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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Awesome! Thanks for the avatar, it kicks ass.
  2. Hey TOXIC, would you be able to make me a matching avatar as well? By the way, your inbox is full.
  3. I'd probably want to meet everyone I've ever gotten into a conversation with on here. Even those I've "fought" with, because forum arguments are never settled and I think we'd be able to settle some things fist face to face. A lot of people on here take things that I say the wrong way because they don't know my personality. If you got to know me, you'd understand why I say certain things and find out that I don't like confrontations and try to make the best of things. We definitely need to set up a TGTAP gathering some time.
  4. You don't need nearly as many people to operate a plane as you would a space shuttle. It's at least possible to operate a plane by yourself. To me though...that's besides the point. The main reason I don't think it'll be in GTA is because it wouldn't fit.
  5. It doesn't really bother me if an older person looks down on me...because they're old...I'll most likely live longer than them and if they really piss me off...I'll piss on their grave. Simple as that. How does that old saying go...oh yeah..."Pay back's a bitch!" Older people have to realize, the younger generations are the ones that will be taking care of them when they're too old to take care of themselves.
  6. Hmmm, sounds like a cool new flatland trick. Right now it's not that great, but I'm gonna try to "spice it up a bit". Maybe include some railstands.
  7. LOL, that's awesome. I wasn't expecting anything like that. Your creativity and style is amazing. Keep up the great work.
  8. Bold: lol, you're still young silly. I used to love playing Duke Nukem. My dad downloaded all of them off of this one site like 8 years ago and I think I beat every single one. I've been trying to get him to find them so I could play them again.
  9. I like the second. So when are you gonna make the avatar?
  10. There's no ollie in the trick. All I do is push down the middle of the board to flip it as I jump in the air and then kick it back before it spins all the way.
  11. We're not bashing him, we're being realistic. I thought Rockstar Games went a little far with the San Andreas storyline and going into space would be absolutely crazy. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. ...Now if they have a GTA far in the future...then it might make a little sense.
  12. This would work better in other games such as Duke Nukem...but not GTA. GTA is mainly about organized crime. So going into outer space would not only be unrealistic, but pointless as well. It takes loads of highly trained and highly intelligent people to operate a space shuttle...so high jacking one is next to impossible. I think people are looking to Rockstar to add everything into one game and not just any game…Grand Theft Auto. Yes, Rockstar has shown that they could add a shit load of features into their games, but there comes a point where one particular game can’t go much further except for new characters, locations, stories and scenarios.
  13. Wow, landing a casper must have been tough to do at first. I figured out how to do this one trick...not sure what it's called, but I have my front foot in the middle of the board hanging off half way and my back foot over the back wheels. Then I jump up with my back foot kicking the board down with my front foot and kicking it back up before I come back down to land on it. I'm not sure of it's actual name, but I'm gonna call it a flip kick.
  14. Then why would you post a topic about a signature that you half assed? I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just curious. I don't post a topic about my signatures and what not unless I put a lot of effort into it and find it to be good myself.
  15. I like the background picture you have. The only thing is that the fade ins are slow and jumpy.
  16. How do you know they are metaphors? Were YOU there when the Bible was written? How do you know they were intended to be metaphors or the literal word of God? And as I said, if people aren't mature enough to deal with the situation, who cares if they die? They had it coming anyway. To you the bible is wrong...so why would you care if it was to be looked at literally or metaphorically? That's NOT what I asked you and it's irrelevant; if you can't answer the question then don't, but don't change the subject randomly. Woo, calm down. If you couldn't tell...what I said isn't really an answer to your question. Besides that...how could you ask me what YOU think about the bible???...doesn't make any sense. There are a lot of Christians that believe that a majority of the stories in the bible are metaphors and others are literal. I find the one you posted to be semi metaphoric and literal.
  17. It's gonna be even harder to get it to work with hackers constantly trying to stop them.
  18. How do you know they are metaphors? Were YOU there when the Bible was written? How do you know they were intended to be metaphors or the literal word of God? And as I said, if people aren't mature enough to deal with the situation, who cares if they die? They had it coming anyway. To you the bible is wrong...so why would you care if it was to be looked at literally or metaphorically? Well I'm tired of going off topic so PM me if you want....unless you want the topic to continue to go off topic then please continue to talk about this.
  19. Evolution says humans (even organisms) didn't come along until much longer after the Earth was formed. And even then humans didn't come until millions of years later after other animals. Well there are loads of things in the bible that are metaphors. Who said that these 7 days were Earth days? We could have been organisms when God created us and then we could have evolved. Then if you noticed, pretty much everything that was mentioned in what you posted was all basically in the correct order. So far this thing caused 1,000 people or so to commit suicide and also caused a group to act against them in a severe way...I'm not seeing an upside to this whole thing yet.
  20. ...What part is disproven by evolution? What's wrong about the bible? I can't answer that unless you tell me which part of evolution you think disproves religion, christianity in particular. There are many different things that people have said and there are many different answers. So I can't base my response just off of the fact you feel that evolution disproves religion.
  21. It looks pretty good. Are you planning on making a matching avatar? As an idea, try rounding off the edges of the sig. It might fit with the swirl affect. You're doing a good job with your graphics. Keep up with the new styles.
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