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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Thanks for the tips. I got it. Lol @ Ya Boy EJ. I should've done that.
  2. I think the Pats will win the Super Bowl.
  3. I'll bump this since I finally have SA. Clothes Green Cap (Side) Stop Watch Chain Yellow Watch Green Hoody Green Pants (I forgot the kind of Shoes) Accessories/Haircuts Afro Cut Gun Tatton on Right Arm Los Santos Tattoo in Right Chest Stats About 30% Stamina About 10% Respect Max Muscle About 25% Fat
  4. I like it. It isn't that bad but it's very small.
  5. Don't care if it's a mod.That's pretty sweet. Wish I seen that before drivin down the road.Chinese people. Jeese.Lol.Jk. edit:Why is this in the VC section.This looks a bit like SA.And when I say that,I mean,it is SA. That's in Sunshine Autos in Vice City, not in San Andreas.
  6. San Andreas never had swimming lessons.
  7. Car: Blade Bike: PCJ-600 I've only played like 17 missions so I can't fill in the rest for now.
  8. Yes, it can but it surely won't be the same game.
  9. It's crap that Big Smoke only has a Tec-9.
  10. Oh wait, I thought he was talking about "OG Loc" but he's actually talking about "Wrong Side Of The Tracks".
  11. The Sentinel is a great car. It's easy to win that race with the Sentinel. The Sentinel isn't bad but it's crap compared to the Sabre Turbo and almost impossible to win the race with it.
  12. Welcome, new members to TheGTAPlace.
  13. I've only played 12 missions so I'll say the eating and the gym so far.
  14. Especially the Stallion, Glendale, and other muscle cars. I get tired of it.
  15. Can anyone help me out with High Stakes, Low Rider? I suck a lot in lowrider races. My Voodoo fliped over when I was going smoothly and it just turned out bad.
  16. Yeah, that's the mission I'm stuck on.
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