I don't want to do hard labour, I couldn't as I do have back problems which get worse with periods so whats your point? Guess what woman can get mean while on their periods because of mood swings, a friend of mine had to be put on the pill to calm her down as her mood swings were very bad.
This flaming on me and Yellow Jacket is ridiculus as Im sorry you guys will never know what we go through. Pregancy is very hard on a womans body, its painful and not pleasant and then afterwards you can spend days in labour. Its very hard, but its not fair that all you can say is "get over it". But lets face it men don't have to go through such drastic strains on your body and have to suffer pain.
Nate seems to be the most respectful and understanding male member we have in this topic, and as Yellow Jacket said he is awesome.
Woman do get rejected from jobs quite alot because they are woman, I studied this in Sociology before anyone gets shitty with me. Employers think "Oh no they might get pregnant I have to pay for maternity leave" that is a very common reason for that. Also there is the 'Glass Ceiling" which shows woman really struggle to get higher in their careers because of sexism. So yes its very bad when woman get rejected from jobs for being woman, but it does happen alot.