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Everything posted by TM™

  1. It's a good Idea, but some members just don't look at the spoiler tags and go onto any topics with spoilers.
  2. I like to someone talk Italian, i never Heard anyone talk in that language before.
  3. I Would say, HELP! WWYDI you were rich?
  4. Nothing much, just look down from heaven and point my gun at you. WWYDI you had a hooker on your bed?
  5. How about most active Members in the past month?
  6. Now that was an another super advice by Spaz (truly) The Great And about that Greman Girl friend.You dont mean ....(Umm What was the name) Kelly, my girlfriend? Yesss.... She would be the German girlfriend, considering how I only have one girlfriend right now.... No, bad advice. Online translators are actually pretty sucky. They are good for single words, or atleast getting a basic meaning out of a sentence you don't know.... But NEVER use it to try and learn to speak a language. You will NOT be saying what you think you're saying. Trust me on this one. I learn it at school, my teacher says something in french, and we have to say the french word after. Thats a easy way to do it.
  7. If you are having problems chatting in those Languages, try using google translater, it really helps.
  8. Hey guys, welcome to TheGtaPlace Community, hope you feel comfortable.
  9. Alright I will try it then.. An yeah French is nice to learn, But it is really hard once you get to a exam and have to talk back to a teacher in french. French is easy once you know the basics. Talking in the exam if fine I did it for a GCSE. I am doing GCSE french its Compulsery in the UK.
  10. Well i would prefer to talk english here, But if you want why not talk it.
  11. Alright I will try it then.. An yeah French is nice to learn, But it is really hard once you get to a exam and have to talk back to a teacher in french.
  12. I am learning french, it is really hard, but soon once i get use to talking french, i can chat to some friends in french... But if you are learning german just try atleast, for fun.
  13. Maybe this just happens once in a while, i think it won't happen to you in a long time.
  14. Well atleast that not bad from what happened to me.
  15. He is pointless, though he's pretty good character to play, but he can be a pointless character sometimes.
  16. Does this mod have any links, Like file Downloads..?
  17. Welll Ya. But Claude hasn't ever talked in any of the 2 games.
  18. no, Claude's just cool only Claude is prefered to be "a quiet Killer" since he doesn't talk.
  19. Yeah Nice mods, don't like Cj being a white gut, prefered as being himself.
  20. Wow, Skyline, nice, you got 1900 post, well done well soon i'll be up to were you were.
  21. The Pics quality is Ok, its just like the pics i take and put it on my computer, there just like that.
  22. Yeah lets hope we do make it up to 88,000.
  23. Good, atleast you enjoyed it, well it should be great to spend your evenings out.
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