This was in GTA2, it was a deathmatch between me and the other person. I was driving down the road in a fast car then all of a sudden a guy poped out of the buildin and started shootind at me with a car was on fire so i stoped the car and ran. it blew up then i ran behine it for cover. he tossed a cocktail at me but i was luck to have missed it. i brought out my rocket launcher and aimed it for him. it hit the wall behine him and he lost 2/3rds of his health. he quickly ran in to a car and drove off. i losted him but after 2 min i found him agian. i chased him all around town. we were driving next to a train station when all of a sudden he used the oil spill attached to his car and i went spping right towards the train tracks. It took me awhile to regian controlbut it was to late. I tried to get out of the car or drive it away but the train get closer and closer then bam! i was wasted
by the way, if it was on gamecube theyed have to take out, hidden packages, rampages, lots of weapons, cars, textures, cutscenes, loads of pedestrian skins, sounds and many more. Meaning getting 100% will be easy but you will be missing out on the rest of the stuff
The game would never go on gamecube theyed have to take out alot of stuff. i got reasons why its not on ganecube, 1. the disc is so small, it could barely even put the vc map on it 2.the controls, it would not have enuff buttons and 3. kids use gamecube, why would somebody wanna play mario games all day long and kids dont play rated Ms right. Last timei played true crime on ps2 and it was good, the on gamecube the buldings and roads kept dissapearing cause the gc disc was so small and it keep on freezing.PS: I hate nintendo products and gc have only like 20 m games.
I don't know if thiers a forum about this but i did not find one, so wats your favorite car in all of GTA, mines would be the blue banshee from GTA3, love the stripes and no mods as your favorite vedihcle
i hate GTA1, you can die in one shot if your not wearing body armour, but i love gta2 lots of weapons, cars gangs and the respect thingy,but hate the up-down view