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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I'm planning on playing some Duke Nukem. I used to be so kick ass at the game when I was younger, but I haven't played nearly as much as I used to 7 to 8 years ago. The first time I played it since 2000 was probably either late 2007 or early 2008.

    So I have to gain my "skills" back.

  2. ok hmm

    would you rather have a hard drive? or high def recording?

    this has 720p recording H.264, records to SD/SDHC and is only $180..but it is a no-name brand. and lol i just noticed has NO optical zoom. haha.

    this one is the same brand but it has 3x optical zoom at least. this records in .MOV quicktime. 1920x1080 (30fps) or 1280x720 (720p) at 60fps, has 90mb internal memory, supports SDHC

    They don't have night vision. That's the main thing I need. I would rather have High deg using SD cards over a hard drive.

  3. I found this one site that said the following facts about the Hadron Collider.

    Here are some quick facts:

    - 20-year work-in-progress

    - A team of 7,000 physicists from more than 80 nations

    - 27 kilometers in circumference, 175 meters underground

    - facilitating head-on collision of protons, traveling very near the speed-of-light

    - each tunnel is big enough to run a train through it.

    - temperatures generated: more than 1000,000 times hotter than the sun's core

    - superconducting magnets are cooled to a temperature colder than in deep space

    Bold: I find this particular fact hard to believe. If we were able to produce this much heat, let alone the amount of heat the Sun's core makes, we wouldn't have the energy crisis we're currently going through.

    I'm not sure, but isn't there more energy coming from the Sun each second than the amount of energy humans have made/used...EVER.

  4. Update September 23, 2008 - Large Hadron Collider Damage

    More Serious and Won't Re-start Until Spring 2009.

    CERN insiders are saying that “a significant number of collider magnets have been damaged in first test on September 10, 2008 - possibly more are damaged than number of spare back-up magnets.” So, officially now the LHC won't fire another proton beam again until spring of 2009.

    So I guess those people committed suicide a little early.

  5. "George Dububla Bush" lol. He doesn't even say why he wants to kill him. He just repeats himself over and over again using different words without any emotion.

    What are you talking about??? He said he was pissed off at him...DUH!!! :lolbounce:

    What the hell is the kid gonna do...shoot Bush with a dart gun?

  6. here

    i know this is in AUD, atm itd be $560 USD, has a 40GB hard disk.

    ok i looked on best buy, theres a 30GB version of it, thats 500USD

    as for HD, that's outta your price range - heres the cheapest HDD based highdef camera, thats 799USD

    the everio ones have nightmode, also the everio i have has a little light on it, dunno if thats of any use.

    the only cameras that can record high def in your price range either record to tape, those little dvds, or SD card

    SD cards work for me.

  7. My friends and I are planning on making a "Halloween special" for our Youtube channel and we're gonna need to get a better camera/camcorder than the digital camera I'm using now.

    The main reason we need it is because the video will be at night and in almost complete darkness. So we'll need night vision, which from my understanding is only in Sony camcorders.

    Here is what I'm looking for.

    • Cost: $300 - $600 (Preferably NEW)
    • At least 720P quality
    • Night vision
    • quality video in low lighting
    • Hard drive

    I would also like audio zoom, but don't really need it. If at all possible, I would like something relatively small.

    I'll need to find a camcorder that I could buy some time this weekend.

    Filming starts on the 9th of October.

  8. I'm quite sure it'll be here for 10-15 years at least but 50 years? That's longer than videogames have been around and who knows what games are gonna be like in 50 years. And improving the game every single time will start to get hard after a certain time will get hard because people just run out of ideas eventually. I could be completely wrong but yeah I don't think it'll last extremely long.

    Bold: Actually, the first video game, or electronic game, was made in 1947...so video games have been around for over 60 years.

    The first game with a digital graphical display was made in 1952.

    I think Rockstar will continue to make Grand Theft Auto until they get bored of it, run out of ideas or if it becomes unpopular some how.

  9. I'd probably want to meet everyone I've ever gotten into a conversation with on here. Even those I've "fought" with, because forum arguments are never settled and I think we'd be able to settle some things fist face to face.

    A lot of people on here take things that I say the wrong way because they don't know my personality. If you got to know me, you'd understand why I say certain things and find out that I don't like confrontations and try to make the best of things.

    We definitely need to set up a TGTAP gathering some time.

  10. Ok a plane is harder to operante than a space shuttle. In a space shuttle once you leave the atmoshpere ints smooth sailing for as long as you have oxygen. ok maybe you would take training just like a pilot and then need a space suit to open and operate the shuttle. Its just a game.

    You don't need nearly as many people to operate a plane as you would a space shuttle. It's at least possible to operate a plane by yourself.

    To me though...that's besides the point. The main reason I don't think it'll be in GTA is because it wouldn't fit.

  11. It doesn't really bother me if an older person looks down on me...because they're old...I'll most likely live longer than them and if they really piss me off...I'll piss on their grave. Simple as that. How does that old saying go...oh yeah..."Pay back's a bitch!"

    Older people have to realize, the younger generations are the ones that will be taking care of them when they're too old to take care of themselves.

  12. There's no ollie in the trick. All I do is push down the middle of the board to flip it as I jump in the air and then kick it back before it spins all the way.

    Hmmm, sounds like a cool new flatland trick. :P

    Right now it's not that great, but I'm gonna try to "spice it up a bit". Maybe include some railstands.

  13. Hey that's pretty awesome.

    I use to play Duke Nukem 3D when I was young, and it was fucking great! The GTA1 maps always had a flat side to it, but now, it looks really great, considering it's a custom made map.

    Bold: lol, you're still young silly. :lolbounce:

    I used to love playing Duke Nukem. My dad downloaded all of them off of this one site like 8 years ago and I think I beat every single one.

    I've been trying to get him to find them so I could play them again.

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