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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. The Movies suck donkey nuts! It is fucking tedious and in my case traumatic. I'd sooner shag a horse than play that worthless pile of dog shit. End of rant. In other news Zoe and Frida mud wrestle...
  2. In DeviantArt you find all sorts of fan art. Some cool, some hilarious, some quite sick, some absolute shit, some yaoi, some yuri, and some which are totally fucking legendary...
  3. I live in a dog's house, I eat like a dog and I sniff people's butts like a dog. Who am I? A. Raymond B. Jack Thompson C. Johnny-Kazuki The answer is........
  4. Banned because it was a brush I used and not a photo.
  5. ...the Big Four (Warner and his pals) raid the treehouse where Frida and Zoe were. "finally!1 i found u two! now come with me!" Warner said, scratching his nuts. "Get lost, trash!" Zoe hissed. "ooo! u guna beat me up u goth shit!" Warner said, laughing like a horse. Warner grabbed the little ruffian and tossed her outside the window. "now then Fryda..." warner cackled. "Its pronounced Freeda." Frida said with a small smile. "u bitch FUCK OFF!!1" Warner screamed. TNF or Vice continue story...
  6. Zoe wanted to be a pornstar, Frida wanted to be a rockstar. The Night Fox and his vixens did the Lance Vance Dance, Alucardo the No-Life Spampire keeps an eye out for Warner, who has teamed up with Universal, Sony BMG and EMI to kidnap the two girls. Spider or TNF may continue...
  7. My computer is rebooting itself like mad and its driving me crazy. Two weeks later... TNF, Alucardo, Spider-Vice, Frida and Zoe meet up at the bottom of Mt Chilliad in San Andreas to hunt Bigfoot and Hannibal Lecter, each target had a $100,000 bounty on their heads, unfortunately it was cold and rainy and the gang forgot to bring their raincoats and their tents, all they had were their rifles and a basket full of bread, so they had to go hide in the cabin at the side of the mountain. "I'm cold and hungry and I wanna go home!" Zoe complained, "And I wanna go play San Andreas on my crappy old computer!" "Shut up Zoe!" Frida said, "All you ever do is moan and groan like a baby!" "No, you shut up!" Zoe barked. " You shut up!" Frida barked back. "Stop bickering you two!" Alucardo shouted, the two stopped arguing and just gave each other evils. "Hey did you hear that?" TNF said to Alucardo and Spider. "No, what was it?" Alucardo asked. "I think Hannibal Lecter has arrived." TNF said. TNF or Spider-Vice continue story...
  8. Avi - 7 Sig - 7 Person - N00b (just kidding ) A real cool guy
  9. Frida is jealous, because her arch-enemy is now talking to Alucardo again. TNF grabs his sniper and looks for Bill Gates incase he decides to attack with his Vistalaser. Steve Jobs jumps from the bushes and attacks TNF, "I'm Steve Jobs and I'm a Mac!" He shouts. But Alucardo uses his Linuxlaser and the legendary XPlaser to kill Steve Job's reproductive organs. "Nooooo!!" Steve Jobs cried, and he ran off wailing like a baby, but Tony Blair appears with the MacOSXlaser... TNF continue.
  10. TNF, Alucardo, Frida and the rest of the gang set camp on a patch of grass under a shaded area of the Mexican desert. Alucardo tells the gang a story about why George Bush sucks, then its bedtime and everyone is asleep, except for Frida, who's hugging Alucardo when he's sleeping TNF wakes up and grabs a beer, he looks into it and finds a scorpion inside it, it bit his nose. "Arrgh my nose!" TNF shouted, Alucardo wakes up and finds Frida is giving him hickeys. "Ahhh! Get off!" Alucardo shouted, he kicked Frida off his back and fell asleep, but in the bushes Raymond is waiting for Frida to pass by. TNF continue.
  11. But JK snatched Frida from Alucardo's hands and then beat her up with an iron bar, Frida loses consciousness and JK dumps her body into the boot of his car, when 7.62mm saw Frida's bruised body he had a panic attack and passed out. "WALES 4 LIFE!" JK shouted, "You stupid bitch, you should let me rape you from now on!" "Get some help you sleazebag." TNF shouted, Spider-Vice tries to hit JK with a bat but fails when JK grabbed it and snapped it in two. "You won't get away with raping toons you rotten pedophile." Alucardo said to JK. "Shut up, Spamfag!" JK shouted, he drove off, 7.62mm got up and cried himself to sleep. TNF continues...
  12. Banned for spelling 'sig' correctly.
  13. Warner's rusty old car appears in the horizon. "im gonna kill you all u fucking cunts!!" Warner screamed. "Oh shit!" Alucardo said, before driving the limo into the highway, Warner was chasing the limo. "prepare to die u cunts!" Warner yelled, he grabbed his Dildo Launcher and fired a few rounds at the limo, its back wheels got punctured and the limo crashed into a lorry. "HAHAAHWHAHHWHAHWAHHAW!!! finally i killed u all u cunts!!" Warner shouted, he snorted. TNF got up from the wreckage and saw the passenger in Warner's car. TNF will continue this tale...
  14. Sorry guys for being late, my computer keeps rebooting itself and I'm stuck with my PSP. JK was angry that the gang stole his toon porn, so he decided to rape Frida and Zoe, little did he know that his mansion was bugged by TNF and the other TGTAP members. "He's gonna rape Frida again!" Alucardo said. "I know, our limo is parked outside her house." TNF said. Two hours later Alucardo heared Frida scream. "WALES 4 LIFE!!" JK shouted, as he approached the poor girl... To be continued...
  15. Cool story. I'll finish reading the rest when I get back from San Andreas.
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