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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Wow... I thought they'd never make a 80GB version of the PS3. Will it be coming to the UK?
  2. Well, you actually press R and then you go behind the Pedestrian you want to and press Triangle to grab the Pedestrian from the back. Once grabbed, press Triangle again and you can snap the pedestrians neck.
  3. I can work Part time when I'm 15, but only about 2-3 hours max. Anyways thanks guys, Well, I can't find anything secret yet, nor can I find anything thats good. Well, I'll be going out later to eat, so I might get a present then. Oh and once again, Thanks. You all made my day.
  4. Thanks guys. I been really bored lately since I got Coursework to do. I hope I got a good present though... So I'm going to look around the house.
  5. Well, It's my birthday today, and well, I feel rather happy today since it is my birthday, usually Sunday's aren't my good day. But I believe I'm going to have a good year and might be able to pass my GCSE Maths Mocks. ... But I don't even know what I got for my presents though, all I got was a birthday card with £30 in it. Well, I can't say thats enough but I guess I'll be getting more surprises.
  6. My brothers going to watch it, so I asked him to get 1 ticket when it comes in cinema's. Atleast it's going to be entertaining than watching the cartoons.
  7. TM™

    BMW E34

    I seen that car somewhere around my Street. It's a nice classic car that I old guy in my street owns, he says he's going to sell it. The colour of the car I seen is black, nice shiny rims and runs really smooth. Somewhat their pretty rare around where I live, I never see old models like these before except that.
  8. It must of took a long time make this video, but the video was quiet funny, yet it looks good.
  9. Well... Things I would die without are: • SEX • My PC • My PSP • All my games • My TV • Sky Digital • My PS2 • GTA • Need For Speed games • Chips and Pizza
  10. I think it will be the same, nothing really special about cheats for me. I don't cheat that much but I'd expect alot of the cheats to be the same, except a few new cheats as well.
  11. YOU JUST BEAT IT ! Lol, JK.
  12. Well, I've been here since July 06, and I'm still here and it's July 07, So I've been here for almost 1 year.
  13. I guess your Imagelodge account is out of bandwidth too Gerard. I just saw this on the main page and I was going to post it to tell MishoM.
  14. Depends actually for me. I would like to get it for the PS3, but if I don't get then I might get it for the 360, If I don't get it on both of those consoles, I'll get a new Computer/laptop and play it on their, best to play it computer since I'm more use to it.
  15. This looks sweet, I can't wait to use this now. But first I need to charge my PSP, anyways good Work. I'm going to try it soon.
  16. Michaels under my bed, he's singing 'Billie Jean', lol.
  17. True. A few days after you joined, you began to post around places, and ofcourse you posted in our recruitment topic, here was what you posted in our recruitment topic: At the time you were new, so we wouldn't accept you unless you've been here more longer. But still, you never changed, so we didn't allow you in for that reason, as well, I was pissed at you since you posted in the Red Mob topic and said crap about us. So sorry you still won't be allowed for that reason. And now it's settled.
  18. Lol, me and you are posting lyrics of good songs.
  19. Hell yeah, I feel more happy now. Thanks Yellow Jacket. :-)

  20. Well, by Sunday, I'm going to turn 15 but I don't know what I'm going to get as a present. My sister of course said that I'm getting a Nintendo Wii for my birthday from the family, and then I my brother said, he's going to get me the 360, and then my sister says that my dad's going to get me a PS3, and then it leads to only 1 present. This is really stressing me out today since I've been at home and I've been hearing all of this. Later, I phoned my Aunt and she says that I'm getting a laptop for my Coursework since I'm doing GFX in my final year. So really, I don't know what I'm expecting to get. It could be a PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, laptop or nothing. But it's sure going to be a fun summer for me atleast. (:
  21. Hey, thanks for making a flame topic about GodFather. I hate him too. So maybe soon I might flame his ass lol.

    See ya' around!

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