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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Camcorder. And yes, I know: put a mk1 or mk2 on one of Sony's VX series and you've got one of the nicest setups out there.

    So far, I'm thinking of getting either a Canon XH-A1, Canon GL-2, VX-1000, VX-2100, GS-320, or a GS-500. I still haven't looked around much. As far as fisheye's go, I'm really liking the Century Optics mk's and baby death fisheyes. Barely have looked up much on fisheyes yet though.

    Well you just have to ask yourself one thing...will you ever want to use night vision? If so then your only option is Sony. That sort of narrows down your search.

  2. Finally have commited to saving up for a cam. setup. Got about $100 saved so far. Not much, but alright for only a week of saving up.

    Did you say you were looking for just a camera or are you gonna get a camcorder?

    If you're gonna get a camcorder, you should get a Sony. They're kick ass.

  3. People need to stop caring so much. So what if there is a video with a few stupid people? If it was another country you'd probably be laughing. It doesn't really matter what country it is. Just funny to find that some people think France is in Australia or don't know where the Berlin Wall is xD

    Bold: When did I say I didn't laugh?

    EDIT: I even posted "lol" in my first post in the topic.

  4. My friends and I might be having a contest to see who could drink the highest percent of their own body weight of any liquid of our choosing before any of us have to take a piss or just unable to go any further.

    SO, this is where you guys come in. I'm looking to find the heaviest drinkable liquid so that I don't have to drink as much, volume wise.

    I think my bladder will be able to hold more weight over holding a high volume of liquid.

    If anyone knows, please let me know.

    I'm not willing to drink large amounts of mercury. I know that you could drink it every once in a while without anything happening, but I don't want to take the risk with something on a large scale like this.

  5. No.

    Short, sweet and absolutely right.

    The US's economy can't possibly crash...at least not as easily as it did back in 1929.

    In 1933 an act was passed that would protect individuals from losing large sums of the money that they have in the bank. This act is the FDIC.

    The main reason or the only reason the great depression happened was because the Stock market crashed and banks went under.

    Now that the government steps in when banks go under, we don't have to worry nearly as much about anything like that from happening again.

    Don't get worried!

  6. You're very close to being humiliated in one of my stories Deji ;)

    Ok, at least I'd laugh... Why you mad at me? I said americans were NOT stupid... Get mad at the video and stop tryna blame me...

    Bold: Well if you put that as the title and then post a video that basically claims that Americans are stupid...then that sort of shows that you were being sarcastic about Americans not being stupid. So the way you set up your topic is a little misleading.

    Also in another version of that, They spell New Zealand (In the subtitles) as New Zeland!

    So yeah, Who ever edited that video isnt the brightest tool in the shed either.

    Bold: :lolbounce:

  7. I think I took this exact one before. I saved the link and I took a print screen of it and it's on my computer at home.

    I think I got 150 right on the nose.

    I don't think this IQ test is too accurate.

  8. Depends. I think Kruger if u go by story. Or Mac if u kill ammu nation guy

    What is the first thing Diaz says to Cortez?

    Wasn't he talking about how there are untrustworthy people around or something along the lines of that?

    I don't know the story word for word.

    EDIT: I just searched the cut scene on Youtube and if you want the VERY first thing that he says, then it was about how good Cortez's parties were. I was assuming you meant the over all conversation. My answer stands.

    Who is mainly responsible for the death of Vic Vance?

  9. What does GCSE stand for? I'm assuming it has something to do with England.

    General Certificate of Secondary Education

    I never heard of that before. It seems like it would be everywhere. Is it just in England?

  10. Why do you want a hard drive so badly? You know you can just hook a cable up to the computer from a normal camcorder with a tape right?

    Did you not read where I said I'll be fine with an SD card???

    I'd actually prefer an SD card because of all the money I spent on one.

  11. Night recording technology

    Lets you capture digital photos and video in low-light situations.


    That's not night vision. That's for recording in areas with low lighting, not complete darkness.

    I need night vision so I could record things in complete darkness. I'm not getting extremely technical, but I hope you know what I mean.

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