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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I went and checked that out and kept seeing "R.I.P. Toni", "R.I.P. Victor", "R.I.P. Claude" and "R.I.P. Carl", but I didn't see one for Tommy. Although, I did see "remember Tommy u r still my hero", which might imply that he's dead...but not necessarily. In GTAIV Tommy would only be 58. It seemed like everyone that he was in "business" with left Vice City, died or both.
  2. Lol, how does that have anything to do with the argument? I think that would be considered a stereotype. Sort of like how some people say white people can't dance. But yeah, I totally agree with you on the other stuff. People should keep their damn nose out of other people's business. You're pretty......slow. Actually I'm pretty fast. I could run a mile in around six minutes...maybe five. I don't see how that applies here though.
  3. Lol, how does that have anything to do with the argument? I think that would be considered a stereotype. Sort of like how some people say white people can't dance. But yeah, I totally agree with you on the other stuff. People should keep their damn nose out of other people's business.
  4. Who is this female with huge knockers that is being overlooked?
  5. How did you find that? Why would someone put a Bible on his balls...LOL (Ball busters)
  6. The whole dispute with Christians and gay marriage is that they don't want them getting married in Christian churches. There were some gay couples that tried to get married in a Christian church and were denied that right. That's what started the whole dispute. Other than that, you're absolutely right; Christians have no right in telling gay couples that they can't get married, provided that it’s not in their churches.
  7. Today I was checking out some of the very first videos that I uploaded to see if they've been muted and I noticed this on my first video. I checked out that "AudioSwap" thing they have now and there are quite a few artist in there, including, one of my favorite, Evanescence. Yes, Youtube is trying to save their asses, but they're also trying to make this work for everyone. So maybe not all is lost just yet. EDIT: THOSE SON OF A BITCHES!!!!11!11!!!!! They muted one of my videos!
  8. Well how are they getting married? In a church, in court, vegas or in some other way?
  9. No one likes animated ones? I'd have to agree though, MrLlamaLlama's and Gerard's are pretty kick ass.
  10. Wow, I think this will be the first year I don't win this one. In fact...I don't think I'm gonna win any awards. I guess that's my fault. I haven't been all that active this year.
  11. If you think it's someone's choice to "take a meat log in the ass" then don't you think it should be their choice to get married as well? Also...I don't think lesbians prefer "meat logs" in the ass.
  12. It seems as if weather is a popular thing to talk about in here. Not really sure exactly why...I mean...isn't it used enough in daily conversations out of the forum? Anyways, I don't want to be a party pooper...SOOO The weather is fucking shitty here in the Burgh. Some days have gone down below zero (Fahrenheit) and that really sucks. Especially since I work at a retail store and constantly have to go outside to get carts...WHY DOES ANYONE WANT TO SHOP IN THIS SHIT!!! Other than that I don't really give a shit about the wheater cause I'm inside. I just can't wait until spring comes around so I could skateboard again. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Oh, and on a side note. I found out that last semester my GPA was a 4.0. First time I ever got that. The funny thing is that during my freshman year in highschool my GPA was a 2.1.
  13. READING IS NOT FUNNY!!! Way to much to read. Lots of reading = not funny.
  14. Hmm...I never really looked at your name that way before...that's pretty original...I guess. But come on, "Llama". That's like crazy original.
  15. So what is it about the Tony Hawk games that makes you look past the not so perfect physics? I personally like the arcade feel to it. It's much easier to get around in a Tony Hawk game than in Skate. I was just playing the Skate 2 demo not too long ago and I was looking through some of the clothing options and noticed that Element and Vans have been added. I'm not extremely crazy about Element, mainly because of all the bullshit fads going on with it nowadays, but I am a fan of Vans. I've been wearing those shoes since I was 13.
  16. Why the hell am I up there? Alright, I guess.
  17. "Man has sex with Picnic Table", nuff said.
  18. "Mr Llama Llama" I mean...come on, how many people have "Llama" in their user name twice, let alone at all.
  19. My vote went to L-RiC. Why? Because I noticed from reading his "About Me" that he's a fan of KoRn. THAT'S WHY!!!1!!!!!!111!
  20. Then I'm assuming you're not a fan of the Tony Hawk games, which I find crazy...because they're amazing.
  21. Whenever you do a trick in the game, such as a kickflip, it tells you which move you just did. I misread your post before, you said heelflip instead of kickflip. You pretty much answered my question anyways. What do you mean it looks bad? That the characters don't do perfect tricks?
  22. Does it say that it's a kickflip when it's actually a feeble?
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