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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Man, My cousin Sister has to come... She always spoils the party by crying, The only way to shut her up is to give her a Toy, Atleast she'll be Distracted for a day, I hope.
  2. Playing Metal Gear Solid Substance... Man, thats great to play...
  3. What is that anyways... I can't see it properly since it been resized.
  4. I haven't tried going on the plane, But does it go out of Vice City?
  5. Lucky you... Its completely Dense Fog here in Leicester... And will be like that for the next two days...
  6. I'm playing Need For Speed Carbon Edition.
  7. By the looks of it, we might get over 100,000,000 posts before Xmas, This is more like a prediction. Does anyone agree with me...?
  8. TM™

    Drunk Names

    io fger4er4l. gboopdcf I feel good.
  9. Mostly that what n00bs do, But i do in some posts make it long and useful, With full grammer, but sometimes it's hard to actually read what Bear said, since it makes me actually want to have a argument with her, Mostly since i was kicked out of my gang for a 1 month Probation, I decided to Post more decent, and with more words, Before then i use to just type Ok... with alot elipsis, i still do. But now i already learnt my lesson.
  10. That would be harsh, But Even if GTAIV was on Wii, I wouldn't care, But it won't be a disaster, How can it, The Graphics were shit at the start, so why say it will be a disaster on Wii when the graphics are shit itself.
  11. TM™

    Drunk Names

    tolm mn mnyh monmtanm asz This is my new Drunk Name.
  12. Well only for VCS, But the thing is there's a radio station in it, Thats completey Odd, And you can change it, Maybe thats what Rockstar Might have done, made this... And expect it to be found out later.
  13. Yeah i have NTL broadband, Could that be the Problem to mines? And also it's wireless.
  14. Well there were only 2 windows open, They were that SpeedTest, And TGTAP. My computer is Dell Dimension 4300, I think so, Need to check up on it.
  15. Sony Ericsson, Mostly cause my phone is Sony Ericsson W800i, It really has alot of space to store music, More like a MP3 player.
  16. Confusing, Well since jace is the starter of this topic, It's still your topic.
  17. Yeah thats true, It's best if i post more meaningful atleast. From now i start, I was just happy with my post count. I haven't been here that long, all i remember my friend joined, then i left since he was going to PM advertise his site, I started posting again around august after he got banned.
  18. Might go to the cinemas and watch Black Christmas, Hope i get threw!
  19. True. It doesn fly about, Although, I haven't seen it go out of VC. Could that happen?
  20. Not sure about that, My friend said you could send them threw Email, But not sure about it going threw VideoGame Discs.
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