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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Wasn't bitching about pay. This is a thread about women's rights. I was only sharing my feelings on the subject like everyone else. Other members have said the same things I have. Just because i'm a chick doesn't mean you have to accuse me of bitching about the topic at hand. "Move country instead of bitching" is ridiculous. if you can't share your views on a forum then what can you do? If a forum isn't intended for sharing ideas then what is it for?

    Bitching would consist of "OMG men treat women like shit im so sick of the way we're treated bla bla bitch moan rant".

    I'm not like that :)

    Well if you're bitching about women's rights in general, then I don't really have anything to say about that because I don't know enough about it to really argue.

    When it comes to pay between men and women, my thoughts on it are slightly different than some people in this topic. You just said something that caused me to reply to your comment.

    I didn't accuse you of bitching because you're a female, it was because of the way I interpreted your comments.

    I haven't been too serious while commenting on this topic and there have been some people, not GBA, that took something’s that I said, not sure exactly what, very offensively. I'm not entirely sure who this/these person(s) are, although I have a slight idea who, but that's beside the point.

    This is going a little off topic, but I think it makes sense to say something about this in here since my comments in this topic is what possibly caused it.

    Apparently there are some members talking behind my back and calling me names because of what I've said in this topic and possibly because of some other things. Not only that, but they even gotten to the level of wanting to edit pictures of me in some odd ways: for amusement, payback or possibly just to blow of some steam. I'm not sure exactly why they'd actually discuss doing this, but I personally find their ideas strange and somewhat offending.

    I would like to apologize to these anonymous people, BUT they went above and beyond the limits at which I would apologize.

    Being that these people were insulted by some of my comments in here, which most of them were towards GBA, I would assume I offended GBA as well, which was never an intention of mine. So I would like to apologize to GBA if I did indeed offend you at all in this topic. I was honestly being sarcastic half of the time and I never actually try to offend anyone, but apparently some of my opinions/suggestions could be very offending to certain people.

  2. Ok, I'll change all of that as soon as I get home. If I try editing the topic now, I'll most likely screw something up with the computer I'm currently using.

    So what game should I get first out of the following list?

    * Little Big Planet

    * Midnight Club: LA

    * Motorstorm

    * Resistance 2

    * Shaun White Snowboarding

    Resistance 2 has gotten REALLY good reviews, I'd go with that if I were you. I'm hoping to get it for Christmas.

    Should I get the collector's edition?

  3. I want to buy Fallout 3, but I don't have the time to go to my game shop, yes I'm that lazy! Got 2 trophies online in GTA today when playing with some friends. I got Let Sleeping Rockstars Die (don't know how I got that, was only me and 2 of my friends) and one for ranking up even though I didn't rank up ^_^. I'm really enjoying the story again.

    PS: It's FallenClyro, I changed my name back to Mpilk901.

    Any new games?

    Yeah quite a few. First things first though, change my user name to Mpilk901.

    New games:



    -BP (Burnout Paradise)


    -Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

    -Sid Meirs Civilisation Revolution

    -Rainbow 6 Vegas 2

    Also, can you remove NFSC from my game list? I traded it in.

    Ok, I'll change all of that as soon as I get home. If I try editing the topic now, I'll most likely screw something up with the computer I'm currently using.

    So what game should I get first out of the following list?

    • Little Big Planet
    • Midnight Club: LA
    • Motorstorm
    • Resistance 2
    • Shaun White Snowboarding

  4. Harwood, you're coming across pretty harsh when making your points, with the equal pay one anyway. You straight up told GBA and her mum to leave her country simply because they get paid less than men who do the same job. WTF, you didn't even say it sarcastically? Clearly you have never done any sort of business/social studies because you'd know that equal pay has long been a huge debating point and one which is still not fully and fairly resolved.

    Well my whole point of the argument was that if you don't want to do anything about the problem...then don't bitch about it. I just suggested something drastic so that she would admit that getting paid less, although wrong, isn't a big enough deal to do something like that because of it.

    Like I said previously " Deal with what you got and make the best of it."

  5. Yeah, I agree with Sky, either way we'd be screwed.

    But since it was Obama that won, I'll just complain about him starting with this statement. "The man's bringing me down!"

    The main two reasons I don't want Obama to be president is because he's a liar and has socialist views. Plan and simple.


  6. My point Harwood Butcher, is that I should be able to have a discussion on a forum and state my beliefs without having to be told "move country if it's so bad". I never said it was so bad, I just said that in general, men are paid more. Running away from the country I love isn't going to fix my problems, heck loads of other countries have the same problem so no. I'll stay put thanks. Getting less money isn't going to drive me away from the country I love. I'm going travelling next year anyway.

