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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Some of you may have heard the rumors surrounding the year 2012, which is supposedly when some huge event is going to happen that will kill off pretty much everyone and everything.

    Well I was just browsing the internet and noticed a counter for this event, which will occur on December 21st or 22nd of the year 2012 and in 73 days from now, GTAIV's release, there will be exactly 1,000 days until this supposed event occurs.

    Now I'm not saying Rockstar is releasing GTAIV because of this, but I found it to be sort of a funny coincidence...unless you're not into these sort of things...then you probably won't find this funny.

  2. I read read in Games Master that the PS3 and 360 will get DLC:
    We were told the PS3 version was running a week late or so behind the 360 one in terms of completeness but will be nearly identical to look and play. Both consoles will get additional downloadable content, but the 360 GTA IV will have to exclusive missions

    This sounds good for both consoles now!

    Is there a source and is that a direct quote??? If it's a direct quote...then they spelt "two" wrong.

  3. But you're forgetting something, aren't the first two GTA games also out on PC? And the games aren't Sony's property by any means, Rockstar owns them and can do as they please with them. Now if Sony has some sort of contract (which I doubt seeing as how III-IV have all been on the Xbox) then that's a different story.

    Yeah...they were on the PC...not the XBox...

    "The games aren't Sony's property by any means"...sort of like the downloadable content?

    The way I see it, GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas will all be released on Xbox Originals before GTA IV hits stores. I also think that GTA and GTA II will be out on both the PSN and Xbox Live Arcade before GTA IV is released. But whatever, time will tell I suppose. It can't be much longer before they make some sort of announcement regarding this, right?

    What is this "XBox Originals"??? If they're what I think they are...then can't they only consider San Andreas an original since GTAIII and Vice City came out on the PS2 before the XBox?

    If they were going to XBox Live! as well...don't you think they would have announced that already??? This seems like the same thing as when we first heard about the downloadable content for the 360.

  4. I woudn't neccesarily consider magazines as GTA collectibles since they're not from Rockstar Games, but if you consider it part of your collection, then that's fine.

    What caused you to switch from PlayStation to the XBox? I see that you have the originals and then got GTAIII and GTAVC for the PC. Did you ever get a PS2?

    Looking forward to the pics. :thumbsup:

  5. I would doubt it too. What might be more likely is GTA3/VC/SA to become available to download on Xbox Originals.

    The way I see it, Microsoft wants Xbox to be the home of Grand Theft Auto. They want people to think, "Oh, GTA? That Xbox game?" That's why they're going out of their way for the downloadable content and what not, so I think they'd be willing to spend some big cash to get everything Sony gets and more. I'd expect those three games to be Xbox Originals as well.

    How could they be considered XBox originals if they were never originally on the XBox??? If they came to the Market Place or whatever on XBox Live! then they still couldn't be considered XBox originals because it didn't go to the XBox until 10 years or so after they were originally released.

    I think Sony payed Rockstar money to have Grand Theft Auto on the PSOne so I think they're partially owned by Sony, in a way, not really though. The originals are basically Sony's territory.

  6. I have it. I dunno if they'll get more stock because it was brought out at around the same time as GTA3 or VC I think, there's probably not much demand for it anymore, especially as they're free on PC.

    That saddens me so... :'(

    EDIT: I just sent an E-mail to Rockstar asking about whether or not they'll sell it again...Not too sure if they'll E-mail me back...but it's worth a shot...at least for me.

  7. 94_8.JPG

    Well as I went to purchase GTAIII for the PC off of Rockstar Warehouse I decided to look for some other things that I might want off of the site and found that there was a Grand Theft Auto Collector's Edtion for the PSOne. This Collector's Edition includes Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto London 1969 and Grand Theft Auto 2.

    As soon as I saw that I wanted to buy it, but unfortunitly it's sold out. I was just wondering if anyone actually owns this Collector's Edition and or knows if Rockstar Warehouse will ever get more in stock.

    EDIT: This could be moved to the GTA Classics section.

  8. Any idea where to find this intro to the official site? I'm guessing it isn't anything special judging by the lack of people asking about it. What did it feature, anyway? Also, I thought planes were a strict no-no for the game?

    R* have asked all websites to take it down. I doubt you will found another video, who knows? There will probably be planes, but they won't be flyable by Niko.

    I figured that they'd do that. I wanted to download it, but there was no place that put it up for download. I got the pictures though.

  9. Cool! I think it's a good thing that R* haven't included flyable planes in the game. I think that would sap the realism out of it. I really hope we will be able to fly the helicopters to the height that we could in SA - now that'd be great! I remember when I first got into a plane in Vice City. I was gutted at the height they allowed you to fly - I could jump higher!

    I hope a helicopter journey across the city takes a while in this new game.

    You could actually go higher in Vice City than you could in San Andreas...using some glitches of course.

  10. the guy who made them is Patrick Brown from deviantart.com, check his profile, he has amazing work there.

    Also the pic from the 1st post was set as my Desktop Background for 2 days this week. ( 'till the new GTA IV pics came out :P ).

    Cool, thanks for posting where those are from. I found some more good ones.

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