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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Press L1 when near the taxi.
  2. I recently did the mission where
  3. Include this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkqqMPPg2VI...feature=related I lol'd.
  4. Yea i know we shouldent have to. I hope Rockstar Games is aware of this.
  5. Im doing Waste Not Want Knots to get Packies missions done (Forgot about him) and im up to this misssion. I kill all the guys inside but once i get the cash Packie dies within a few minutes. Should i just run out the warehouse while being shot at?
  6. Maybe you should edit the title under your topic title. Spoiler...
  7. Im about 41 or 42 missions in. Been playing Multiplayer lately.
  8. I like it. I knew all the SA songs, So learning these will take a while ;P
  9. Just restart it a few times... Works for me.
  10. Yep mine sometimes freezes on ''Loading - Mission Name'' thing as well. Not that annoying, But a fix or anything would be great.
  11. Jeez, So quick lol. Do you guys have like no jobs and play 24/7?
  12. This is The Snow Storm mission right? I dident kill any cops, I just ran out the building and drove off.
  13. Dmac

    Stupid! So mad

    Make the game yourself and turn off team kills.
  14. I passed it. I just run out the building and lost the cops when driving.
  15. The first wave is a NOOSE swat team, after that only regular police trickle in... I used the auto shotgun to clear them out, got in my truck, as you drive off to the north west there is a lot of grass and a baseball field, drive through there as you won't run into any cops, once you're in the clear of the grass you should be out of the wanted area. Thanks ill try it out. EDIT: Where exactly is the grass? I see none.
  16. Im also having troubles. Will cops keep coming in the building no matter what? So if i kill the swat and cops in the building once will that stop any cops coming inside? Also people what was your Weapon of Choice?
  17. Yep done it, Thanks guys. Also, Finally in second island. Start Junction is amazing at night!
  18. I like Venturas Poker Challenge. You see a bit of SA on it.
  19. I am doing the mission ''Luck of the Irish'' where you havt to Sniper the guys from a roof. I kill most of them and it says ''Find and Protect Patrick'' or something. I continue shooting then i fail the mission because he gets injured. What exactly do i have to do?
  20. How many is there after you start doing Manny's mission?
  21. You think you can make me a GTA4 related one? All it really needs is a grunge type effect (i think thats the name) and niko in it with ''IV'' and my Name (Dmac_91). Name a price Thanks.
  22. I have the 60gb and it froze on the first mission only.
  23. The Bars and places like they will appear on the radar when you do some missions.
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