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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I've been having trouble with some of the folders that I have on my computer. Most of the time when I move a folder or file in a folder it snaps between where I wanted to place them. Lately in some folders, instead of snapping where I want them, the folders will just over lap other folders. Does anyone know how I could fix this problem?
  2. I'm guessing blurring out logos in videos.
  3. I'm not sure how well known this is around TGTAP, but I recently found out that Youtube has decided to mute any unauthorized audio from all videos containing such unauthorized audio. The majority of this "unauthorized audio" is, obviously, music. Besides the actual companies that have the rights to the audio being used, there are tons of members on Youtube that have unauthorized audio in their videos. I bet that the only Youtube members that have the rights to the music being used are the owners themselves. No one apart of the Youtube community would go so far as contacting these companies to get authorization and even if they felt like trying...they'd most likely get a "NO!" for an answer. Yes, I realize that Youtube has really no say in this since they’re not above the law, but this is, in my opinion, the downfall of Youtube. SOURCE Your thoughts?
  4. Well Skate 2 will be released next week and I'm still finding out about new features. Here are some of the main ones I'm looking forward to. Getting off the board Moving objects to create new lines Double the tricks Ability to purchase properties(If I didn't hear that wrong) Overall customization improvement Has anyone heard about any new features in Skate 2?
  5. Bold: Uhh...they do sell one. In fact I own one.
  6. LOL, I like how he said that he bailed from the trick, trying to make the "story" a little more believable even though Nate caught it right away. I don't care if people wear skateboard clothing and don't actually skate. I don't even really care all that much if you say you skate, but you really don't. But when you show a picture of someone skateboarding and try to pass the person in the picture off as yourself...that's just pathetic.
  7. Well when do you think you and Sherman will finish? The sex, not the voting polls. EDIT: Nice sig by the way.
  8. Bingo. Thanks a ton. Now I can make better shit. You are is Photoshop king! I would make you a "Photoshop King" sig, but you'd probably do a better job.
  9. Would anyone here know why my brushes don't work? http://img258.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p...pbrushesqh1.png
  10. So who here heard about Uncharted 2? I'm pretty sure I saw a post about it some where, but never got into a big discussion about it. Here are some trailers for it. Hopefully it'll stir up some conversations.
  11. No, silly. If Sony is including the ability to smell things from video games then it'll probably be called something like "PlayStation Smell" or "PlayStation Nose".
  12. So older games would work with this? As you could probably tell...I didn't read the article. Having the HUD float in front of the screen wouldn't really be that great. It would look cool and be somewhat amusing at first, but it'd get pretty boring after a while. Although, it already looks boring...so why not. The other stuff seems cool though.
  13. They were talking about PS4 just as much as PS3, further down the article, even though it was just speculation. Also, off-topic: I don't really see the point in including smells in a video game. It would probably require us to refill something every so often.
  14. Well did you know that I was "Original GTA Master" before my previous post? I've been less active, but not inactive. I haven't been in some of the areas that I usually go in. I mainly come on here now when I'm bored. Anyways, yeah, nominations. I think it'd be better if more people nominated/voted. There usually aren't too many that participate, but I guess that's because of old people leaving and new people having no clue what to put.
  15. If Sony were to do this then they'd have to perfect it. It can’t be some half assed piece of shit. 3-D would be an amazing thing to have in video games, but it has to be actually good for me to even consider getting it. If they start off with small things such as shrapnel getting blown past you and then eventually moving up to crazier things such as enemies trying to attack you or throwing things at you, but there are certain games that won't really work with 3-D. I can't really imagine what they could do with a racing game unless some car were to start flipping and you manage try drive under...but other than that...it'd be pretty retarded for racing games. Sport games might work well, but I guess that would really depend on which sport. Action and shooting games would probably work best with 3-D.
  16. Well most of this seems to be a popularity contest. I get confused when I see people nominate me for some of these awards since I'm not too popular around here, but don't get me wrong, I really appreciate it. I'd consider myself well known around here, but not popular. I usually don't nominate people, because most of the time someone else nominates the people that I'd nominate. I'll most likely be voting though. Congrats to those that have been nominated and thanks to those who nominated me. Do some people not know that I'm "Original GTA Master" or are people just too used to calling me "OGTAM"? I noticed some people voting "OGTAM" or "Original GTA Master" and then having "Harwood Butcher" in the same post. It doesn't bother me or anything, I just find it sort of funny.
  17. How do you think the cut scenes are gonna look? Do you think they'll be any better than the in-game graphics?
  18. They are SO the same person..... Uhh, are you serious? I guess they do look a tad bit similar in those pictures, but they're not the same person...cause I don't think one person could be in two places at once...or can they?!?!?!? They both play similar, but they some what have their own styles now.
  19. I'd have to either say Brian "Head" Welch, a former member of KoRn, or James "Munky" Shaffer who is currently with KoRn.
  20. I got Dead Space...I got sort of bored of it...mainly because I can't read anything on the screen due to my standard def TV. So I pretty much ran around trying random things, which some times worked...but was very tedious and annoying. Yeah, I should have tried the demo first...but then again, I might like it...if I could read the damn text. I guess I'll just wait till I get a new TV to play it. Hopefully my PS3 last that long. After I dusted my PS3 off it seemed to play fine...but it wasn't really all that dusty. I also relocated it to a better area so it wouldn't over heat.
  21. Who here has Uncharted: Drake's Fortune? I just picked it up today. Absolutely amazing. Has anyone heard any good things about Shaun White: Snowboarding? I've been thinking about getting that.
  22. I have it...just haven't opened it yet. I might return it if my PS3 blows up.
  23. It completely freezes...although the soundtrack keeps playing. Then I have to turn it off from the back. This has been happening for the past three days. It doesn't really get hot, but it gets warm and it's in a pretty well ventilated area. I guess I'll try cleaning it and see if that helps. It is sort of dusty.
  24. Well my PS3 is acting up again. I've had it back for less than two months and my games are already freezing up. If Sony doesn't give me a new PS3, cost free, I'm gonna go ape shit.
  25. Well this morning I woke up and had the liquid shits and not long after, I puked every where. Sort of a shitty Christmas for me.
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