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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. How do we know that GTA 2s Claude was GTA IIIs Claude? Claude in GTA III did not have a surname and in actual fact did not have a name until we found it out in San Andreas. The Claude in GTA 2 was called Claude Speed.

    Claude could be a nickname from Catalina?

    They look strikingly similar. I wouldn't find it logical to say they're not the same.

  2. Toni could still be alive and well and we all know what happened to Victor Vance at the start of Vice City. They are not likely to be dead but they are likely not to be in this game, this is the 4th Stage in the Grand Theft Auto Series and no characters from past GTA games have appeared in the future ones (Donald Love in GTA III and then he was in VC and LCS does not count nor does anyone else who appeared more than twice in III, VC, SA, LCS or VCS). Remember Bubba in GTA, he has never re-appeared in a GTA Game and is not very likely to be one, but I could be wrong.

    Well Claude was in GTA 2 and GTA III...

  3. char=characters and R* said all past characters are dead so i want to know what do you guys think happened to them

    They never said they were all dead, they said that GTAIV is a whole new storyline.

    I think that Tommy is still in Vice City living it up...which sounds pretty boring, but Tommy is kick ass.

    CJ did die though...from a drug over dose...what a dumbass.

    Claude fell into a man hole right after he killed Maria...so...yeah...

  4. And Original GTA Master, you still have yet to answer the question of what causes gravity. You've only managed to explain the relationship between gravitational forces of attraction, not the fundamental cause of such a force. By the way, 80 kg is equal to 784 N, not quite 800.

    I believe I did answer the question.

    Gravity is caused by mass and distance.

    Yeah, I know that 80KG isn't 800N, but I us g=10...so you could probably see why I got 800N. g isn't exactly 10.

  5. Don't you know how ebay works? It automatically bids for you up to your highest bid. Someone has obviously put in a higher bid than yours, so after you submit your bid, ebay bids on behalf of the guy who bid higher than you.

    I've never had any problems with anyone on ebay myself, and have over 100 positive feedback, if that's of any reassurance to you...

    Basically as long as the person you're buying off has a decent amount of positive feedback, everything should be fine.

    I don't understand then. Do I have the higher bid then or does the other guy?

  6. Well I've decided to try buying things off of eBay, but the merchandise I've been bidding on is sort of a pain in the ass. Directly after I bid the other person bids higher...I don't know if it's an automatic thing they have or what, but it's pissing me off a lot.

    Right now the bid is up to $10...and right now I don't feel like bidding more than that...because I still don't trust eBay and if I lose $10 it won't be that big of a deal.

  7. What you measure on scales is weight, our normal understanding of mass is weight. However if you remove gravity, you lose all weight but you keep mass. They amount to the same thing at sea level on Earth.

    I understand this might be a separate discussion, but it's sort of relevant. There is almost a possibility that gravity is just a complication shoved in by the programmers of this universe to see how we cope not being able to float everywhere. Remember without gravity there would be no planets, just everything floating around on its own (hard to see how life would happen). Or it might be stronger/weaker than IRL. Or the real cause of gravity is removed, and in this simulation it just "happens" (like gravity in a game, we just program it in and force it to happen).

    We all understand that things with mass have gravity, and things with massive masses (eg planets) have enough for you to notice it. But why? What is causing it to pull towards you? How can a big lump of rock perform action at a distance? These are the questions Newton couldn't answer, and Einstein forwarded everything within the concept of general relativity. Henry Cavendish just figured out the Earth's density and stuff for working out G.

    G isn't Earth's density. That's actually the number you would use for everything. It's the other numbers that you need to know in order to figure it out.

    We know WHAT causes gravity, but we don't really know WHY it causes gravity.

  8. You didn't answer the question at all. You demonstrated how to work out much force gravity exerts on something, but not how it is caused.

    KG is mass, not weight. Weight is the force caused by your mass and gravity, which is measure in Newtons (kg m/s²). So to work out your weight on Earth in Newtons from your mass, it's 10x your mass.

    Newton never figured out what the source of gravity was. He obviously figured out it was caused by objects with mass exerting force on each other, but not why that happened. Einstein said it is caused by curved spacetime, essentially us being constantly moving away from the centre of the earth (in absolute spacetime terms, not in relative terms) because of its effect on the continuum.

    Yeah, you're right, KG is mass, not weight. But KG could be converted into lbs...which is weight. So I myself consider KG weight and mass. That's just me though. If I go further into it I could consider Newton's(N) as weight...but that just fucks everything up.

    Anyways, yes, Newton never figured it out...but Henry Cavendish did, which is the formula I posted. Every piece of matter has gravity, it's just that other things, such as the Earth, have a lot more. Every single thing in the universe attracts to the things around them, but may have weaker gravitational pull than other things and vise versa.

    Gravity is caused by object's masses and the distance from the object's center of gravity and other objects around.

  9. Well, i might sound stupid, but, i honestly feel weird when i just think of how shit is held down by Gravity, how dense it is, etc, trips the fuck out of me, also scares me, makes me think like im in a game everyday..

    Gravity is caused by mass and distance from the matter's center of gravity. It's not some weird thing we, as a civilization, don't understand.

