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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Posting is more of the way to earn money.
  2. does it really matter stop crying I will make one in December just for you. Special little girl. I don't even know why.......
  3. It's Ok, i can read anything like it.. Ye r u rly gna get me... i cnt wit... I can understand that, It's much easier to type that way...
  4. No point, but i might have a go...
  5. It doesn't really matter to me.. i would take it, but that i would do if she was a slut, a friend you should just take time...
  6. I Went to Egg someone house, With some friends, went good going to plan...
  7. You would have to take care of them, which is really annoying sometimes...
  8. True, but try it on someone who you really want to... it will be fun, i think you will like it if you actually try it.
  9. I Like rapping but can't do it here......
  10. TM™


    Try making it into your own words, or read it and make it up.
  11. 9/10 for the game, thats good as a rating..
  12. Yeah Animal Creulty, but thats just dumb then to put on pets if thats going to happen.
  13. Well the second one is obvisously from GTA3, And the top pic looks like its from SA.
  14. Well the game has changed alot, but will have to wait and see what the game holds...
  15. That has to be fake, no doubt.
  16. XD Maybe slip into her pants a little. Chicks dig that. LOL, well try to feel her whole body.
  17. Nahh not good at rappin...
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