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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Yes, I wanted to talk about how f***ed up Lance is. Do you think it was because he wasnt the leader of the Vance Crime Family even though he was the oldest? No my post count hasnt gone up and a long ass time. Lets see if it changes to 700 when I post this. EDIT: Well I guess its fixed. My post count has been at 698 for a long ass time and didnt notice it was 699...guess it got fixed.
  2. Exactly why I wanted to change the topic in here instead of making a totally different one for it. But that retard just wanted to keep at it to try to prove him self right which isnt gonna happen. EDIT: Has anyone's post count been going up? Mine hasnt for a long ass time.
  3. Umm it says it in the strategy guides and the creators of the strategy guides have interviews with Rockstar. What do you think they pull this shit out of their ass? No it was NOT Pete you moron. Go look at the site. You dont know more about GTA, obviously, if you dont even go on the official sites to read the official info. Go ahead and try to flame me, that was your initial reason to join these forums, adriaan. You're obviously Adriaan since you're saying "I know more about GTA than OGTAM.", which is what you said before you banned me. I dont give a shit what I called the damn topic. We went over it and Lance is the older brother, thats it. Instead of making another topic I was changing the topic in here since its what it was initally for on that shit of a site, GTA Portable.
  4. LOL I think its a lot better than San Andreas but I'll stick with GTA anyday.
  5. Avatar: 4/10 Doesnt seem that appealing Signature: 5/10 Seems like the same thing over and over again Person: You always seemed like a good member to TGTAP so The GTA Place's "Lord Voldemort" is good people How is his avatar an 8/10??? I know its your opinion but now I'm just curious. What would you give my avatar? Why is one better than the other?
  6. Ummm...ok but Lance is older. We're not talking about that in this topic now if you've been paying any attention. We're talking about why Lance was so f***ed up in Vice City...and I guess in VCS too. Thats what I tried to talk about on GTA Portable but that retard, adriaan, had to turn it around and talk about how Lance was the younger brother which he was wrong about. Now even though the topic name is "Lance older than Victor Vance", I want to get back to what we were talking about. Why do you think Lance was so messed up?
  7. Ok this game is a simple forum game for GTA. All you have to do is post a pic of any property in any of the GTA games, GTA III and up. From there anyone, that thinks they know where it is, could post a map with a red marker showing where it is or give directions to the location. If its wrong the member that posted the pic will give a hint as to where it is, which city, district, etc. After someone correctly answers, that member puts up a pic. Here is the first pic. Where am I?...dont say "Tony's Furniture"
  8. Avatar: 3/10 Doesnt seem that creative Signature: 7/10 Looks pretty cool Person: I'm pretty sure I've talked to you in a couple topics before but I never got any strong vibs from you that'd make me remember how your personallity is and shit. Can't wait to see what people have to say about me.
  9. Actually Toni was really tall in GTA III. Just use the Liberty Studio mod and the Liberty City Mod for VC and spawn Toni...hes tall. You just always seen him sitting down and he seemed short to you. Actually I was pointing out the possibility. You really need to shut up about that.
  10. I dont know about you guys but I think it would be cool if we're Claude, Tommy and CJ again and they leave Liberty, Vice City and San Andreas. GTAIV will be with Claude then GTAIV Part 2 would be Tommy again, etc. A lot of you probably just want it all scrapt with new everything but I wouldnt mind having the same characters but different storylines and maps. Did you guys hate those main characters that much?
  11. Ehhh I dont know...I'm a big GTA fan boy but SA wasnt one of my favorite GTA games and I liked the 80's vib VC and VCS had so I liked Scarface as well because of it. I would have to say SA had better gameplay but Scarface is better over all because of the things you could do in it. Any other GTA game would kick its ass though...GTA III and up.
  12. Oh I misread your idea. I thought you just said they were half brothers not that they both were planning, together, CJ's death. Still a good storyline and maybe they still can be brothers, but Tommy finds out CJ had Sal's death planned and came in contact with the people in Liberty, seeing as CJ was in Liberty at one point, its very possible.
  13. Well Lance is older than Victor and it looks like hes about a foot taller than Victor.
  14. Well I think they're really cool. Every set is checked to make sure that the kubricks dont break and they're quality kubricks and pretty detailed. They're also twice the size of "Legos".
  15. The main thing I want is a PS3 so I'm all good and ready for L.A. Noire and GTAIV.
  16. Yeah I have the Vice City Kubricks but not the GTA III ones yet. I hope they come out with SA, LCS and VCS Kubricks and the GTAIV trilogy, or what ever, after that.
  17. Sounds like a pretty cool recap, but I'm just wondering what all these older characters will look like with the next generation of graphics...
  18. Uhhh why did you make another topic about this if I did 3 months ago? Vice City Kubricks
  19. Wow, very well done. I would give it an 8/10 rating. Some of it seems a little too bare, but its still good. EDIT: found typos
  20. Why should only they return. Tommy should deffinetly return.
  21. I beat you its really Adriaan. Adriaan had multiple accounts on here, from my understanding, and him or one of his "accounts" sent me a PM saying it was him or its just someone trying to stick up for him, by being him...anyways I'm always sarcastic and I say that everywhere I go so people dont think I'm an asshole but people are "retarded" sometimes. I never said that I knew everything about VC when I was serious but I do know a hell of a lot about the GTA series, I didnt give myself this nickname.
  22. Actually Phoenix101 is a good friend of mine that goes on my site and he comes over my house a lot and went on GTA Portable before on my PC but he didnt post whatever you're talking about while he was over my house. I was talking to him about it and I had him read my post on here. I didnt even know he posted on GTA Portable. I dont give a shit about GTA Portable anymore. Why would I want to go on a site that has a shitty ass admin that couldnt admit that he was wrong?
  23. See, thats why I didnt want to waste my time.
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