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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. you have a Family Crest? Thats pretty kick ass.
  2. ok thanks guys EDIT: both of those names are used for it...FYI
  3. Does anyone know what these type of symbol things are called? I dont need the name of this particular one. EDIT: Its the circled thing...
  4. So? He died with no children. So nothing wrong there. What does him not having any children have anything to do with what I said?
  5. Since you have "Best Signature" you should have "Best Avatar" as well. Since you have "Best Signature" you should have "Best Avatar" as well.
  6. Mark it on the above map according to the color code. We're trying to get a map of all of them.
  7. I found one under the bridge linking the west Washington Beach Island to the east portion of the district by the Washington Beach Poluice Department. Another one is on top of the yellow Prawn Island house, up against the north half wall thing which would prevent you from falling off. EDIT: well...here ya go...
  8. Emoticons obviously dont get covered...
  9. The weird thing is that Hitler said he wanted a perfect society with blond haired blue eyed christian people...he himself only had the christian part down. So not even Hitler was perfect in his little so called perfect society.
  10. Yeah I heard it in VCS. I added to the radio theory. Read it if you want to. Radio Theory Back Again
  11. Yeah we all know that it started to go back in order but we dont know if LCS and VCS were not just little, but good, fill ins until GTA IV. Another reason we're not sure if SAS would be the next PSP GTA game is because all of SA is too big to have on a UMD which got us thinking it might be just one of the cities instead of the whole state of San Andreas, most likely Los Santos if not the whole state. Then again San Andreas might be able to fit on a UMD which has been argued for a while because some are talking about everything that SA had with more added along with a decent amount of missions while others just think these people mean just the map. So it is still undecided that they'll have another PSP GTA game since they have new systems and yes I know they have two different branches of Rockstar working on the big console GTA games and the PSP GTA games. All I have to really say is if in 2008 Rockstar decides to make or release another PSP GTA game it'll most likely be in San Andreas, Los Santos if not the whole state according to my radio theory. Yeah but you have already disproved your initial theory because you said that mentioned Las Venturas was mentioned in LCS and obviously wasn't the next game. The chances are that if they do the next game as one city then it will be Los Santos because it continues the order of the cities you play - Liberty City > Vice City > Los Santos > San Fierro > Las Venturas. You obviously didnt read my whole theory so thats why you dont understand. I said they were mentioned, not that they were on the radio. My theory is called the "Radio Theory" so no I didnt disprove my own theory. I dought they'll make seperate games for Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas. How would they explain the disappearance of the other cities? If anything they'll have those cities locked until the next game were to come out, unlocking the island but I dont think they'll do that. READ THE WHOLE RADIO THEORY BEFORE POSTING
  12. If my radio theory is correct again, it'll be based in Tokyo, China...yes China not Japan...
  13. I think it is...I saw the SA 21 minute intro with Japanese subtitles.
  14. no this is real. After you protect him you get to watch his concert and you could watch it over and over again by simply going back to the stadium and buying a $6,000 ticket.
  15. Yeah we all know that it started to go back in order but we dont know if LCS and VCS were not just little, but good, fill ins until GTA IV. Another reason we're not sure if SAS would be the next PSP GTA game is because all of SA is too big to have on a UMD which got us thinking it might be just one of the cities instead of the whole state of San Andreas, most likely Los Santos if not the whole state. Then again San Andreas might be able to fit on a UMD which has been argued for a while because some are talking about everything that SA had with more added along with a decent amount of missions while others just think these people mean just the map. So it is still undecided that they'll have another PSP GTA game since they have new systems and yes I know they have two different branches of Rockstar working on the big console GTA games and the PSP GTA games. All I have to really say is if in 2008 Rockstar decides to make or release another PSP GTA game it'll most likely be in San Andreas, Los Santos if not the whole state according to my radio theory.
  16. Hes mute, he cant talk. Err.Guess you didnt' read my post.I'll higlight in red what "you didn't read". lol hes mute. He cant talk at all. Do you get what I'm saying. He cant speak at all. His voice box is f***ed.
  17. I didnt know they were voting for best supporting transvestite or transexual or whatever...well...there is Reni Wassulmaier, so technically it could happen. Anything is possible with Rockstar.
  18. I think Phillip Michael Thomas did a great job in both games. He should deffinetly win.
  19. Its what happens after two or more stars collide and before they turn into a black hole. They happen all the time but there hasnt been one any where near the earth. The Gamma-Ray burst could hit things billions of light years away so if one is close and pointing in our direction...we're screwed. The gamma-ray burst doesnt explode like a bomb or anything, it has a distinct explosion that creates a ring like looking explosion so that takes down the chance of one hitting us but not by much.
  20. only a pitts, skimmer and various helis. There isnt a Lear Jet like you guys thought. I told you guys that the Lear Jet pic looked kinda funny.
  21. You arenot gonna live that long.Chrisman. Billion years means.Your Grand-Grand-Grand-Grand-Grand-Grand-Grand-Grand-Son(that is if you marry ) will be living. Dude a Gama-Ray could happen right now and kill us all. Its just a matter of time before there is one. I think the Earth going on for this long has just been extremely good luck.
  22. Well you cant really get too high in VCS so one fall wont kill you unless you have really low health.
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