    Well I wasn't really telling you, it was just a suggestion.

    If only all women, or anyone for that matter, looked at it things that way. Deal with what you got and make the best of it.

  7. i remember doin old skool stunting on vc mp on gtaportable. With some original gta master dude person guy lol i dont remember though. just brought back the memory. Video had a cool feel. Nice editing. Song didn't fit the vid though.

    LOL...are you serious? I'm Original GTA Master.

    WTF!? :hurrhurr: you got msn?

    Yes, yes I do. Check my profile for it. I'm not at my house right now, so I can't get on MSN at the moment.

    EDIT: Oh goodness, look at me getting all off topic. Uhh...so, TOXIC...hmmm...So have you thought of any original stunts? It seems like everything has been done before.

  8. Well I guess kids get payed less... So that should change too? :P Women should be payed well since they are important to the human race :hurrhurr: Oh crap, I just said that in a Womens Rights topic >.<

    Stop trying to get attention, it's getting pretty annoying.

    Eh? What the hell are you talkin about?

    Don't worry, rockstarrem is just trying to make his quota.

  9. i remember doin old skool stunting on vc mp on gtaportable. With some original gta master dude person guy lol i dont remember though. just brought back the memory. Video had a cool feel. Nice editing. Song didn't fit the vid though.

    LOL...are you serious? I'm Original GTA Master.

  10. I want to buy Fallout 3, but I don't have the time to go to my game shop, yes I'm that lazy! Got 2 trophies online in GTA today when playing with some friends. I got Let Sleeping Rockstars Die (don't know how I got that, was only me and 2 of my friends) and one for ranking up even though I didn't rank up ^_^. I'm really enjoying the story again.

    PS: It's FallenClyro, I changed my name back to Mpilk901.

    Any new games?

  11. And Harwood Butcher you say she went around your point, look what you just did - she gave you proof (if you believe it, which you should, she has no reason to lie), and now you're telling her to move...

    ...How did I go around what she said by agreeing and suggesting something that she should do??? :blink:

    So your changing your side of the argument then? I don't really understand where you stand...

    Well my side of the argument couldn't go any further since I can't disprove her "story". So I just left it at that and told her to move if that's how it is there.

    Bitching? It's a forum. I'm expressing my concerns like everybody else here. And you ignored my point. I can't afford to move country, we're not all rich here you know.

    What was your point again?

    If your way of overcoming problems is to just move country all the time then 1) you're gonna have to move country alot in your life and 2) congrats for having the money to be able to have the pleasure of doing so.

    Well I have the money to do that because I'm a man, I make more monies. :P

  12. Why should men get paid more in certain jobs though? Whats the reasoning behind that? Is it to say that men should get paid more in the construction industry, yet women should get paid more in, oh I don't know? Whats very stereotypical? How about childcare? Everyone should get paid the same regardless of gender or race etc.

    Well maybe that deals with qualifications. Just because someone does a better job than someone doesn't always mean they should get paid more. If a guy just has an associates degree in a certain field and a women has a masters then she should get paid more.

    In NZ if you're 16 and over, you're classed as an adult and the minimum wage for you is the same as it is for an adult.

    Harwood B: Yeah moving is an option but New Zealand is very safe, and it's our home, we're not gonna just up and leave because of a few dollars. Nor can we afford to move anywhere else. Not every country has men getting paid more, but so many do unfortunately.

    Rainbow Bear: Agree 100%

    Well if you don't want to solve your problem then stop bitching. :P

    And Harwood Butcher you say she went around your point, look what you just did - she gave you proof (if you believe it, which you should, she has no reason to lie), and now you're telling her to move...

    ...How did I go around what she said by agreeing and suggesting something that she should do??? :blink:

  13. Harwood Butcher: Actually you're wrong. If a women is breating the crap out of a guy she WILL get arrested. It is allegal for males and females to physically harm someone. So if a man gets beat up by a woman, and doesn't fight back then he's doing the right thing because he won't get into a spot of trouble but she will.

    That saying, you're American, I don't know the laws there but I was under the impression that it's illegal for a woman to physically abuse a man.

    Also, I brought up "My mum and I both have jobs" because that's my proof right there. I know we get paid less because she gets paid less than the other guy who does the same job, it's always been that way and it's not fair. As you can see, i'm not the only person who thinks that, as you said, almost everyone else has brought up the "women get paid less" thing. It's not just me.

    You totally went around my main point. If I guy is getting the shit kicked out of him by a women and he pushes her away, he'd get in more trouble. I've seen that happen before.

