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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. It's begun! The big season for the PS3 has arrived and I can't keep track of it all. There's far too many games coming out and I can't decide which one to get. I think I'll first of all buy Fallout 3 and then after that? Who knows?

    What games are you guys planning on buying or have already bought recently?

    I'm planning on getting Little Big Planet, Midnight Club: LA, Shaun White Snowboarding, Resistance 2 and possibly some others...I can't think of any other games right now though.

  2. I still say NO, Cannabis should not be legalized.

    It is bad for the health no matter what you think it is.

    There are legitimate medical benefits. My grandmother fought MS for 20 years & sometimes the only way she got through

    it was from the relief from a joint.

    No, legalize it & subject it to regulation & taxes. Make money off it instead of wasting money fighting it & making criminals

    rich in the process. The only difference between weed & alcohol is alcohol tends to make people get a little violent & it's


    Uhh...the government is actually making loads of money off of it. That's why they won't legalize anything.

  3. Come on Spaz, don’t throw your seniority around. No one likes that. :P

    If someone really wanted to…they could just look through old topics. So “nubz” could agree with you whether you like it or not. But really, who would want to agree with you.

    Here, [sarcasm][/sarcasm], throw some sarcasm tags around if you'd like.

  4. ...Wait...wasn't this released??? I've known about it for a long ass time now and figured it would have already been released.

    Is it still only for the 360?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just watched the first part of the trailer and saw "Microsoft Game Studios". :lolbounce:

  5. When they make GTA V then, why dont thwy make it so at the start you are in a police convoy, and are attacked by aliens - No-One would expact that would they...lol :tongue:

    Way to go, now they won't do that either since you mentioned it. FUCK

  6. Aren't we going to fell stupid when we waste our entire life trying to figure out what the meaning of life is, just to end up finding out that the meaning of life..... Is to live?

    :o Where did you find that answer?!?!?! GOOGLE DIDN'T TELL ME THAT!!! IT TOLD ME "M(L)=42" !!1!1111!!!!!

  7. Well I saw it the other night and I thought it was pretty decent. I would have finished the first game and at least started the second game before I saw the movie, but my PS3 was messed up.

    Anyways, I was far enough in the first one to understand the storyline and everything and was able to compare quite a bit. There were a lot of similarities between the movie and the game, including some effects, which were pretty cool.

    I'd give the movie a rating of 8.5/10.

  8. I don't see why you'd play the game and search for this. Just get the PC version and search the game files. That's what people did with San Andreas and found no aliens, alien space crafts, big foot, leather face or any of those stupid ass myths. It's a waste of time.

  9. I think I got into Call of Duty long after the 2nd one was released...and I never owned one until the forth one came out. I always played the 2nd one on my friend's 360 and played a little of the 3rd, but like everyone has been saying...it sucked ass.

    I mainly got the forth one because of it's large step forward and I wasn't really planning on getting World at War because of it's step back...and now I'm definitely not getting it from what I've been reading in this topic.

  10. It is known that Churches were just made originally to get money in exchange for not going to hell. Wow, ppl were suckers then :P And people are sucker now! They are still putting money into the collection box... Wouldn't it be sinful to use Religion for financial gain?

    But really... Who cares about why we are here, or where we came from? We're here and goddam it, we should have fun!! Not spend

    a whole lifetime wondering why we're here...

    Well I think they collect money today...because the church needs money to run. There is no other way they could get money unless they all have their own jobs aside from what they do at the church. Today they ask for donation, they don't tell us that we'll go to hell if we don't contribute.

    I think people just want to know our origins, but I don't think it should potentially cause the end of everything...it's not worth it.

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