At least you get a warning. I never get any warnings for constipation cramps. Those hurt like a bitch.
I think she wasn't exactly calling it a warning, she was hinting towards how long the duration of a period is... Or was I the only one who spotted the quotation marks.
...You bleed half to death...? Are you exaggerating, because I never heard of a women dieing from their period. If every month women bleed half to death from that then there would constantly be women dieing from it.
If you really couldn't tell, then yes, she actually doesn't die from bleeding. Like above, she was hinting towards the fact that you bleed A FUCKING LOT and it sucks.
Don't get me wrong, I respect women with the whole child birth thing, but not for going through periods every month.
Now I know you weren't the one that mentioned this, but if women have such a great "pain thresh hold", then I don't see why women are always complaining about having their periods.
Women say shit like "You don't know what we go through". Yeah, no shit, but we can't change that and we'll never know what women go through exactly and we don't really like hearing women bitching. We can't do anything about why bitch at us?
By the way...why the hell are we talking about periods? Womens rights?
They complain about it, because it sucks. Why wouldn't they complain, I would. Everyone complains about other stuff that sucks. About women saying, "You don't know what we go through".... why must you generalize women into that. Why not say some, or most, or whatever it actually is? Because most women usually don't even bring that up unless someone is saying being a women is easy, but if they actually are saying it just because, then shit. Fuck em'. Ever thought why they bitch about that just cuz? Because they probably are bitches. No need to generalize a whole sex because of some though. There's people everywhere man, it's near impossible to generalize anything. We're all different.
Oh and we're talking about periods and not women's rights because this is the first time a topic has even gone offtopic.