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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Private or Public School? A normal fight and smoking couldn't get you 4 weeks suspension in a public school.
  2. I get in trouble for setting fart bombs in the year 7 area. My School is stupid though, They saw me on roof and did jack shit, And i skipped a whole morning lesson while i went to Krispy Kreme's and they didn't care.
  3. Dmac


    Out off all the photos i took on the holiday, Those 4 pictures are the only ones like that. That smokey haze only happened twice, I tried it again and i couldn't get it again. The orbs, They happen in lots of photos but none of my other photos either had orbs, Or if they did it was not as much as that.
  4. Dmac


    Here is some photos i took in a old Church down in Swan Hill (for anyone living in Australia who knows the place). Some Orbs, Which i believe in some cases are dust, And in others cases can be Ghost related. Then some pictures i took on a balcony of a Hotel, No one was smoking at the time and there was no smoke around either.
  5. This can't be right... What has he done to deserve a ban?

  6. Jeez the way we are going i reckon we could fill a water silo in a few days!
  7. Dude.... WTF your banned? :o

  8. G'day mate! What going on man?

  9. You defiantly won't get Mod asking for it.... As WnN2 said, Mods work their asses off and are highly respected members of the community.
  10. Dmac

    Hey mate whats going on?

  11. Dmac

    You posted in the Vehicles section that you prefer Ford over Holden.

  12. Dmac


    My Controls - Edit Profile Information - Flag.
  13. Dmac

    OMG YOU LIKE FORD!? Shame on you... :D

  14. Just saw the car thread, Your 15 and got a car?! :o

  15. OMG once i had a dream and i went to school with nothing on. Good god it was horrible.
  16. I can't drive yet, Well i can just haven't got license, So no. But i wouldn't mind seeing pictures of burnouts!
  17. Dmac

    Ford and Chevy

    This question is from someone from America, Do you see a lot of Holdens in USA or not? (imported of course). Here a Holden Commodore is like the default family car.
  18. .amr works with quicktime, ill change it. EDIT: Jordan uploaded a nice 50second recording.
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