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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I remember when Avatar: The Last Airbender first started airing on Nickeloden. I miss watching it. I think I'm going to buy all the dvd's.

    Won't be the same as watching it on tv though.

    I liked Rocket Power. That show was kick ass.

    Funny that you mention Rocket Power. It was on Nick two days ago. I was SO fucking happy.

    Pretty much tomorrow when I get home from school I'm going to write down a bunch of TV shows I liked, and I'm going to set a goal to obtain all of the episodes from that show. So far I already know I need Avatar, Invader Zim, Rugrats((old and new)), Ren and Stimpy, Angry Beaver, CatDog. I know there's a bunch more.

    Aww man, I used to love the Rugrats. Let's just say they use to call me the "Original Rugrats Master". :P

    What about Legends of the Hidden Temple? That was another bad ass show.

  2. Right now I'm watching an episode of Mythbusters, which deals with the possibilities of anti-gravity.

    To be vague, their definition of "anti-gravity" is canceling the effects of gravity. Pretty simple.

    This caused me to start thinking about how that would even be possible, so I started thinking about the basics. "What causes gravity?” That would be mass and density. So basically, in order to escape the attraction between both gravitational pulls, I thought that you'd have to either cancel the mass and or density of either of the objects, preferably the object needing the use of anti-gravity.

    Out of mass and density, it seems more likely that mass would be the easiest thing to attempt to cancel, with my way of thinking. But how would you cancel mass? It's a hard question to answer, but my thought is antimatter.

    Antimatter, in my opinion, is a lot more complicated than anti-gravity. We at least know what anti-gravity is and what it could do for us and so on and so forth. Antimatter, on the other hand, is somewhat an unknown. Not much is known about it and we haven't been able to really study it because we don't have any to work with, from my understanding.

    If we were able to some how turn the matter we're trying to give anti-gravity into antimatter, then I think it would automatically be immune to gravity.

    I haven't thought this out fully yet, but if you have any constructive ideas about this, please post here.

    EXTRA THOUGHTS: Without mass or density, I don't think there can be matter, which is what lead me to the idea of changing matter into antimatter.

  3. I was only talking about our inevitable doom in terms of it coming from our technology advancing too fast.

    And yeah, shit's badass up until the point when it turns on us. Then..... Oh damn.....

    Anyone see that robot that could interact and respond to humans? It had Einstein's head on it. Japanese invention, I think. I'll look it up later.

    We could just make certain things difficult for robots to do...like kill people.

  4. Well I want atleast a vx-1000, and I want a decent fisheye. My dream is to have a Canon XH-A1 with a Century Optics MKII .3x Fisheye. Basically, I'm gonnah start taking summer/part time jobs/selling drugs/doing chores for allowance ect. Basically whatever it takes to get htat camera. :mellow:

    So I guess I won't be seeing any skating videos of you in a while.

    Are you able to do a finger flip?

    EDIT: Holy shit, I'm so pumped right now. I just landed a finger flip to railstand combo. I've been wanting to land one and I did it when I wasn't even really trying to.

  5. That's what I actually wrote, how you can't be sponsored by more than one company for boards, shoes, trucks and wheels. I can imagine why you would get mixed up though, I typed that horribly :P

    @Tilly: Yeah, I own a pair of Adio. They just seemed extremely weak and were pretty uncomfortable, I HAD to get a new pair of shoes about 2 months later because they were falling apart.

    I also dislike Vans, they just seem uncomfortable to me and I guess my feet don't like them! Strange because everybody else seems to love them.

    Haha no worries, I'm pretty horrible when it comes to CORRECTLY reading things. :P

    @HB: Yeah no doubt(:

    Tbh honest though, the complete camera setup that I've been fapping to lately is around $6,000. I'm trying to perswade myself that I don't need that nice a setup as my first camera.

    Yeah, just get a $100-$200 one. That's all you need unless you want to make movies...lol

    I've been thinking of getting a new one...not sure though. I'm also trying to save up for a vehicle.

