeah thats what was gonna happen with me if I didnt get it for Christmas.
  23. Last I saw, Cubanwhip had about 90 chapters to his story.
  24. I really cant decide who's name is more original; I just shot a bear, Spaz The Great or Airashii
  25. Even though Cubanwhip doesn't post his story on this forum I voted for him, his story is that amazing
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