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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. No, he said Playstation brought GTA to life... And that is very much wrong, for it originated on the PC.

    Since when does "brought to life" mean "originated"???

    Since originated means "began" and brought to life means "started".

    "brought to life" doesn't neccessarily mean "started". You just assumed that's what he meant by that. He most likely meant that it got a lot more popular after it came out on the PSOne.

  2. GTA2 (PC)

    GTA3 (XB)

    GTA: San Andreas (XB)

    GTA: San Andreas (PC)

    GTA: Vice City Stories (PSP)

    I used to own Vice City and the PS2 version of San Andreas, but I sold them.

    :o You sold them?!?!?!

    EDIT: I just purchased the Grand Theft Auto: The Classics Collection for the PC. So now I should be getting the Vice City soundtrack and Grand Theft Auto: The Classics Collection within a week or so. YIPPEE!!!

  3. my collection

    GTA (pc + ps1 + dreamcast)

    GTA london 1969 (ps1 PC, dreamcast)

    GTA 2 (ps1, dreamcast, PC)

    GTA 3 (ps2, Xbox, PC)

    GTA vice city (ps2,xbox,pc)

    GTA SA (ps2,xbox,pc)


    Gta Vcs (psp,ps2)

    Gta 4 (PS3,xbox360) soon

    GTA sanandreas stories (psp,Ps3,ps2,xbox360) if happening

    LOL :P

    Telewestkid ;):D

    Cool, show some pictures of your collection. :thumbsup:

    Oh crap! Reminds me, I forgot to add the SA Soundtrack and the Vice City V-Rock soundtrack to my collection...Ah well.

    Which version of the San Andreas soundtrack do you have? Does it include the 26 minute intro to San Andreas?

  4. Its not a surprised DLC will be on the PS3. Its been confirmed from last year the PS3 would get DLC. Only the Xbox 360 would receive exclusive content.

    Exclusive content for the 360 is rubbish. Playstation 3 should have anything that is exclusive, as Playstation is the console which brought GTA to life in the first place.

    First off, as stated before, it was on PC originally. Second off, it's called money offers. Microsoft is paying a lot of money for their exclusive stuff.

    Did he say that is was originally on the PS2?????

  5. 20$ is a good deal.

    Is it exactly the same as the PSP Version?

    I like the series real fun, and was my first game for the PSP.

    I think the graphics are a little better and you get more in the game such as four levels not seen in Twisted Metal: Black.

  6. Lol it's not the rapture or anything biblical if you're thinking that, Christians have been trying to predict when it 'will' occur for decades, even the Bible (a book which contradicts itself a number of times) says that nobody will be able to predict when it happens.

    And everyone thought the world was going to end On New Year's Eve, 1999.

    Spoilers: It's all bullshit.

    Please use spoiler tags.

    Wouldn't you consider 1,000 a nice round number??? I think you just like ripping my topics new assholes. :lolbounce:

    You said "The number system we count in"...as if we all use the same number system...pfff.

    We do all use the same number system. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 etc etc. Because we have 10 fingers, that makes counting in tens easy. Nobody counts in binary or hex or octal or anything, and years are obviously all in decimal.

    1000 is only a round number because its the start of a new decimal sequence. Just like FFF + 1 is 100 in hex (which is 256), or 111 + 1 is 1000 in binary (which is 8). It's a round number in the human counting system, entirely man-made, nothing natural.

    You do realize I was...joking...right??? :mellow:

  7. twistedmetalheadon_ps2.jpg

    Today I purchased Twisted Metal: Head-On for the PS2. I've been a fan of the Twisted Metal games ever since the earlier Twisted Metal games that were originally on the PSOne and besides the some what poor graphics of this particular game, I'd consider it a pretty good buy. I've been playing it for the past hour or so and I've been having a blast. This game brings back a lot of memories for me, playing some of the older titles. If you're a fan of Twisted Metal, then I suggest you go buy this game as soon as you can.

  8. The shift in magnetic poles is probably what's behind a lot of things attributed to global warming. I remember seeing

    something on Discovery Channel saying it happens something like every 20,000 years or so. I think Gordon Michael Scallion

    (predicted Northridge & Kobi earthquakes) has a few predictions set for about that time.


    So I have 1,000 days to beat GTA4..... :thumbsup:

    A magnetic pole shift (MPS) occurs every roughly 730,000-780,000 years. When an MPS occurs our magnetic field stops protecting us from solar flares and harmful UV-B radiations that are usually deflected for the most part. Although our magnetic field would be gone we would still have our atmosphere to protect us from such radiations, but not enough to stop them from harming us such as damaging DNA and killing of plants and animals including a good portion of the human race.

    It is said that one should occur soon, but soon doesn't necessarily mean today, tomorrow or next week. This could mean another hundred years or so.

  9. That's quite funny.

    Thing is... what is special about the number 1000? So there are supposedly exactly a thousand days from GTA IV's release to this particular date when something special is supposed to happen... what's special about that?

    The number system we count in is just based on the number of fingers we have, nothing more. So the decimal system has ten numeric symbols (0-9) and they just cycle through and stack up when you run out. There's actually nothing special about 10 or 100 or 1000 or a million or anything.

    There IS something special about days and years, cos they're actual physical things (earth rotating, orbiting sun etc). So birthdays are important (aka how many times you've been round the sun). But numbers of years aren't - 100 years is just that many times round the sun, no special number except in our counting system.

    So yeah, nothing special about it at all. Barely a coincidence.

    Wouldn't you consider 1,000 a nice round number??? I think you just like ripping my topics new assholes. :lolbounce:

    You said "The number system we count in"...as if we all use the same number system...pfff.

    2012 is also about the magnetic poles flipping. There are so many things on how the world will end in 2012 I find it a joke.

    I used the magnetic pole shift scenerio as part of my research paper. :thumbsup:

  10. I was gonna order the swingers t-shirt of GTA IV from rockstar warehouse but it cost more to ship than the product so i changed my mind, but how long did it take you to recieve the posters through the mail?

    And where did you get the stickers and the Home of the vulture sticker?

    Everything I've ordered from Rockstar Warehouse got to my house within 3 days. It all depends on which shipping thing you choose.

    I got the stickers after sending an envelope to the address mentioned in Vice City Stories.

    I'm definitely going to get the Swingers hat and shirt...either by winning the one thing or buying it off of Rockstar Warehouse.

    Does anyone want to see all my shit? I'll have pictures of 2 hidden packages next weekend, I'll take some pics of my collection then too.

    Sure, lets see all the stuff you got. It's gonna put my whole collection to shame...I wish I got stuff for free all the time like you and Jordan do. :'(

  11. Thats kind of a scary coincidence, I wonder if the 2012 Leap year day has been included? How do scientists predict the world is going to end or everyone is going to die in 2012, I wonder if there is any proof that it will happen?

    I don't think any scientist have predicted that the world would end in 2012. Although, there might be an asteroid collision in 2036 if that makes you feel any better.

    I'll be 46 at the time.

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