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Everything posted by Silberio

  1. Siberian Husky...Yeh, can't tell much about it, I like Siberian Husky's, and I would like to be one o.o The Avatar: Of course, I'm pretty much a fan of Johnny Bravo The Signature: GTA: Vice City, my favourite GTA! Made by QuickDeath, by the way.
  2. If there's afterlife...We'll see it! But anyway...That thing about that Planet X is scaring me pretty much. Any more info about that?
  3. Howdy.

    How you doin'?

  4. Banned for feeling to ban someone. o.o
  5. Duh... The sun will expand, and burn this planet, and many more, then shrink.
  6. Hehe - Thats what I meant But yeah, it'll kinda explode, but it will just give us a pain in the eyes because of the light, and then burn us to death...
  7. How are ya, mate?

  8. No no no no NO. Not all the stars are the same size, or else all the stars would live for billions of years, such as our star (Sun). There are other star's big as our though.
  9. Whatsup!

    How you doing?

  10. Sun won't explde, it will die, as any other star in the universe. The sun just will take longer time to die, than other stars, as it's bigger. And as MishoM said, we'll die anyway.
  11. I'm busy, I'm writing a book. Seven Night's In The Sigfried Line.
  12. You two aint alone..I also hate your computers.
  13. Groovy Personal Photo O.o

  14. Because I was playing Battlefield 1942.
  15. Thank you =)

  16. Yeah, it would be totally rad. It would add lots of realism too, counting that there are female cop's everywhere in the world O.o
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