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Everything posted by Nate10

  1. Shit, I haven't played NSMB for a while. I did end up figuring out how to activate the lower worlds but that knowledge is completely out of my head now. I'll have to find out again and I'll give you a heads up haha. As for me, I'm just playing some Combat Arms. And enjoying it.. <3
  2. And to think I thought I would be a pussy to take part in a dojo class when I was even younger...
  3. Chris, oddly enough, has this right. And I don't mean that as in it's odd how Chris is right for once, I mean he just nailed that one. There's so much bigger controversial oddities going down there that this really is somewhat normal.
  4. Like I thought, I just had to get used to it. I'm fine with the new look now.
  5. Nate10

    You still playing Combat Arms?

  6. Yeah man, I'm looking forward to hearing some of the material you guys have written ^_^

  7. Filter - So Cool That whole album actually is pretty much amazing, so listen to it.
  8. 8,0,8,7680,0,32992,32804,48896,41236,41616,41344,12290,32778,58,32768,1984 I thought that sounded kinda nice taking away some of it and adding it back.. Oh and here is a rough version for a weiner: 0,0,122880,73728,73728,73724,65572,65572,114748,65572,65572,73724,73728,73728,122880,0 9/2/09: 0,16384,0,33264,4104,16456,200,33000,2104,16384,256,4096,0,16640,36992,16384
  9. I actually like the fact that I'm only 5'5" and am skinny, makes people THINK you are weak, but like you I can hold my own in a fight. I guess this would be an alright time to say that you should never underestimate your opponent? Oh and my I ask why you don't seem to like posting pictures of yourself? Obviously you don't have to answer, just am curious....
  10. Metronomy - This Could Be Beautiful ugh, this is soooo fucking good it's not even funny.
  11. I actually always thought most of those were a little practical but they'd probably do me some good. I can hold my own in a fight, and have, but eh, there's always more to learn.
  12. i didn't really find Jace's post funny at all. I hate when shit like that happens. For instance: a month ago at around 2 in the morning my cousin and I walked over to the local 76 gas station and there was a bum on the side. I walked past and shook my head to him in a friendly manner, and like the dumbfuck my cousin is, he said how are you. The bumb looked at us, told us to come closely, asked us if we'd buy booze and I said no, then he said to not tell the clerk that he's out there hittin' the bong... So I go into the place, we get our shit, and when I give the dude my money to pay, I look back and the bum is looking at us through the door and when he sees I see him he quickly goes back to the side of the place. I told my cousin just just hold his knife when we walk out, and I'd do the same, and when I said that the clerk asked what we're talking about. I just told him there was some sketchy dude outback. He didn't seem to have a problem with it. So as we're walking out I was just passing the first pump at the station and I look back wondering why people were yelling, and the clerk was telling the bum off how he'll call the cops and get him arrested if he doesn't leave. At that exact moment, when I looked at the bum, I saw his eyes were completely fixated on me. I kind of got the chills but shrugged it off. About 5 seconds later I heard the bum screaming at the top of his lungs saying he was goning to kill me and my cousin. I looked back, and he was running towards us. Fast for a bum too. He was somewhat far away still, but my cousin was already off. I was pissed because I'm out of shape but we basically ran about a mile towards our house. We ditched the bum after I caught up to my cousin after about 5 minutes by jumping some fences and running through the back of some people's houses along the way. Still though, we stayed up all night looking through the windows in secrecy just in case. Worst part about all this: I dropped $30 dollars, a flashlight, and half the fucking food I bought when we were running for our lives.
  13. Quality screens. Oh and the third picture's explosion reminds me of one of Llama's old signatures.
  14. Getting on Combat Arms right now. If things go the way I want, I'll be on most the day. Hit me up if you're down to play.
  15. Best topic I've seen in this place for a while.
  16. I've never changed mine so I guess the default?
  17. x2 If I didn't just say x2 I would of pretty much regurgitated what Earth said.
  18. Thanks for rubbing it in more that I don't have a nex-gen console haha... well I'm looking forward to the trailer.
  19. Shout Out Louds - My Friend And The Ink On His Fingers hits home way too hard
  20. x2 Thanks for the info Chris, I didn't even know it was being made for the PSP.
  21. They're shants. You get a pair of jeans(preferably skinnies)and cut them.
  22. I didn't really laugh at all.
  23. Man, that's CUTE. My legs are more or less that hairy as well. Also, CUTOFFS for the win. Or just Nate and I? This is my fellow bandmates and I. I'm the one in the middle! Aww, thanks man. And eee oh yes. Cutoffs.. <3 Love the picture btw, and look at you just being a rebel looking the other way. Oh and I added your band.
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