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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. They really don't give up, do they? I agree, they are offering a lot of money, but I don't think that Take-Two should go through with this. If they do decide to accept EA's offer, then I think Rockstar Games should stay separate and keep on making GTA games.

    Rockstar doesn't own the rights to the Grand Theft Auto series.

  2. Damn, plus your from the US, so it would be too much money tospend to send it over. But if best buy had it, it should be on Rockstar Warehouse, but they charge over $50 to send here :(

    It's a Best Buy exclusive...

    Hi Guys,

    This is my collection. :D

    I got alot more now, so i need to update. :P

    Why the hell are you posting pictures that include non-GTA stuff???

    Where'd you get the GTAIV stickers and everything?

  3. It happens in the U.S also, one of the artworks already has graffiti on it. And anyone can just come through and do whatever the hell they want.

    GTA IV Screenshot

    Looks like the graffiti was there before they put that on. You could tell since the letters are over the graffiti.

  4. you can understand why they only draw these things in new york. cause if they did them here in britain .. the 2nd picture would have a penis drawn on it within 5 minutes of them leaving

    ...Or because GTAIV is based off of New York...

  5. No offense, but says the youth who assumes things frequently.

    Maybe small assumptions, but someone assuming that I'm fighting with them is a pretty large false assumption.

    I didn't say the sins were flaws, I said that, according to Christianity, sins can't be created by man...only God can do that. Everything has its flaws, Microsoft's flaws just happen to be Vista and some defective Xbox 360s.

    Well because when it comes to this subject we always seem to. There's nothing wrong with guessing what will happen based on past experiences.

    What's wrong with today's youth isn't them assuming things...it's the adults and people in charge imposing all this politically correct, "It's not okay to spank your kid if he fucks up," "He gets bad grades because he has A.D.D., let's load him up with pills" shit.

    Oh and who are you calling "youth," you're a youth yourself, I'm only three years your junior.

    For what's wrong with your religion, see here, here, and here for a more recent example. Also this is another website which I LOL'd at.

    Also, enjoy not eating meat on Friday for no reason!

    EDIT: As for Christianity as a whole, this is all that needs to be said

    And again you come to an assumption. I base my religious beliefs off of the Old Testament, not this new stuff.

    I also like how you continue to use Wikipedia, aside from those other ones, which I don't understand. I don't see cloning as a threat to my religion. Yes, God is the only one that could create life, but I feel that by creating life means new life...not copied life. We're simply copying his work. Sort of like those tards that steal people's work and call it their own. :P

    No, if you live naturally, you won't pollute. How often do you see a cat or a bird polluting?

    Depending on the way you look at it. We're all contributing to killing the earth by exerting energy, which is considered pollution to some.

  6. I still see a reward points system being a good idea. Everyone would have a fair chance at making their HOME nice and enjoyable. No one would have to pay for anything BUT some games((and if you bought a GAME system without the intent of buying games... WTF?)), and you'd probably be working with games that you're good at, so you'd be able to earn points just as well as the next guy.

    But you have to remember, Home is free. Sony is going to make money off of what we buy for Home. I'm planning on spending around $60, depending on how much everything is. Since it's free, I find it a bargin until I pass $60 on stuff. I probably won't spend more than that.

    I just hope my thoughts on how much everything will be is correct.

  7. Well hopefully you would be able to get it into the general area first before you zoom in that far. I think you'd be able to pin point where you want to move something as you're zooming in.

    It would still be a bitch because of how much you'd have to scroll just to move it.

    Like I said, if you're used to this stuff, it's actually easier doing it that way.

  8. CS3 and I believe several earlier versions will "snap" align the layer for you if you move it around in an image.

    That's only to edges, isn't it? It would just get really annoying snapping every time I pass over the middle.

    And the grid would be your best bet if you want it as centered as possible.

    Well you learn a few tricks here and there when playing with Photoshop so much, such as zooming in all the way so it doesn't snap. When zoomed in all the way it moves pixel by pixel.

    That would be HELL on an image that's 3072x2304. Even on a standard 1024x768 it would suck.

    Well hopefully you would be able to get it into the general area first before you zoom in that far. I think you'd be able to pin point where you want to move something as you're zooming in.

  9. What does that have to do with anything? It's a really bad analogy.

    But seriously, I'm not about going to start a bitchfest or flame you...but I will, however, state true facts about your religion.

    What do you mean what does it have to do with anything?

    You're saying that these sins are "flaws"...Microsoft's 360 has flaws...

    You understand now?

    Why do you always assume that we're going to fight about something? It's only a fight if you intend it to be and as for me, I don't intend to fight with you about anything. You just assume things, which is one of the things wrong with today's youth.