    Anyways, I'm able to do railstands a little better now and I could do a more professional finger flip.

  6. Or how about we just don't invent creations that kill us? I mean.... I like the idea of living, myself.

    There's an idea.

    Ummmm..... "we could discuss the pros and cons of all of this new technology and see what the future has in store for us."......

    I'm all for talking about the pros and cons about future technology, as you pointed out from a quote of mine, but it seemed like we were starting to steer away from discussing technology. That just might be me though.

    But.... These evil people could not only have evil robots, but nukes and weapons, also. It would be like the Nazi Regime..... Only..... Without any real significant loss of people for them, as all the brute-force soldiers will be robotic and replaceable. It's easier to program a fresh mind than to convert an old one.

    All I'm saying is, that we are relying way too much on technology.

    Yeah, I'd have to agree with you there, but it's still pretty cool what we've been able to create.

  7. In this topic you could post links to your profiles from community sites such as Myspace and Facebook. Feel free to discuss about anything you find on member's community site profiles.

    Here are the community sites I'm on.



    I wasn't sure if there was a topic like this, so sorry if there is. I tried a search.

  8. Actually for about the longest time, no. I don't skate with anyone. My friends quit skating. Though recently a guy I knew long ago goes to highschool with me and we plan on skating together. So, I figure I'll skate with him when I can.

    But yeah, for the most part it's just my iPod and me. Hopefully a nice camera setup too sometime soon.....

    Yeah, you have to get a camera so I could see what you could do.

  9. If I'm understanding this right, they want to limit where we could go to on the internet...I don't really get how they could do that...People could already get free internet...so if they can't stop people from getting free access to the internet...how would they stop those same people from getting around this? I think this will just cause a rise in "theft".

  10. Puked while skating today trying to 50-50 this rail. Basically you start on this ledge and ollie to this rail...

    I was landing a few b/s boardslides and was feeling pretty good so I tried to 50-50 it. The first time I pussied out and just bailed and the second time I stopped before I got up too it. This time I was coming up to it and commited, and when my board hit the rail basically the only thing that was on it was my wheels on the left side and my board ended up sliding out of my feet and my stomach just took in the rail when I fell. Like I said, I puked. Weak stomach? Idk, but it hurt a lot.

    Wow, that must have sucked. Do you skateboard with anyone?

    I was trying to make up some new variations to the tricks that I know how to do and was able to land a caveman to railstand and a double board flip caveman. I've been trying to do 360 shuv-its and finger flip to casper, but I have had no luck landing them.

  11. Well not really if you believe that man's tech level keeps rising and falling. We get real super smart and have a war almost killing the planet then we pull back up to the same level of tech as before. There was a show on the Discovery Channel asking if the Egyptians had electric lights? They showed where they discovered ancient batteries made with clay jars. Then a wall carving of a man holding a staff with a light bulb on the end. The metal filament was a snake and the snake means power.

    I have a book here at the house with a model plane found in Egypt and we must remember that the technology was lost on how the pyramids were built. It is there to discover again. I know there are many hair-brained theories on how they got built and who built them all I am saying is if it could be done today then do it. We don't even have a crane big enough to lift those bricks!

    Back to my coding...

    They got it built with loads of different kinds of pulleys and ramps, very elaborate ones. The Egyptians were very intelligent, but most of their inventions required a lot of manpower.

    It would take a lot for our current society to lose our technological advances. I personally don't think it's gonna happen...at least not for a good while. Unless all that stuff about 2012 comes true, but all of the millennium ones didn't, so the odds are pretty low.

    As for current technology, or near future technology, some people are working on a lot of things dealing with our brains. Things from virtual reality, controlling computers with just our minds and actually downloading our memory onto a computer along with the ability to download new information into our heads. A lot of those things, I feel, will have a lot of flaws, but it’s interesting to think about all the possibilities there are with ourselves.

