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Everything posted by TM™

  1. I choose the King of liberty city
  2. Have Revenge... WWYDI you had the fastest computer in the world.?
  3. Well, thats what gang colours are for... Wearing colours near a different gang may cause them to attack you.
  4. Well ok, yeah i finished the game off, and now i got to get all the balloons.
  5. Yeah i need to take a holiday. I am never free.
  6. Welcome to thegtaplace. Make sure you feel comfortable here.
  7. Yeah around to the next few weeks, when the game is nearly out, more screenshots will come out.
  8. Who me...?! well i did spam ages ago, i don't now...
  9. Well, they might not, they will give us some Pics of the game near summer 2007, which is a long way.
  10. Thanks for the codes, but some don't work, so i have to teleport to a different island.
  11. Yeah, I think these easter eggs will be easy to find, I like the Last photo with the snipers veiw.
  12. Yeah around then, they might give some locations out, And some of the features.
  13. PMTs are like Exams, they count 25% of my GCSE. My first exam is in science
  14. Well i got my PMTs tommorow.. It's gonna be hard.
  15. Please guys your Bumping back to this old topic, no-one has replied to it back about 2 months.
  16. They might not, Since the Arcade is Ok, there enough games on there, so i suggest you leave it.
  17. TM™


    I learn'y HTML in school, it was really fun, but it was really hard and long, eventually i got the hang of it and started to make some websites.
  18. Try making a stunt video, really fun and will keep you Interested for hours and hours.
  19. I'd go WWYDI you had Everything in the whole world?
  20. I think no one will return anyways... New characters would come in GTA4.
  21. Listen well you did leave our gang and we don't care, and well i don't really go in the private chat but, No one talks and makes opinions behind someone back, well just stop the arguing here. Back to Topic: I never cheated in class, well if we did we usually find that the person who copied anyone, well there a dumbass, And retarded.
  22. Yeah, about that much. I think i will be here to see that happen.
  23. So you changed subjects? Well since am gonna be going to college soon, i gotta just make sure what subjects i want to do.
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