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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. As for the people, well for a start they could make simulations like this (which is slightly impressive), although theyre still slightly cruel because they let all this suffering and death go on. If this is true (not saying it is), I hope they programmed an afterlife.

    Then maybe you should think twice about what you have video game characters do...

  2. If you ridicule me for my beliefs then you're just a fucking jackass and need to let people believe what they want to believe.

    Believe what you will but explain this.

    Don't you pay attention to anything I say???

    I told you that I don't go by everything the bible says. I go by the Old Testament more than anything.

    EDIT: Why do you want me to keep trying to explain things to you? Do you want to try and change my mind or do you want to have faith??? It's one of the two.

    EDIT EDIT:...or you're just being a jackass...

    Pretty sure that page I linked includes the old testament but then again I'm not sure how you can exactly call yourself a Christian (and listen to the Vatican over a part of the Bible).

    What I'm asking is how can you believe in Christianity after seeing that page?

    Yes a jackass, keep calling people that, it's a very original insult and gets you very far, especially when you say it to multiple staff members.

    When did I directly call you a jackass? I said that you were either trying to change my opinion, trying to gain some faith in God or you're just trying to be a jackass...I gave you the option. You just pin point every bad thing I say and turn it into a bitch fest.

    I'm not gonna post in here anymore, you guys are pissing me off. So if you have anything to say then just PM me or be a douche by continuing to post shit about me in here.

  3. If you ridicule me for my beliefs then you're just a fucking jackass and need to let people believe what they want to believe.

    Believe what you will but explain this.

    Don't you pay attention to anything I say???

    I told you that I don't go by everything the bible says. I go by the Old Testament more than anything.

    EDIT: Why do you want me to keep trying to explain things to you? Do you want to try and change my mind or do you want to have faith??? It's one of the two.

    EDIT EDIT:...or you're just being a jackass...

  4. "Hit the nail on the head" my ass. I never said anything about proving God right or wrong. I'm talking about having faith in God. There's a slight difference.

    You're saying that there isn't any evidence about there being a God, but your on here saying that we're in a simulation...

    Yeah, science could prove things to an extent, but if we're having trouble explaining gravity then how are we supposed to explain the existence of God, which at this point we could only have faith in and believe that there is a God.

    How is God or Jesus a metaphor? Jesus was an actual person and there are even decedents of Jesus. Do you find it a coincidence that there was some sort of disturbance (Earthquake) when Jesus died?

    If you ridicule me for my beliefs then you're just a fucking jackass and need to let people believe what they want to believe.

  5. I explained both. Not just the mechanics but also why. If you'd like to understand friction a bit more, try running into a brick wall. You'll find that you slow down somewhat. Or sandpaper your face or something and feel the delightful heating effect :P

    I know how friction works smart ass(jokes), I'm in a physics class now.

    And what has dark matter got to do with universe simulations, gravity or clutches? If you're testing my knowledge of astrophysics, you're way below the mark.

    Dark matter could be used as a better example than gravity. At least with gravity you could partly explain it, but the theory of dark matter is absolutely crazy. They got the idea because they found an error in duplicating the universe in a computer program. They found that everything fell apart within a few moments and was in no way the way our universe is. As you mentioned your great knowledge of astrophysics, you should know that a huge chunk of our universe is "missing", which is actually, supposedly, dark matter. I for one find the whole idea bull shit.

    As for simulations, I'm not sure if we could ever figure out that we were in a simulation without direct interaction from the 'creators'. I'm not religious enough to believe such a thing, but it does fall in line with my other theories and beliefs such as no free will, (just conscious decisions, almost like programmed events); no old-man-in-the-sky or heaven and earth; some weird stuff that science can't (yet) explain; full acceptance of current scientific fact (basically how our physics engine works) rather than religions way of dismissing it all as lies in favour of colourful moral stories.

    So you would rather believe in something that you don't fully understand than having faith in God...

  6. At least try and include something relevant to the topic in your post.

    "With force" - that doesn't explain anything. There isn't anything going above you that pushes you down. There isn't anything that grabs you that pulls you down. There isn't a constant downward flow of waves of energy or particles or anything. The only scientific explanation that fits is that of curved spacetime, which you haven't made any reference to.

    You want me to explain how a clutch works. In simple terms - you have two shafts, from from the engine, one to the diff/wheels. Instead of them being joined permenantly, they are pushed together and separated by a clutch, allowing you to disengage the engine whilst its still spinning. Instead of jamming the rods together or using cogs/teeth/splines etc, two discs are pushed together (by the clutch) eventually providing enough friction to turn each other, and being gradual enough to have more control than on/off. Friction works by scraping something onto something else until it moves. Put your hand on a piece of paper and move your hand, and by the power of friction the paper will amazingly move even though it isn't locked into your hand!

    Now you go ahead and do the same for gravity if you think you can explain it...

    I never asked you how it works...I asked WHY.

    Have you ever heard of dark matter?

  7. If this was a simulation, they would be able to be aware of everything that happened. Doesn't mean they're watching everything all the time though. Like in a game, you aren't often watching stuff behind you, and you aren't always there.

    OGTAM - do you not understand my question? We don't know how gravity manages to works. We KNOW what it does. We KNOW what affects it. We KNOW how to calculate it. But you haven't explained how it works. You're answering it like "because it does".

    You can explain that for almost everything else - a clutch works because the disc presses against the flywheel to get friction; nuclear reactors work by splitting atoms through fission to emit photons in gamma rays; light is visible electromagnetic radiation made up of photons.

    But how does gravity exert its effect? There are no particles pushing it, there is no energy transferred upwards, there's no inertia forcing it, so what causes it? Just "because things with mass have gravity" isn't an answer.

    With force...

    You're giving me all these examples such as "a clutch works because the disc presses against the flywheel to get friction"...so answer as to why it does.

  8. You never directly asked why...you said "what". I even said "We know WHAT causes gravity, but we don't really know WHY it causes gravity."

    That was the original question from Wheelman101 - he doesn't understand how gravity is possible or why it works. Sure we have figured out how to use it, and how to calculate it, and figured out what causes it, but not fully how it exerts a force on things far away from it.

    So you don't understand why an apple falls from a tree???

  9. Pretty sure Toni was in the limo w/ Salvatore when he got whacked.

    Vic Vance faked his death & works for a secret department of the C.I.A. w/ Homeland security w/ Phil Cassidy's cousin, Jack.

    The Colombians Caught up to Claude about six months after the shootout at the dam.

    Tommy recently passed away among his family from a weak heart caused by all the coke back in the '80s.

    Denise flipped out & stabbed CJ 37 times w/ a carrot peeler. He survived this only to run in front of a bus escaping her.

    Good ideas, but Tommy's doesn't make much sense. I think he was against doing drugs. But hell, maybe he got into it.

  10. That doesn't explain why... as you admit you've explained what causes it, and how you calculate it, but not why. Anybody got a nice way of explaining this in spacetime terms? Or any other theories?

    You never directly asked why...you said "what". I even said "We know WHAT causes gravity, but we don't really know WHY it causes gravity."

    I never suggested G was the density - I said Henry Cavendish figured out the Earth's density, and someone else used his data to figure out the Earth's mass and G.

    ...fair enough.

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