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Everything posted by TM™

  1. LOL, well to me, take her out on a date, but as a friendly date, when she enjoys herself, You have the chance to kiss her, WITH FULL FORCE.
  2. I think The Guy will be much better than any of the characters in the previous GTAs.
  3. I can't wait for the new whether system....
  4. This Guy will be obvisously a new guy, no-one that is in the previous GTA Games.
  5. They haven't done really well..
  6. The car is just the same as in VC, there is no problem with the car...
  7. They should have it ready.
  8. Yeah i do to, if it's a muslim girl, don't kiss her, If her parents found out, you'd be killed within a second.
  9. Welcome, Enjoy your stay, don't spam, but other than that, enjoy your stay at TheGtaPlace.
  10. LOL, am starting my GCSE courses...
  11. I will think this site is the best outof all.....
  12. LOL, you had a rough night i guess...
  13. Well lets hope it doesn't happen...
  14. PS3, since it will be good, or wait till it comes on PC, you will be able to put on Mods...
  15. Ok, whatever, close this topic and open it at the start of december.
  16. Well maybe this topic should be closed, since it is october, and yeah only 2 months to go....
  17. They are, i just can't wait till the game comes out.
  18. I just don't like the red colour as the sunset, ruins the game...
  19. Ok, I'd Laugh if it was like those organism in futurama, LOL, that would be funny...
  20. TM™


    Don't even think UFO's will come....
  21. Well yeah, everyone has different taste in all genre's...
  22. Yeah you can change to a different player half-way.... but i think that won't happen...
  23. I hated Vincenzo since he thinks he's all tough..... If i had another chance to kill him, i would use a katana blade and chop his head off...
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