    That's only been happening for about 2008 years now. The Vatican's just butthurt because soon you'll be able clone humans which, IIRC, Christians say is impossible. God forbid diseases be cured and people helped by gene manipulation. For that matter, you can't "add" sins. The only 'sins' are the ones in the Bible. Hence why Catholicism is bullshit.

    Just because one thing about my religion is "bullshit" to you doesn't mean that the entire religion is bullshit.

    Microsoft had a shit load of messed up 360s...does that make all of Microsoft bullshit?

  11. CS3 and I believe several earlier versions will "snap" align the layer for you if you move it around in an image.

    That's only to edges, isn't it? It would just get really annoying snapping every time I pass over the middle.

    And the grid would be your best bet if you want it as centered as possible.

    Well you learn a few tricks here and there when playing with Photoshop so much, such as zooming in all the way so it doesn't snap. When zoomed in all the way it moves pixel by pixel.

  12. I never said anything AT ALL about PSN or Playstation games... I said "online games". There are loads of online games for the PC that forces you to pay for things. Either you're into paying for your games or you're not.

    Oh, ok. I thought you were talking about Home and shit.

  13. That does make it a bit more console-friendly. Another thing is, it seemed that it was a hassle to have more than one person in a family. And having multiple Sims makes the game so much more fun.

    Well, like any game, you have to get used to it. I certainly have.

  14. So it's just the 80GB PS3 with a game for 500 dollars?

    Along with the new controller.

    Well, yeah, but that's a given. You sort of need a controller to play.

    I was talking about the new one with the Duel Shock.

    HOME has been too overhyped in my opinion. To me it will dissapoint a lot of people, I am not saying its crap but theres been delay after delay, I doubt it will be finished this year. And to buy furniture with 'REAL' money is ridiculous, not many people will use home, if you could download the furniture for free it would be much better.

    It may be a little ridiculous.... But imagine how many online games force you to pay for them, pay monthly, buy shit using real money, etc. On The Sims Online((which is very much like HOME)), you could do everything just like in The Sims, but you COULD buy more money with real money.

    Now you know what I think would be a good idea? Points. Achieving points from doing certain things in games, and using those to buy your shit. Kind of like the aspiration points on The Sims 2, only it could be the main currency, and not a secondary one.

    You guys call the models by the HDD size, and then MishoM says that the 40GB isn't going anywhere, but maybe it will get a hard drive upgrade? Wouldn't it no longer be the "40GB" then?

    Why would online games force us to pay them? PSN is FREE!!!, :thumbsup:

    I'm pretty sure you could unlock items and sell them as well, so you could make money on their without spending a dime.

    I just heard from my friend that the 40GB is going. I'm not sure how true that is.

  15. The point is, though, that most users have controller pads and that's what the game will be designed to be played with. It isn't really about the hardware at all, but the things that the consoles just can't do right now. Like the controls((just because most users play with controllers, means that the game will be designed around it)), the custom content((sure, they could release official stuff, but it would be insanely limited compared even to what's available for The Sims 2, considering how big of a library the original Sims has))... And actually, sitting a distance from the screen just feels odd. I mean, it's not a 3rd-Person game... You are kind of a distance from your Sims as it is.

    Building houses seems like a bitch in the console versions((only played the original on PS2 and never bothered attempting to build a house)).

    Building houses was tough in the first Sims game for the PS2, but they have made it easier since. They've also brought the view closer to the sims, which makes it nice. You also have the option to walk around with them instead of telling them where to go, which I like using.

  16. Give me one of your pre-orders! Nice poster though. I think I'm finally getting my parents to crack, so they can pre-order IV.

    LOL, does England even have Best Buys? If they do I could always send you the slip for it, but you'd probably have to show ID when you went to pick it up anyways.

    Anywho, I'll update the pictures when I get home today.

    EDIT: Well I'm home, so here are the pictures...ENJOY!!!




  17. I could've sworn I saw a really easy way to do it on this GTA fansite, but I forgot what it was called.

    I think there is a way, but I never felt like looking for it. I found it faster to just take a guess. Sometimes centering the entire image doesn't even look centered, such as the GTA logo. You're just better off guessing with that.

    I'll take a look though when I get home.

  18. The only console this would work on is the Wii.

    Wiimote can be used as a mouse, steering wheel (if they make driving cars), walking, pretty much the whole sim life. But they tried that with MySim, and that was shit.

    Sims is a PC game, no matter what, you can't make it a console game, cause they have all those litations that a Computer doesn't have.

    The PS3 and 360 have keyboards and mouses that you could buy. I'm pretty sure the PS3 could handle the same version of the Sims 3 as the PC can.

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