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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I now have a PS3, I just dont know how to get the wireless control working.

    My PSN ID is GTADon. I pretty much have the same alias wherever I go. My controller is sorta fucked up, I need to connect the USB cable for it to turn on, otherwise it won't turn on properly, just those red lights start flashing. When I connect the cable and take it out, it still works; when I turn the PS3 on, I need to connect the USB cable for it to 'work'.

    Do you leave your PS3 on standby? That might be your problem. If you leave it on standby then the controller continues to use the battery until it runs out. I tried to keep my PS3 on standby for the PSP connection thing, but when I got home the controller needed to be charged. If you leave it on standby, leave your controller plugged in.

    You already have your PSN name on the first page of this topic(if you didn't know). Have you gotten any other games lately? All you have listed under your games are Resistance, MotorStorm and your GTAIV pre-order.

  2. With the hard drives, you can have downloadable content, sure.... But that would probably be limited to official stuff. Most of the stuff I download isn't officially released content. But the controls will never be the same. It's just so much easier with a mouse.

    You could always get a keyboard and mouse for the PS3. :thumbsup:

  3. Oh, you mean physically telling the Sims which piece to move, and where? Eh, that would be cool, but when I make my Sims play chess I usually go take care of something else, especially if I have available Sims.

    And yeah, a console version with the same options and abilities as the PC version would be like, a miracle....

    Well they could make things like actually playing chess optional. It would be a new command after you get them to start playing chess or something.

    I think that it's possible to make the PC and console versions identicle now with the PS3 and 360. Hard drives help a lot.

  4. Anyways, I got a lot of ideas for a new Sims game, preferably the console version.

    • Allow players to interact with items more such as actually playing chess instead of watching a sim play.
    • Give players the option to actually go to their sim's jobs instead of waiting for them to arrive back at the house.
    • Allow houses to have multiple leveles, at least four.
    • Get rid of the limit as to how many objects could be in a lot and just put the info on the hard drives.

    I had more ideas earlier, but I'm really tired now...so I'll post them later.

    All of those have been done in one game or another. And since when have you NOT been able to play chess? In The Sims Online you went to work and controlled your Sim. The Sims 2 DOES have 4-story houses. Object-limit? Not on the PC versions. If a limit exists on the PC version.... You won't hit it... Trust me on that one... Chestnut has the busiest houses I've ever seen.

    When were you actually able to play chess?????? The Sims only do. Exactly, you went online...with the PC version. I'm talking about the console version....The console version of the Sims DOES NOT have 4-story houses. There is an object limit in the console version...I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE PC VERSION.

    Well my computer could only handle The Sims 2 with two expansion packs and The Sims 3 will just rape my computer...and I don't feel like buying a new computer for a game. I'm saving up for an HD TV.

    Have you played The Sims 2? Can't the sims get out without a ladder?

    If you can play The Sims 2 with two expansion packs, there's hardly a reason to play the console versions. I absolutely despise the console versions. So much harder to control, and it takes away the biggest attraction the game has.... Customization. Downloading new objects, skins, houses, etc. has become fun in itself. I use to spend hours downloading new objects, and then hours playing with them. Oh, the days of having a 4-6GB Sims directory((the game requirements are only like 300MB, no?))

    I'm pretty sure we tested pool-death on The Sims 2. I don't recall if it worked, but I want to say they fixed that. However, burning them to death, still works. And cheating on your wife with the maid in front of the kids, is a sure-fire family-destroyer((it was practically the first thing I did when we loaded the game up)).

    We only bought The Sims 2 in August.... Of '07...... Fuuuuck you, Maxis! >.<....... I mean, I love you Maxis!

    I always enjoyed the console versions because of the storyline, but I'd much rather play on the PC, but my computer sort of sucks when it comes to The Sims and I don't feel like getting a new one.

    I just want a console version that is pretty much the same as the PC version...with the storylines still intact.

  5. Today as I was shopping at Best Buy(US store), I noticed something that I recognized, the Grand Theft Auto IV boxart. When I looked a little closer I noticed that on the box it said, "Pre-Order Now and get an exclusive Grand Theft Auto IV Poster". So even though I already payed off the special edition of Grand Theft Auto IV at Game Stop(US Store), I decided to pre-order at Best Buy as well...so I could get the poster and the PlayStation 3 version of GTAIV's case(in box form).

