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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. *shits a brick* I have to hurry up and beat the first one.
  2. I think he wanted each individual to answer for themselves...not to explain who believes in god.
  3. ...I wonder if you could steal the saxaphone...!!! "Grand Theft Saxaphone"
  4. Well if I miss one more day of school without a doctor's excuse then I can't graduate...So it's either GTAIV or graduation...tough decision...
  5. This is what the PlayStation 3 topic is for... ~OGTAM~
  6. Apparently a day in GTAIV will take 48 minutes, unlike previous games, which only took 24 minutes. I personally find this odd...from my understanding we're able to still see what time it is in game...So if GTAIV will show the clock like previous games have, then noon will be 24:00. I'm assuming that they'll only have actual clocks in game that you could look at such as your phone. That being said they'll probably have the clocks run slower than they usually do in game. Your thoughts? SOURCE
  7. Uhhh...New York is on the East Coast and Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas are on the West.
  8. I don't think that they'll have a plain "Special Edition" text box on the box art...but then again...you never know.
  9. So you think IV will only consist of one game...assuming that VC and SA will return? I honestly don't think it'll be that bad if they re-create Vice City and San Andrease like they did with Liberty. Imagine if they make San Andreas larger...
  10. Well...all I could say...is...you should have gotten a PlayStation 3. Hope you get to play GTAIV on release day. I would probably kill myself if I couldn't...no joke...
  11. Are you disappointed about GTAIV being in Liberty City?...Why/why not?
  12. I'm not saying that there won't be a new city, but everyone said that they wouldn't return to Vice City in the second PSP title or that they would return to Liberty City in GTAIV, but they did. I'm not guessing on anything right now, but so far there are some things pointing to Vice City. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  13. Harwood Butcher


    I was curious what everyone thinks Rockstar will call the next Grand Theft Auto games if Vice City and San Andreas make a return in the IV set of the series. They obviously can't call them "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" or "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"...or can they???...probably not. Maybe they could call it "Grand Theft Auto: City of Vice"...or something simple like that.
  14. I like the info, but I don't like seeing that they're saying Rockstar is copying other games. They're simply making what they already had before, better.
  15. ...uhhh...wtf. I thought Mozilla and Firefox were the same thing, "Mozilla Firefox"... I use MSN.
  16. I think Niko sounded more like Tommy in the third trailer more than this guy. He says "Don't be ridiculous, you're being paranoid." at 52 seconds into the trailer.
  17. We didn't delete anything. We moved the the topic from the announcement area as the topic isn't needed anymore. http://www.rockstarboard.com/board?showtop...view=getnewpost Yeah...because you guys realized how retarded the joke actually was. Because GTAForums' version of it was so freakin' funny, right? If your going to call something retarded, back it up with why you think it is. Then maybe something constructive can come out of it. I really don't see why a simple little April fools joke is getting so much attention from you. Is it really that big of a deal? Well I found it really annoying so I told you what I thought of it. Why would I have to back up my opinion???
  18. We didn't delete anything. We moved the the topic from the announcement area as the topic isn't needed anymore. http://www.rockstarboard.com/board?showtop...view=getnewpost Yeah...because you guys realized how retarded the joke actually was.
  19. LOL, if you want it then I'll slap your name on it...when I get back from DC.
  20. Vice City beats the shit out of San Andreas. Vice City had a better main character Vice City had a better storyline Vice City had a better soundtrack and most of all VICE CITY JUST KICKED ASS!!! It's my opinion against yours, it's just that my opinion matters. (jokes)
  21. That's exactly why you need to give more detail on what you want.
  22. LOL, they totally deleted everything regarding "EA Watch". I guess my comment in the one topic drove them to get rid of everything. *pats self on the back*
  23. If EA actually took over Rockstar Watch then it wouldn't say "EA Watch". It would probably say "Rockstar Watch, hosted by EA" or something like that. "EA Watch" makes it seem like the site is covering EA games...not Rockstar Games. That's just a stupid joke that isn't funny at all. It's actually sort of childish since GTA Forums did the same joke.
  24. Sorry for the double post and huge bump, but today I printed out the four official WANTED posters for my trip to Washington D.C. I'll try to find the perfect places to place them and take pictures of each location to post on here. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll be back next Sunday or Monday to post the pictures. If any of you from D.C. find these, you'll see "Posted by Original GTA Master" on the back of them.
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