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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I talk to my friends about the weirdest shit and ask them weird questions like when the last time they beat off and what they beat off too. I also ask my friend's girlfriend how often she plays with her self and tons of other shit.

    Most of my friends are used to me asking them questions like that now, but they all thought my questions were fucked up at first.

    I can't think of anything else right now.

  2. I gave it a shot, so let me know what you think.



    EDIT: I didn't really make a border, but let me know if you want me to put one on.

  3. Well it seems like Rockstar Games is already hinting at a returning, most likely re-modeled, Vice City. Higherbeing25 is not only from Vice City, but he mentions the 80s, but I'm not totally sure if that has any real significants.


    I haven't looked through everything yet, but I thought I should post that.

    Don't forget the visit Vice City $300 sign in the GTA IV first trailer.

    Uhh...I didn't forget... :wacko:

    I'm gonna have to see if my theory is still there when I get my hands on GTAIV. Then we'll see if we're going to be revisiting Vice City.

  4. Even if it's not of any significance it's interesting nonetheless, It'd be cool to see some VC characters cameoing in the game. Personally, I feel that GTA V should be set in a completely new city. As much as I love the ones already used in the current games, something brand new would be awesome.

    Well technically it's all brand new...it's just the names and themes of the cities that are the same, which I honestly don't have that much of a problem with. Although, I'd much rather have the story to continue from the GTAIII games, but I'm just one person.

    I'm assuming by "GTAV" you mean the second portion of GTAIV...Although the next game could very well be called GTAV. They did it before.

  5. Well it seems like Rockstar Games is already hinting at a returning, most likely re-modeled, Vice City. Higherbeing25 is not only from Vice City, but he mentions the 80s, but I'm not totally sure if that has any real significants.


    I haven't looked through everything yet, but I thought I should post that.

  6. They mean the fully interactive flash website. Rather than just having a black page with some screens and trailer links on it.

    Strange they seem to be doing this quietly. I wonder what the plan is.

    They're gonna shock us with AMAZING INFORMATION!!! How do you know it's going to be the "fully interactive flash website" if they didn't announce it?

    EDIT: Isn't that RSS feed sort of official?

  7. I'm about half way through...it's pretty funny and a lot of the effects are good, but I don't get why everyone uses the San Andreas HUD and music when making a "real life" GTA video.

    EDIT:...Why the hell is the dude from Hitman in the video??? :weird:

  8. I noticed that picture as well, but I didn't really think it was too significant.

    The whole thing with his parents being killed is a possibility, but maybe he was part of a criminal organization in Russia and things went bad leaving him the only one to survive.

    There are many possibilities and we won't know until we get to play the game.

    I'm glad to see you're thinking about this stuff. :thumbsup:

  9. Another button to crank up the car huh? Could we see hotwiring in the game? (Or did I read that somewhere else..)

    Yeah, I remember previous reviews stating that in GTAIV you have to break open locks on doors for buildings and that you had to some times hotwire vehicles before you could drive off, which includes breaking the window first to open the door.

  10. I was just wondering what everyone is going to buy off of the PlayStation STORE when the PlayStation CARDS finally come out...assuming you don't use credit cards now to buy stuff.

    As for me, I'm gonna probably get...

    PSOne Games: 2Xtreme(One of my all time favorite PSOne games[Never owned it though...])

    PlayStation EYE Games: ...I'm probably gonna buy all of these.

    Then along with those few things I'm probably also gonna get some Add-Ons.

    The one thing I could say I'm never gonna get is a full game that I could buy on a disk...I find it riskier to buy them off of the PlayStation STORE.

  11. Why would Eminem be approached for the lead? I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but he doesn't seem like the right person to portray the lead.

    Besides, I think it'd be damn difficult to fit all of what makes GTA great into a two-hour film.

    Why would there only be one movie? If the Grand Theft Auto video game series made it to the big screen I could pretty much guarantee there would be more than one movie...assuming that there will ever be one.

    I feel that if they ever decide to make a movie based off of the GTA video game series that they should use the actors and actresses that voiced the characters in the video games, most of which are actually actors and actresses.

    Although, since Rockstar Games is creating a whole new story…I don’t really see that happening…ALTHOUGH, they did re-model Liberty City to make it look a hell of a lot more like New York City…which would help them out with production of a movie in the future. You never know, but for now I’ll stick with what Dan Houser said and expect no movie until Rockstar Games themselves says otherwise.

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