  12. Well could we try to discuss a little more about the technology it self instead of the fate of our society?

    There was a special on the Discovery channel the other day about future technology and it discussed this new vehicle that could actually form into different styles, which looked so kick ass when it was forming from one style to the other. Not only that, they're actually working on objects that could literally form it's particles into something else.

    There are just so many new things out there that sound so crazy that it's some times hard to believe.

    There was actually someone back in the 60s, I think, that said, "Everything that will ever be invented, has been invented." which is a crazy assumption.

  13. But if robots do gain self-awareness and the ability to learn, there's a chance of them seeing humans as useless organisms destined to do nothing but destroy themselves and the world around us.

    If we're useless, then why don't we just kill ourselves?

  14. In terms of pros/cons of technology.... Our own advances that help humanity can and probably will destroy humanity in the end. Regardless of what you do or what anyone does, SOMEONE WILL create self-thinking robotics.... And that IS the downfall. We've seen enough movies about that shit.

    A lot of people bring up the self-thinking robots and the people designing such things right now say that they would learn from each other just like humans do. I'm assuming that these robots would have access to internet where they could learn pretty much everything. If we could make self-thinking robots, we could definitely give them emotions, common sense and human understanding. If the people creating these robots use something like the flawed 5 laws, similar to the ones in the movie iRobot, then they’re fucking idiots. With so much going on about robots taking over in the future, you’d think that the people designing these robots would think all of it through.

    As for “evil” people making evil robots, that’s obviously gonna happen. I find that a lot less scary than them having nukes.

    But hey, that's your opinion, this is mine.

  15. What technology? What if we run out of petrol? Back to Middle Age, we're not prepared for alternate fuels.

    no petrol, no vehicles, no vehicles = no transportation = stagnation = no technology

    Well first off, we have plenty of other means of transportation that don't need the fuel we're currently using.

    Second, we could still continue to create new technology without transportation.

    There are such things as electrical vehicles now. It doesn't take much anymore to produce electricity...I mean, we have flashlights that don't even require batteries, just a shake or two and it works. We could definitely use that idea for other things.

    Besides that, you do realize we still have Alaska. We either barely drilled there or never have and I bet that there would be enough there to last us until new technology comes out that will make the old way obsolete.

  16. As time goes on our technology grows rapidly and new ideas are thought up and new products are invented to better our society. At times these ideas and inventions cause chaos and problems for our society, which causes new ideas and inventions to be thought up and created to correct those problems. This so far endless cycle has presented so many different ideas and inventions; it's a little hard to keep track of it all. So I decided to make this topic where we could all discuss new technology that we've heard of before and feel like sharing and talking about with the members of this forum. As a group, we could discuss the pros and cons of all of this new technology and see what the future has in store for us.

    To prevent discouragement, I’ll leave some ideas that I’ve heard of out of the topic until the topic begins to get some post.


    Organs: Copy, print, as good as new.

    According to futurist, by 2057, our failing organs could be replaced with exact copies of the organ using our own cells. Doctors will literally copy and print our organs to transplant our old failing ones with brand new ones hot off the press, literally.


    Please comment and discuss new technology that you've heard of.

    2057: "The Body" Part 2(Start video at 8:25)

    Part 1

    Part 3

    Part 4

  17. Well after seeing your gallery, I wanted to see what kind of signature you could make for me.

    I'm not really looking for a new signature to use right now, cause my current one is pretty new.

    If you want to make me one, just get creative. Put "The Harwood Butcher" on the sig in any font, style, color, whatever.

    Try to base the theme off of the name "Harwood Butcher". Add any kind of image/background/filter to the signature that you think fits with the name "Harwood Butcher".

    Just let me know what the cost is.

    I like your various styles and just want to see what you could make with the theme. Maybe make one based off of the GTA series or off of something totally different, something that you think would fit with the name if you never knew it dealt with GTA.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you could come up with.

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