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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I had a feeling that would come up. But yes, I have had some really big shits. The saying "Tore myself a new one" comes to mind when I take my dumps. I don't want to go into great detail, but that "saying" pretty much describes it. Anyways, vaginas are usually larger than ass holes...so that's not the greatest comparison...but it is the closest you could get to I guess. Just because women are able to squeeze babies out of their vag without dieing doesn't really prove much. They still go through great pain and scream a hell of a lot...so that doesn't really prove that women have better "pain threshold". Although, that doesn't mean I don't respect what women go through. Blue: I do realize that some women actually do die from child birth...so don't get mad. Although...there have been some guys that have died from large shits...Elvis anyone?
  2. Bold: Yeah, and for me when I finally get in the network crashes in five minutes. Complete bullshit.
  3. ...What? I have never once seen a female get a paper cut without making a big deal about it. Does this mean women just feel like bitching about stuff and or want attention all the time?
  4. Ok, so there was this one time when I was looking around this one forum and all of the sudden I saw a "LOL echo" in a topic title and thought that there might be something funny in it. But then I just became very disappointed when I saw what was actually in the topic.
  5. Optical illusions are awesome. Is anyone here able to change the speed of the wheels by looking at it in different ways? It's fun.
  6. The storyline is a lot more indepth than I thought it would be. I love where it's going. I would have to say the "Resistance" series is gonna be PlayStation's "Halo"...although I thought Halo sucked, but I think it'll be just as popular or even more popular than the "Halo" series.
  7. x2. Bold: LOL, I thought the same thing. I wasn't understanding where they got the idea that the series was being taken out. I would have to agree with Chris, after Underground 2, it all went to shit. I didn't even beat Underground 2, but I liked the idea of the free roam feature. I think EA should re-do Hot Pursuit 2. Similar soundtrack, better graphics, same tracks with more roads and the ability to go off road and more tracks as well. OR they could just combine all the old tracks into one some how. That'd be bitchin'.
  8. I'm aware of what genetic means, and I don't appreciate your sarcasm. I stand by what I said. You know what "genetic" means...and you still want to stick with your previous opinion statement... So you actually think that homosexuality is passed down from parents to children? If so then you're basically giving me more to argue with that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt. Oh, by the way...I wasn't really being sarcastic in my last post...
  9. A woman physically can't be as strong as a man that works out just as hard as they do, unless of course they use drugs such as steroids. Although in some cases women are stronger than certain men because of their own physical fitness. Women are limited to certain jobs being that women don’t have the same potential at gaining strength than men, but a lot of great jobs don't require really any physical strength. In a way, women have a better chance at getting a better job than men because they won't be as side tracked by jobs requiring tough, physical labor. Provided that they know those facts and attempt to stay away from those particular jobs.
  10. Here, let me google that for you. I don't think homosexuality gets passed down through generations. Although, from your last post it seems like what you're talking about is kinda different.
  11. Well I think it's a little more difficult for a guy to find a female to "marry" to use as a loophole than it would be for that guy to find a guy friend to "marry" as a loophole. But yes, either way there could be loopholes. Yeah, that is what I'm saying. WOW.
  12. Bold: There are many straight marriages that many people are against, but that usually doesn't effect the couple's decission and it shouldn't effect gay marriages either. Bold: Are you saying homosexuality is genetic? Bold: For some reason I never really thought about the rights couples recieve when they get married in this particular situation. I guess I just thought that people didn't want this to happen because of, mainly, religious reasons. Now I could some what see where those people against it are coming from. Gay Marriage could possibly be used as loopholes...which might be the problem. Although, that doesn't really change my opinion, I still think homosexuals should be allowed to get married...provided that they are in fact homosexuals.
  13. I hate pineapples and rap too, but unlike you, I think both of them shouldn't exist. So are you personally against getting married? Well the fight for these rights haven't been this extreme before...at least I don't think so. Give it a few years or possibly a decade or two and it'll probably be legal everywhere. There is no real good answer to that question just yet. It's just that the majority of society has this certain look on life and apparently this would be a pretty large change for them and I think society just needs some time before this could become legal.
  14. I finally beat Resistance 2. AWESOME GAME! I'm getting really into the series now and I'm glad I decided to get the Collector's Edition. I haven't played online yet, but If anyone wants to play me, let me know. I may have asked this already before, but has anyone heard about the new Tony Hawk game coming out? I've been getting back into those games as well.
  15. Bold: Well what I mean by there being a more likely chance of them turning gay, especially men, is that children often prefer the same sex when they're young because of "cooties" and what not. I think the reason guys usually get over that, not only because of hormones, but because they're raised to understand that our life cycle doesn't work that way. ALSO, because of social issues they're afraid of facing. At the stage a child becomes interested in the opposite sex is usually when the parents still have a huge influence in their lives and children usually take after their parents. Bold: Very true, and I have thought of that before I even posted in this topic, which is where the large amount of time it'd take for it to actually become a major problem comes into play. EDIT: I'll use this comparison again. As interracial marriage continues, the amount of people with a mix of different races will increase. Again, not saying that's a bad thing...I think it'd actually be better that way. Anyways, the more gay couples that would adopt, the higher chance the child would turn gay, which in turn would cause another generation of people that are gay, that may not have turned out that way if they had straight parents. Again though, that'd take a very long time to cause any sort of problem. The straight people would still be around, but the percent of gay people there would be over straight people would start to shift, which would progress very slowely. Exactly, I think it's retarded for people to intervene into someone else's life and say that they can't do something "just because". I think there needs to be a much better reason behind it than "religious reasons" because obviously those homosexuals aren't following those particular religions that frown on gay marriage…why would they?
  16. LOL, I know! I thought I might have been the only one that noticed that. I'm not sure if that guy actually deflected it. It looked a little too far off to their right for him to deflect it.
  17. Ok, I'm starting to get confused. Are you trying to tell me that no one is allowing gay marriage?
  18. Uhhh...if there aren't any straight people left...it'd be a little hard to reproduce, but with time...anything is possible I guess. There are a number of things that society would be able to do to reproduce in an alternative way, but I still stick by my previous comments. I never said EVERY child with homosexual parents would turn out gay, but I feel there is a higher chance that they would. Uhhh...>>> "What the hell are you talking about? They're not even, or barely allowing gay marriage"
  19. What the hell are you talking about? They're not even, or barely allowing gay marriage to happen and I'm for gay marriage. Well I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's my opinion. If I found that there was something wrong with gay marriage then I wouldn't say that I'm for gay marriage. I never said that interracial marriage was a bad thing, but I was comparing the two because interracial marriage is becoming less and less uncommon. So if that were to happen with gay couples adopting children, then I think gay marriage would expand until eventually there are no more straight people left...but again...that'd take an extremely long time if that were to happen.
  20. I don't care if homosexuals get married, but I don’t think they should be allowed to adopt children. I feel there is a greater chance that the child would end up gay than if they had straight parents. If it spreads like interracial marriage, then I think it could possibly be the downfall of mankind. If what I think could happen were true, then it’d probably take thousands or possibly tens of thousands of years to actually turn into a problem…but a possibility nonetheless. You could argue with me all you want, but you can’t change my thoughts on that. Keep in mind that I’m not trying to offend anyone.
  21. I dink so... I still need to beat the campaign, so I haven't really checked out the other stuff.
  22. ...Wait...what proves that there is no God?
  23. I tried it out when it was still in closed beta, but ever since the open beta was released...I can't get in.
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