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Everything posted by mk01

  1. No...just no. the only disturbing thing is that you listen to ciara...
  2. I freakin love cockpit views on driving games...like in Test Drive Unlimited! This is gonna be awesome!
  3. It's actually Out of Touch Anyway if your are going for a autehntic theme, then a blend of all 3 Intro's wouldn't be too bad. Another good song is "Straight Line", by Silverchair (although that one is VERY modern) or "TNT", By AC/DC TNT's good, also try Born to be Wild: also by AC/DC
  4. maybe he didnt know how quote 3 at a time...because i sure dont
  5. haha...my bad its my first time makin a poll on here and i wasnt payin much attention
  6. I keep seeing this rumor but I DON'T believe it so what do you think? edit: Spelled Niko wrong in the poll...so don't be a retard and point that out...
  7. Yes, everyone has noticed that. It has been mentioned many, many, many, many, many times. Well I never noticed before.
  8. Had it not been for cheats I probably would have stopped playing GTA: SA ALONG time ago! They are optional and if YOU think they take AWAY from the game then don't freakin use them you fruit! But WE want them so quit trying to prove your point and justify yourself...o and as for the bold...if you don't like cheats they why would you use them to begin with?
  9. Uhh...you could buy cars in SA so why not in IV?
  10. Ok so go here and watch the video on the right side...shortly into it he says that if the controller shound compleatly die you have to replace it!? Is this true!?
  11. like rav0001 said: the burnout series...!!! its got the most realistic car damage i've seen, when you crash wheels and parts fly off and stuff...and if its head on the front end of the car can be smashed like all the way up to the dashboard! but if that was in GTA IV i wouldnt b able to drive a car long enough...lol :-P
  12. Just wondering sice ARSE banned all motorbikes in 2001, will we have any motorbikes. o definatly...if not that would just b stupid, it will probably have some reference about how the ban was lifted
  13. insults are for the losers of the world...it shows you dont have a life outside of gaming...and if you do, its probably pretty crappy! anywho i gotta go, ur retardedness is almost offensive to me. and by the way, i agree, i would NEVER buy anything online again, last time my harddrive screwed up. and dont say "disks can get scratched too!" because unlike idiots i actually TAKE CARE of my discs!
  14. well mainly i just want a in-car "cockpit" view and a speedometer would be nice too planes that fly at a near-realistic speed at least bigger mountian/s spawning cars arnt affected by the car the player is driving...only by the city (ie. rich town= mercades, poor place=crappy cars) a submarine driveable cruise ships/cargo ships the ability to turn the engine on/off more customizable options for car gas (but can turned off in a options menu for like missions/always/never) multi/manual/and automatic transmissions enterable vehicles before driving them (ie. moterhome, most planes) the ability to park a vehicle on another and drive w/out it sliding off (like a flatbed truck) and a vehicle transporting plane/boat that you can control more peds, different gangsters/homies or whatever gta IV will have the ability to change player gender, skin tone, etc. like The Godfather game caves (under water and on land) less-identical safehouses more trains ability to change tracks while in the train when cars flip, they quit...NOT explode destructable trains (maybe...dont care really) visible damage on planes, bikes, tank etc ALL body panels come off of veicles (or rewalistic damage like Burnout) ragdoll phisics for ALL characters NPC & not main character runs slower for a bit after swimming due to being waterlogged ALL windows break (side wiondows before door comes off) buildings dont have to be loaded (like in The Godfather) buildings are destructable and i have more but cant think of 'em right now!
  15. I want a nice BMW 320 IS, or maybe a 2nd Gen. charger, but i would be happy with the new honda CRX
  16. i agree, customizable like in the godfather, but better clothes (duh!)
  17. i like the prison break idea, or maybe being stormed by a swat team after being framed as illustrating a casino robbery (framed by CJ's brother so CJ wont go down maybe???)
  18. loved the whole gangster theme (or at least liked it a whole lot more then the mob stuff) and hope gta IV isint a "mob-based" game, i'de really like to see maybe a mix of the 2...cant see how that could happen though without making for a really lame game...
  19. I want to be able to make a character like in the godfather, thats like the best idea for a game like this i've seen.
  20. people like u will b the reason if GTA:IV is lame. you just want it to be the same as the other GTA's except with a new story and map, ya dont want any random improvements.
  21. Whats up, im new here, i got tired of seeing stupid posts on the forums and not being able to post myself.
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