    If your mom actually gets paid less for the same job...then why the fuck are you still living there?!?!?!?! Move to a better place where everyone's equal...at least more equal than where you are now.

  14. Well I haven't updated the front page of this topic in a long ass time, so if any PS3 owners haven't been added to the TGTAP/PSN table yet, please let me know.

    Just give your current PSN name and the games you own and I'll add you as soon as possible.

  15. I agree that women should have rights, but sometimes they just don't deserve to receive the same amount of money as men in some jobs.

    Just like women should get more money than men for certain jobs.

  16. Harwood Butcher: So youre saying because you haven't seen proof, that women do get paid the same? I've got news for you mate, women do not get paid the same as men. I would know because I have a job. And my mother has a job.

    Wow, you and your mom have a job...that's crazy...What's your point. There's no proof there that you get paid less and just because I said there's no proof that women do get paid less doesn't mean I assume they get the same amount...How about...I don't assume who gets paid more or if it's equal.

    And what you said about hitting men/women, how women want to be treated special, that's bullshit. I want to be treated the same as men. No more, no less. It's because of the "men are superior" attitude that has caused hitting a woman to be punished more than hitting a man. Also because the majority of the time, men hit women more, and the majority of the time, men are stronger.

    Bold: OH, ok, so we'd be getting sued because of our attitudes over our actions. Gotcha.

    Im not saying women are better and men are worse, infact people who know me in real life know i prefer guys, but because of the history between men/women sexual relations and the treatment towards women throughout history, these laws are harder on men. Bottom line, don't hit anyone and it shouldn't be such a problem for you.

    Yeah, but if a women starts beating the crap out of a guy and he doesn't do shit because he knows that if he lays a hand on her that he'd go to prison, nothing would happen to the women. If he decided to push her away, he'd get sued for all of his shit and be sent to prison. He could have two black eyes and internal bleeding from the "fight" where as the women would be totally fine and he'd be the one getting screwed.

  17. Has anyone even mentioned that many states in the US have girls from elementary school to high school having less standards to fulfill in physical education than boys?

    Who gives a shit about physical education.

    By the way...if you paid attention in "physical education", you'd know that it's physically harder for women to gain muscle than it is for men.

  18. Bit off topic but still on GTA, there seems to have been a leak of a port of GTA Vice City for the Nintendo DS



    Well by looking at the link to the picture, it seems like you uploaded that picture yourself, which you probably made in paint or Photoshop.

    If this is the case...why try to spread rumors? It's pointless and retarded.

  19. Me and my friends have been skateboarding a lot lately. Today we skateboarded from 2:30-8:00. It's so much fun just riding around with friends and find good areas to try random things or find hills to luge down. I got some more videos from today that I might upload soon.

  20. Yeah, they have the right to loose their lives for a stupid reason now! :P

    I gotta say though, women may have less rights in some ways.. But if you hit a guy you'll get in less trouble then if you hit a girl. Also, women have less to pay for insurance and lot's of stuff like that. Another thing, if a women claims rape, she is more likely to be believed then if a man did :P Even though they still are too soft on rapists :thumbsdown:

    Guess what ^^^ - Golf stands for Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. :D

    Bold: Yeah, to me that doesn't make any sense at all. They want to be treated equally when it comes to work, but when it comes to things like that they want to be treated special. It's bullshit.

    People may say women are treated equally, ie: there's no segregation like there used to be for blacks etc but women are still not treated equally. We get paid less than men for starters. Don't forget how women are treated in many muslim cultures and in alot of african tribes, women come second, their "bits" are mutilated and women have to put up with their husbands having many partners. In some cultures women are stoned to death for trying to leave abusive husbands etc. So no sorry, anyone saying women are treated equal are wrong, maybe in western civilisation men and women have rights, but we have to consider the rest of the world.

    People in this topic have been saying women get paid less for the same jobs, but I've never even seen proof of this.

  21. Well women have come a long way. They're in the military now and there are a lot of instances where the women go to work to make the money and the guys stay home to watch the kids and do house work. Things have definitely changed.

    To be honest, we can’t predict how society is going to change as time progresses. Predictions are rarely correct and the ones that end up being correct are usually ones that had a 50-50 chance of being correct.

  22. Ah, well that sucks. Know when it'll be fully healed?

    Today at work I had to deal with the pain because I had to do stock and shit, but it sort of helped my wrist by the end of my shift. It's still sore and hurts a little when I move it to the right and back, but over all it's healing up pretty fast. I'm expecting it fully healed before next weekend.

    It wasn't a bad sprain. It wasn't as bad as the first time I sprained my wrist while skateboarding.

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