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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. And then if another GTA comes along, possibly SAS or GTA V, then we could gain a lot more mebmers.

    Well assuming that these downloadable episodes off of XBox Live! are the two portions of GTAIV like Vice City and San Andreas were to GTAIII, then do you think that GTAV will be the next big game to be released?

    I still have slight doubts about SAS, but since the fans have been wanting it, I think Rockstar will pull it out some where.

  2. What did you order?

    Nothing too special, but I bought the first Grand Theft Auto and Grand Theft Auto 2, both of which I recieved in the mail already. The other thing I ordered was the San Andreas soundtrack which has the 20 some minute long intro. I'm thinking of buying some more posters or something...not sure yet.

  3. Chris I am so jealous of your items sent from rockstar, I want them :(

    Same here dude. I want that kind of stuff so bad. I sent an E-mail to Rockstar Games suggesting they sell stuff like that because I, along with many other fans, would be more than willing to purchase merchandise like that. I doubt they'll take my E-mail seriously, let alone read it.

    EDIT: I yet again ordered some more stuff and once I get the second thing I ordered, I'll post the images. :thumbsup:

  4. Case in point: how long has it been since GTA San Andreas was first released?

    Three and a half years.

    That was back in October 2004, with a PC and Xbox release in June 2005.

    If GTA IV followed the same pattern (ignoring the two episodes and DLCs) then we'd see a PC release by Christmas and then a new game within 2 years (late 2011).

    Well LCS was released in 2005 and VCS in 2006. So I doubt there will be more than a year of info dry spots in the Grand Theft Auto community.

    My point being that there is always a new GTA game being made by Rockstar once the newest is released. Right after Vice City, San Andreas was mentioned.

    EDIT: Wasn't GTAIV announced before VCS was?

  5. Yeah, I saw this like a week ago...aren't they sort of copying GTA? That's what I heard.

    Well, it's being made by one of the co-creators of the original GTA.

    Oh yeah, I read that some where too.

    Is this only on the 360?

  6. Yeah, you can't forget about all the talk about the game after it's released, but there most likely will be some dry spots when it is released because we'll be preoccupied with playing it. Once we get some free time from it the forum will be very active with talk about missions and random stuff we found out about the physics and what not.

  7. I would probably go smoke crack.

    But really, I don't know. It'd be unlikely I'd buy any more GTA titles, because, well. IMO EA screws up things more than they innovate.

    Exactly my thoughts. If EA gets their hands on the Grand Theft Auto series, it would just die...Hmmm...maybe if EA screws up enough, assuming they buy out Take-Two, maybe they'll sell the rights to the Grand Theft Auto series to Rockstar Games, if they were to leave Take-Two before EA were to buy them out. Then that way the Grand Theft Auto series would be where it's supposed to be, with Rockstar Games.

  8. eat2gtaow9.jpg

    As you all have heard, Electronic Arts has been attempting to buy out Take-Two Interactive, parent company of Rockstar Games who creates the series we all know and love, Grand Theft Auto. If Rockstar Games decides to go independent they’ll have to leave behind the Grand Theft Auto series, which is owned by Take-Two. So if EA successfully buys out Take-Two, which some say is inevitable, they will own the Grand Theft Auto series. Being that the Grand Theft Auto games from there on would be created by EA, would you still purchase the games or would you be less attracted to the title being that EA created it?

    I would most definitely be less attracted to the series and would most likely not purchase any more of the games. Rockstar Games are the owners of the RAGE engine, which is being used to create GTAIV, so if Rockstar Games wouldn’t be making the games anymore, EA would have to create their own engine to make it and most of the engines I’ve seen from EA aren’t that great.

  9. Some of you may have already heard that Phil Harrison, current president of Sony's worldwide game studios, is resigning from his position February 29th. CEO, Kaz Hirai, will be taking Harrison's place as president as a result. Because of his resignation, PlayStation Home's completion may take longer than expected or might come sooner than some think. Although the same people are working on it, maybe Harrison had an impact on the delay. You never know.

    Please post any information you have on this and post your thoughts as well.

  10. Remember, it's not a question of whether or not you're paranoid. It's whether you're paranoid enough.

    Here's one for you -

    Someone told me a good one that explains JFK's "magic bullet". The secret service had just been issued the brand new

    (in 1963) M-16 rifle. When the first shot & the driver accelerated, one of the bodyguards lost his balance & accidentally

    fired his weapon, into the president.

    According to this theory, this is the single worst friendly fire incident in US history.

    Wouldn't that there were two gun shots? There was only one.

    Anyways, I'm some what a conspiracy theorist, mostly with Area 51 and mainly extra terrestrials.

  11. Because it's standard, so it makes it look more official?

    ...Then why would you reply to it if it says not to? That doesn't make any sense. It's like telling someone not to call you on the phone because you're waiting for another call, but they call you anyways.

    You WOULDN'T reply to it. THAT'S why it says not to. No where in the email did it say to respond to it. It says to click the link((which I assume was a hyperlink to hide the real link)).

    And do you KNOW that there was a hidden link????

  12. Because it's standard, so it makes it look more official?

    ...Then why would you reply to it if it says not to? That doesn't make any sense. It's like telling someone not to call you on the phone because you're waiting for another call, but they call you anyways.

  13. Niiiice. where'd you get the coloured R*'s?


    Which version of the San Andreas soundtrack do you have? Does it include the 26 minute intro to San Andreas?

    Nah. It's just the music and a few ads(Epsilon ad, etc..)

    If you're talking about the stickers, I got them with some things I ordered off of Rockstar Warehouse and in the thing I sent into VRock.

    Those are almost all of the different branches of Rockstar Games.

  14. I don't know why but I'm not being able to download the WANTED posters.

    Well then copy and paste these suckers into a folder and place them in a word document or something...it's a little tougher to do because you have to center it and stretch it a little in there...at least I had to...





    ALSO, here's an unofficial/official poster that Rockstar didn't put on their site.


    Happy posting.

    Everyone should litter the streets with these. Sort of like how Tommy had those fliers of Candy Suxxx's video scattered everywhere. :lolbounce:

  15. Well I don't know about any of you people, but I downloaded the posters available on the official Grand Theft Auto IV site and I printed them out...well the one that I needed. Anyways, if you want your own wanted posters then I suggest you get the PDF files from the site because they print out nicely.

    If the amount of ink needed to print these doesn't bother you, print some extras out and post them around your town to support GTAIV. Post pictures of where you posted them too if you feel like it. I'm still thinking about whether or not I'm going to do it.

    Anyways, discuss the posters here if you'd like.

    EDIT: If you're having trouble getting the posters from the official Grand Theft Auto IV site then copy and paste the pictures below into a folder on you computer. ENJOY!!!





    ALSO, here's an unofficial/official poster that Rockstar didn't put on their site.


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