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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Just because he might be in his high 30s or 40s doesn't mean he won't ride a (motor)bike and do stunts and stuff.
  2. Lol, it'd be funny as hell with peds ganging up on you when suddenly an FBI Cruiser, Rancher, Washington, or whatever the FBI car's going to be in GTA IV runs you and the peds over. I like the idea.
  3. undectable on the internet. Anyway, I got my 2,800th post in counting.
  4. Refresh my memory, please. I don't recall any Russians in GTA III and you may be confusing the Russians with the French in Vice City. @Topic: That could be a good link but I'm not sure if it's going to happen between Grove Street and the Russians since they were only in one mission.
  5. Yeah, same with me. I'd also like weather forecasts if this idea isn't too crazy. If snow would be able to pile up on the road, it'd be great and being able to throw snowballs at peds. Seems childish but, meh.
  6. It doesn't make sense to say "Liberty City State". A city and state are very different.
  7. Yeah, I think Toni's more of a leader. Luigi... I'm not sure about him.
  8. Well, I first thought Tommy's gang was just called the Vercettis and Diaz's gang just to be called Diaz's Gang. Tommy's orginization might be a Crime Family but if in the stats section says that Tommy's gang is just simply called "Vercetti Gang", then that's what it was meant to be called in the game.
  9. Actually, mid-storyline in Vice City when Tommy took over Diaz's Mansion, he had the Vercetti Gang but it wasn't as advanced as San Andreas or Vice City Stories and Toni was only Capo of the Leones. Salvatore was the Don to technically Toni was only part of the Leone Family.
  10. You know GTA III was delayed for three weeks to take something like that out, right? Same with GTA III, also. All you had to fly was a hard to control Dodo that's not actually a helicopter.
  11. Well, the Leones were the gang Claude first worked for but he was really friends more with the Yakuza. At first, Vice City really didn't focus on one gang until Tommy makes his own gang called the Vercettis (Pretty original name).
  12. They need to get their facts straight before saying all this crock of shit.
  13. I think Sergei or Nikolai are good names. Whenever I think of those names, it reminds me of hockey.
  14. I think it had steam coming out of factories or was that in LCS, Just wondering sice ARSE banned all motorbikes in 2001, will we have any motorbikes. There's a possibility that someone could've countered that ban after what took place at the time of GTA III so we could have motorbikes again. I agree with OGTAM, I think the part north of Shoreside Vale in Upstate Liberty City could be used for GTA IV.
  15. It sucked in San Andreas and it'll suck in GTA IV if it's there again.
  16. I think it's possible that Russian character is Jerkov from GTA2 but it'd be weird playing with a protagonist named Jerkov.
  17. Man Parrish - Boogie Down Bronx (From Vice City Stories Soundtrack)
  18. same. I quite like portland apart from the south of it Yeah, there's nothing really to do in Atlantic Quays or Trenton. Everything south of Portland View at the Police Station is boring.
  19. Yeah, The Exchange is the final mission. For money, I suggest crashing cars for some small change and go on some random killing sprees for money. You could always do some side-missions like Vigilante, Firefighter, and Taxi. Right now, I have about $470,000 and I've only done one Shoreside Vale mission.
  20. GTA III again. I've got only 2 Donald Love missions to go and then I'll be able to get to Shoreside Vale. I have to kill Kenji next.
  21. Problem with those are that the screenshots from the GTA III and Vice City are gameplay screenshots and the Vice City screenshot may look a little dark because Tommy's standing in front of some building (Not the SWAT Van) and the San Andreas screenshot isn't gameplay but regardless, the GTA IV graphics look beautiful.
  22. We don't know his age for sure. He might look old to you but he could even be in his 30s. He could look dull in the trailer but when the game comes out, I bet people will be overwhelmed.
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