    Anyways, I'm going to update my pictures on here tomorrow with good pictures of all of my current collection.

    Here's a picture to look at so you know what it looks like...Crappy picture though...ENJOY!!!


  6. When I first saw the History of Liberty City portion of the GTAIV website I got sort of excited and thought that Rockstar would actually be selling something like it at Rockstar Warehouse, but unfortunitly it was just one of their product jokes... :'(

    I don't know about anyone here, but I would actually be willing to pay the $129.99 for a boxset of the History of Liberty City.

  7. The Sims was a pretty good series, it's always fun putting someone in the pool and then taking away the ladder.

    Why would you play it on the console though? RTS games are pretty much a PC genre.

    Well my computer could only handle The Sims 2 with two expansion packs and The Sims 3 will just rape my computer...and I don't feel like buying a new computer for a game. I'm saving up for an HD TV.

    Have you played The Sims 2? Can't the sims get out without a ladder?

    In The Sims Bustin' Out you could have someone go off of the high dive and then while they're in mid-air you could remove the entire pool and let them fall to their death...after several times or so.

  8. How about vehicles in the base game? And speaking of which, the ability to park cars on either the driveway or in the street.

    By "base game" you mean console game? If so, just get Bustin' Out(PS2), there are vehicles in there. That was the first Sims game that had vehicles. Better selection from what they give you on the PC version.

    Anyways, I got a lot of ideas for a new Sims game, preferably the console version.

    • Allow players to interact with items more such as actually playing chess instead of watching a sim play.
    • Give players the option to actually go to their sim's jobs instead of waiting for them to arrive back at the house.
    • Allow houses to have multiple leveles, at least four.
    • Get rid of the limit as to how many objects could be in a lot and just put the info on the hard drives.

    I had more ideas earlier, but I'm really tired now...so I'll post them later.

  9. Has this actually been confirmed???

    Anyway, yeah, i didn't like the other Sims games. They'll have to do something different to warrant my purchase...

    Yeah, click the picture and it'll take you to the official site, which doesn't currently hold any info other than the date of which it will be updated.

    My friend thought of a few ideas that would be cool for the console version of the game such as...

    • Having the console versions be exactly like the PC version.
    • Have expansion packs as downloadable content.
    • "Could make an online mode where you own a vacation home or something up to 8 people, and you visit when you want, and you all keep your money from your households separate, but there will be a bank or someway or combing or trading money if needed."

  10. GTA, GHIII, The Godfather: The Don's Edition (has anyone else downloaded the bonus shit off of the PlayStation Store?), Transformers, CS, DoD

    I haven't downloaded anything for The Godfather yet. Have you?

    I'm waiting for those PlayStation CARDS.

  11. 25 pictures would probably be good for posters as Chris82 suggested, but if you could change how many the topic starter could post then around 50 would be good...I don't want to ask for too much. I'm not even sure how many I'm gonna need for the PlayStation 3 topic.

  12. I was just wondering if you were able to allow members to add more pictures to their post because I've been wanting to add more to my PlayStation 3 topic, but the 25-picture limit is sort of setting me back.

    I'm not sure if there is a reason that it's set at 25 or if that's the default setting, but if you could raise it, that would be great. I completely understand if you can't because of space issues.

  13. hehe..got a screenie

    Good, because it's not there anymore.



    lol, I saw that too. I was cracking up. I enjoyed how most of the stuff on there was of more mature humor instead of kiddy stuff.

  14. Actually im already preparing to do this lol, so far I have printed out 50 posters of each, and im going to stick em all round town!

    Maybe the posters were an ingenius publicity scam, that R* hoped would be spread by GTA fans? That would be damned clever of them.

    That was there main idea and yes that is dam ingenious! They got some good ideas flowing on their part.... :lolbounce:

    How do you know that's their intensions? Do you have a source or are you just guessing?

    But yes, it is pretty "ingenious" of them to do this. It might be what they intended, but you never know.

    I have yet to post any of them any where other than my room, but once it gets nicer out they're gonna be everywhere.

    I'm gonna write "posted by Original GTA Master" on the back of them. :P

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