    F = G*(m1*m2/d^2)

    F - Force

    G - 6.67*10^-11

    m1 - Your weight (KG)

    m2 - What you're on (Earth) = 5.98*10^24

    d - Distance you are from the center of the Earth(Earth's center of gravity) = (6.37*10^6)^2

    There is a much simpler way to figure out how much you weigh on Earth, which is simply move the decimal over to the left once.

    EXAMPLE: 80KG = 800N

    Pretty simple...ehh?

  10. There is 1 thing that makes me really enjoy playing sims 2 on my old PS2 and that MULTIPLAYER! Multiplayer is da sh*t! i used to play 8 hours straight with my friend like making money together, buying new stuff and making our skills and stuff. There is also no stress with multiple character when you have your friend helping you.

    Oh yeah, that multiplayer was SO KICK ASS!!

    If you play the story mode with a friend you could steal the other people's food and save money. It requires some team work or else it's hard to do by yourself.

  11. My games:


    R and C: Tools of destruction

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Resistance: Fall of man

    Assassin's Creed

    Rainbow 6 Vegas

    Tony Hawk's Project 8

    The Elder Scrols: Oblivion

    Call of Duty 4

    What's your PSN name and are FEAR or Rachet and Clank online???

  12. Well, at my EB there's nothing but a screen shot printed out and put up for us to see. Nothing much, huh?

    At the Game Stop by my place, which didn't have those gift cards, has a little shelf advertising pre-orders for GTAIV and it has a poster board of the sniper artwork. It looks pretty cool...it would be nice to have as part of my collection, but unfortunately they destroy all of the promotional stuff to prevent people from selling them on eBay or something.

  13. Hey I'd like to be added to the first post, here are my PS details:

    Forum Name: FallenClyro

    PSN Name: Mpilk901

    Games: R:FOM, The Orange Box, Warhawk, The Darkness, skate., PixelJunk Monsters, Need For Speed Carbon etc. (Only put a few in and then in brackets just make it say pm me if you want to know the rest, otherwise the table will be too big.)

    The table will adjust its self, so just list all of your games here.

    EDIT: Are the following games online?

    • The Orange Box (Consist of more than one game...right???)
    • Warhawk
    • The Darkness
    • PixelJunk Monsters

  14. i know it says GTA collection but hey if ya got it flaunt it right?

    Uhhh...no. :lolbounce:

    It doesn't really matter. Those are probably the only pictures he has at the time.

    How the hell do people get this free stuff from Rockstar??? I want this kind of stuff sooo bad.

    Yeah man sorry, i don't got pictures of the GTA stuff only. :(

    But i don't "Get" stuff form Rockstar, i buy alot of stuff from Ebay, that's the place. :D

    If only I had PayPal.

  15. Yes EB and GameStop are owned by the same corp so anything from those stores are pretty much interchangeable.

    But this is new, I went to my local EB a few weeks ago and didn't see this.

    Oh, I thought Game Stop bought out EB Games to get rid of it. That's what happened in my area. Anyways, since they're owned by the same corporation, do you think the Game Stop by my place will have those gift cards? I'll buy tons of them. :thumbsup:

  16. Let's look at EA's history of games... FIFA, Need for Speed, SimCity, Medal of Honor, The Sims, James Bond, Battlefield, Madden NFL, Burnout, Crysis, Army of Two, and that classic.... Theme Hospital

    Can you see GTA IV being in that list?

    Absolutely not, because they don't have a free roaming title as massive as Grand Theft Auto.

  17. Nope, I turn the whole PS3 off and when I turn it on again, I need to connect the cable for the red lights to stop flashing. I forgot to mention Genji: Days Of The Blade. I think the first post needs an update, because DH and Ivan have PS3's now, and some people have changed their name as well.

    I'm downloading the firmware update now. Thanks for telling me, otherwise I would never have gotten around to downloading it. :P

    ...DH? If someone has changed their name, they have to post here and inform me about it or PM me. I'll update your games for you.

    Now? I bought my PS3 in the the first day, it came to Portugal.

    What's your PSN name and what games do you have?

  18. I've noticed that too. I also saw in my local EB one of the Liberty City license plates you get for pre ordering the special edition hanging behind the counter :o i wanna buy it from them but whats the point i already ordered the special edition.

    Since when does the Liberty City license plate come with the special editon??? I hope we do, but I never heard that.

    Didn't Game Stop take over EB Games? I'll have to check out my local Game Stop because EB Games no longer exist in my area.

  19. Oh yeah. T2 should sell the rights to GTA to Rockstar. I would keep on buying GTA, EA did say they wouldn't change anything in GTA IV, I would rather watch a R* splash when the game starts up rather than an EA one.

    It would be very difficult for EA not to change the way the GTA games are if they don't have the RAGE engine...assuming that Rockstar leaves Take Two prior to the possible take over.

  20. ~Sorry for the double post~

    Firmware Update: 2.17

    This update isn't a big one or anything, but it does improve some of the online PS3 titles. So...go update it.

    If you’ve signed in to the PLAYSTATION Network tonight on your PS3, you probably noticed that you were prompted to upgrade the system’s firmware to v2.17. In case you were wondering what it’s all about (and a quick Google search indicates that yes, you are) the operating stability of some online PS3 titles has been improved.

    Hope that clears things up!


    NOTE: If you want the PlayStation 3 font, which is also the Spiderman font, download the attachment to this post. I'll be editing some of the text on the beginning post with this font...so if you don't have the font it might look a little strange.

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