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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. What?! Hawaii?! Have you ever even played it? It's based on Miami in the 80's. Everyone knows that. Jeez, take it easy. It's not that big of a deal. If they recreate Vice City I just hope they have another place like Starfish Island. If they do have another island like it then it'll probably be at least half the size of the East side of the original GTAVC map.
  2. Vice City is based on Miami, Florida.
  3. Honestly...is there anyone else on here that likes this? Just curious. I guess that could be considered copyright...but those are styles...I don't think anyone got a copyright on a style.
  4. But San Andreas wasn't just based off of Los Angeles.
  5. I'm member number 11093...I wanted to be first... They have fucking artwork for Tommy Vercetti now!!! It's gonna be my new avatar.
  6. Actually, they never usually update the actual page itself, see the past ones: http://www.rockstargames.com/grandtheftauto3/contest/ - this was the only one they actually announced winners on the page http://www.rockstargames.com/vicecity/contest/ http://www.rockstargames.com/sanandreas/contest/ http://www.rockstargames.com/libertycitystories/contest/ And there was no contest for VCS. But yeah, can't remember how long it is before they announce winners, but I'd say at least a few weeks. I thought there was a contest for the Vice City Stories beach chair...
  7. lol, yeah it's in the original wrapping. I'm probably going to eventually play it...maybe this Halloween.
  8. Well I havne't played the PS2 version yet, which I own, but I have played the PSP version and I think it's an amazing game. Now it's not GTA amazing, but I still think it's really good. I like that the storyline is completely different from the first one. Anyways, what's up with these contest???
  9. The other day I purchased Manhunt 2 for the PSP and I got it in the mail today. All I could say is "AMAZING" ...I still haven't opened the PS2 version...
  10. I'm trying to download it now. Thanks for the heads up. EDIT: 9 minutes and only 2%.
  11. I reserved GTAIV over a year ago (04/10/07). Then when the Special Edition was announced I went and changed my regular pre-order to the Special Edtion (06/05/07). I payed the whole thing off 2 months before the release date(02/29/08). EDIT: I'm gonna get the strategy guide on release day as well, I'm getting a discount for pre-ording GTAIV.
  12. I'm pretty sure that the picture TM posted is from a magazine...look at the little text box by the HUD. Notice the oddly colored characters.
  13. Already made a topic like this. CLICKY
  14. I've been waiting to find out who won the Liberty City Swinger's T-Shirt and it's been about two weeks since the contest has ended and no E-mail yet. I assume that this takes a while some times, but then I checked to see who won the Manhunt 2 skinned Wii, but on the site it still says "This contest is now closed. Winners will be announced to the Rockstar Games email list soon." ...Did they forget to edit that or haven't they picked a winner?
  15. I actually think there are cures for every illness. Every piece of matter has a corresponding piece of antimatter. I think that's the easiest way to explain it, although not necessarily the correct way. Hopefully you understand what I mean by that. I’m not an expert on illnesses, so don’t quote me.
  16. My beliefs lie between Christianity and what Chris82 said, but more leaning towards Christianity, since that's how I was raised. Saying God doesn't exist is sort of like someone all of the sudden trying to tell you that 2+2= purple...it's sort of hard to take...although...it's more complicated then that. For me, facts could be more easily changed than beliefs. For example, Pluto used to be a planet. Once a fact, now it isn't. Honestly, it's hard to believe anything these days.
  17. The hell? Stop spreading misinformation please, there are very few differences between the versions. The only MAJOR difference in the core game is the absence of achievements on the PS3 version. The achievements are going to be through PlayStation Home.
  18. I'm pretty sure the Social Club is going to also include a forum...which I'll probably get banned from.
  19. Does anyone know what time exactly on the 15th it'll be launched? By the way, how many of you think I'll get banned and how fast?
  20. Yes it can. But only the 60 and 80 GB PS3's have backwards compatiblity. I'm not too sure on this, but didn't Sony add a faster loading time capability in a recent update? Manhunt seems to be loading a lot faster than it usually did.
  21. "I'd Do Anything" ~ Simple Plan Buzz Cuts...awesome collection, brings back memories.
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