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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. PS3 - Dmac_91 - GMT+10 EDIT: Chris, Maybe you should post this on the frontpage?
  2. When no ones ingame no one wants to play because its boring on your own. Unless someone is in there with another person then players come. And idle mode? Wtf? Never heard of that problem. Just was testing a new prison. EDIT: Just posted on the forums.
  3. On the weekend, Pghpunkid will be scripting. Expect some new features soon, Very soon!
  4. Great to hear! No need for importing the UK version if its only a cut scene.
  5. I found it easy to get the license in that time, If you know where to go.
  6. For those who it isn't working for, Make sure you added: To favorites.
  7. Im on it now. You sure you got the right IP?
  8. The server was down due to a problem with the host. Everything should be fine now
  9. Heh, nice. I'm guessing Pghpunkid posted this, Because im admin there and he is the only person i know who would post it. I might add that earlier today i was testing a new job and went for a drive to the new custom built prison, Its looking good
  10. My parents have never cared. Im 16 now and been playing GTA since the first.
  11. Its being played on a Computer Monitor so it could easily just be a video he has made and he just inserted the disc into the xbox 360. When he inserted the disc the video stopped so yea i dont think its real.
  12. GTA IV sold here is $120 from EB Games AUD. As long as what ever is censored isn't anything big, I wont buy it online.
  13. My Holidays have finished lol.
  14. I'll be in for PS3. Also, If we do go ahead with this, I can host a website and forums and probably get a domain. As for names, Maybe [LU] Liberty United? [LK] Liberty Kings? [KOL] Kings of Liberty [LM] Liberty Mafia [LE] Liberty Elite As you can see im no good at thinking of names. Someone else can think
  15. Change of plans, Midnight launch at EB Games
  16. Just checked and mine is Dmac_91 lol.
  17. Yea i seen it. I used to like it but its so fake now...
  18. I got a feeling the hookers will be taken out. I dont think, Well hope, What ever has been taken out wont affect the whole experience.
  19. Already planned it. Going to EB Games as soon as it opens that day.
  20. Thanks for the help guys. I think ill buy the AU Version first as i wont be able to wait for the game to be posted! But if it is heavily censored (Hope not) ill buy a UK or NZ version. And its for PS3 btw
  21. Lol why did you need to restart?
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