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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. Hi I was sorta new here and I am a chinese guy, and no, i do not work 4 the triads or yakuza
  2. There is 3 of them, one is in Shoreside Vale, emergency crane and the inport export garage is in portland harbour to find them, here are the instructions- 4 portland in port export garage and crane Go 2 the main entrance 4 portland Harbour. Go to the left all the way to the wall. Face the wall then turn right into that little ally. Look At the left 4 another alley, go in there. drive to the right when u get out of the alley and there should be a garage near the back wit a list of cars, thats the garage. If u want 2 find the Crane, around the back of the garage is a yellow mark on the ground, put all the vhicles wit a side mission and an extra Barracks ol Shoreside Vale Start at the police station at SV. Go 2 the right intill ur at the entrance 4 the dam so stop there. Go 2 the right and look right and u should see a garage wit a list 4 cars. Re- Try 2 do these without the car mods Crane Car List Police Enforcer FBI Car Tank Barracks Ol Ambulance Fire truck
  3. But GTA1 and 2 were on Gameboy 6 years ago Jeasus Christ
  4. coupla health, armour, weapons, wanted level and car spawning cheats shouldent screw it up
  5. Its great, if only the Mafia dont shoot me when i touch Saint Marks :'(
  6. I bought 3 before VC, and I was surprised, the atmosphere in vice city looks so happy and shiny, it looks like there wernt even one gang there, but when u look at GTA3, theres lots of skyscrapers, the darkness, the vandilism, everything that makes it look like there was crime, alot of crime there
  7. I think GTA3 is better cause theres alot of gangs and there very stong not like the weak little gangs in VC, theres a train that u can go in and drives around portland, a subway that u can go in, a tunnel that brings u arcoss liberty and there are alot more peole on the streets, in VC theres like 4 people on one city block, but in libery theres over a 15 people on 1 city block, and da cops are smarter
  8. I thought it was a bad idea, still making up-down GTA when they have the tecnology 2 make 3D games, they proboly made it cause they want nintendo owners 2 feel the playing of GTA, so thats proboly the reason the made it
  9. Mabye if I create my own GTA site, I might get some free stuff from R*.............. what a clever plan......... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  10. YOU GOTTA HELP MAN!! HERES MY SAD STORY :'( I used to have VC installed 2 a derictory that was very long so when i needed 2 put skins and stuff, it took a long time . So I changed the drictory to its rockstar derictory. Now when i try 2 install mods for VMMM ( I use IMG tool 2 ) it does not work cause i put VC in another derictory. So i uninstalled VCMM and when i installed it, it doesent have the wheres the VC derictory thing that is suppose to pop up everytime it installs :'( It presumes that my VC is still installed at that old derictory............... U GOTTA HELP ME!! VC IS SO BORING WITHOUT THE MODS!!!
  11. Q#012- Can u manually aim any gun in the game instead of locking on, and how do u manually aim if u can?
  12. Its great with the GTA San Andreas logo and all, but could have had more stuff like pictures of GTA SA but who cares! Im gonna get it!
  13. They deserve it BUT I wished they would not :'( cause i wanted them 2 get started on midnight club 3, PC GTA SA, XBOX GTA SA so they would come out earlier
  14. 8 CDs, thats alot of disc, could have jammed them all into one DVD
  15. Theres not any new cars. The cars just have reflections, more polys and the tires are rounder, the lines under each wheel is more detailed and the rims are 3D.
  16. I would say its pretty good 4 a beginner. I remember my first things, first mod, first lego car, they were not so good, but got better afterwards
  17. Damm, its gonna take a long time, when i downloaded it, 1% was one second
  18. I know, it 3 times bigger cause theres no real details on it so they dont need any 3D stuff in the city so its real easy to make, like the cars top side, 2-3 damage modles and thier done no real talent need 4 this
  19. My favorite would be the backflips made when you hit the tree with that white or black car
  20. its great, lots of jumps and stuff like that
  21. WOO! the sites back up, even the downloads section is back thats so , even the site changed a little, but did u copy gtagaming or somthin
  22. A#003- I think you can either buy it from a shop or you will need to buy a new safe house and it will be inside. Q#004- If you don't feed CJ, what will happen to him?
  23. Q#002- Can u still pick up hookers right off the sidewalks?
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