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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. Lets get someone from this site to do it. And I dont want a regestered version of fraps, it will cost me money i dont have a dollar. The replay words is ok, i just need someone to put a "TVG" on my stunts.
  2. Can you sum that all up into one sentence?
  3. Oh yeah, i had this problem, but I didnt fix it. I think you need to right-click on the main exe (somwhere in the Vice City file) and make sure that it is not read only.
  4. Lol, they ban a videogame and not playboys, which shows real naked women.
  5. When i record my videos, they are like 40 MB! How can i make them less that ten, i dont know why they are so large, seeing that they are 15 seconds each. EDIT: nevermind, I used Dr.Divx to cut them down to size, so here they are. Sentinel XS flip (2 dead bums) Airport stunt
  6. Putfile is acting strangly. When I try to upload a video, the green bar thing starts. when it gets full, nothing happens.
  7. Ok, ill upload it in putfile, but before i do, can anyone tell me how i can make the framerate better when i use fraps? It is slow as hell when i record anything.
  8. I went to the mall yesturday and i noticed the RadioShack has become a "The Source By Circuit City" store. I then went to another mall which also had a RadioShack, but that one has also become a The Soure store. Can anyone tell me what is going on!?!
  9. Ugh, I record when using replay, but it is as choppy as hell! No matter, can anyone tell me how I can show you guys my 2 20 second films?
  10. What is the glitch? Your pics are so dark i cant see shit.
  11. I remember a topic about theGTAPlace members making a stunt video together. The topic is now lost in the ruins of GTAPlace forums, so lets start a new one! I hope we do make a video, just one thing, no mods that will make your vehicles handle differntly.
  12. I have never heard of a demo for Vice City, give us proof! And chris82, how?
  13. The Thing Download the file follow the instructions.
  14. Today I downloaded GTA and GTA2 off Rockstar's site. GTA2 works fine, but not GTA. It gives me this error. Any help apperciatted. btw, if i press Ignore, nothing happens. (Using Win Xp Home Edition) EDIT: after spending countless hours looking for a solution, i finally found one and it now works!
  15. I got it for PS2 in February. I didnt get it the day it came out because I didnt have the money, thank you Chinese New Year!
  16. Yeah, True Crime:Streets of LA has a giagantic enviroment even larger than San Andreas, but like you said, everything gets repeated. I was driving on a street and noticed I keep seeing the same bars, the same house, the same diner, the same verything. And about the size, I dont realy care, as long as it is a good one.
  17. Yeah, the first couple of missions will work. I agree with spaz, jeasus christ, just go out and get some porn and not this crap.
  18. Remove the mod right now, it wont let you progress through the game because Tenpenny wont give you a phonecall and it is a phonecall required to get new missions.
  19. I love watching this show! I still watch this show! Somtimes the show can get boring when people talk for hours and hours, but its all worth it when the cops flip thier car trying to jump a bridge!
  20. You saved at Madd Dogg's Crib. (Mansion) If you save there, the basketballs will dissapear.
  21. Aadrian, your sig is too big, remove it or be warned, oh wait, your the moderator. Anyways, atleast GTA San Andreas have a section in Porn Shops, along with Leisure Suit Larry, The Guy Game and Playboy The Mansion.
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