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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. I hate The Movies! Thank god nobody in my family plays that shit anymore!
  2. Banned because you're the unnamed noodle
  3. 41. u suck chris 40. DIS SITE IS SHIT GTA4 IS BETTER
  4. 52. GTA should be banned 51. OMG i saw bigfoot in hepburn hights 50. OMG FRIDA!!1!!11!!
  5. I saw a Who called JoJo, he was forced by Zoe to stimulate her naughty area with his furry feet. Poor JoJo walked home with wet feet, and was attacked by some fangirls. When he got home, Frida, his biggest fan, squealed with delight and hugged him tight, poor JoJo almost suffocated on her 'pillows' But the worst was when the Kanker Sisters used him to scrub the filthy toilets! Now JoJo was weeping under the weeping willows when Frida found him, she took him home and washed him and kissed him goodnight.
  6. You fail at life Xt0ny. I wish my computer was working! I wanna play San Andreas! I'm tired of using crappy PSP!
  7. Just a question, what happens when we reach zero? 61. I wanna get hot coffee mod working!
  8. You shouldn't try that again, he was a nice man..IMO I know, the quote was amusing though. 67. i wanna shag jay and silent bob! 66. I HATE MALAYZ 65. WTF! HOW DARE U GIVE ME A 1 STAR RATING!!
  9. Friday Nights are nights when you party.
  10. Jay and Silent Bob is selling drugs on the streets. Mr Pig wants them off the streets.
  11. GTA Liberty City Stories: MSX 98 Part III
  12. 77. Peter Griffin is sooooo hot! 76. U SUCK COCK 75. For those who don't know, I asked to be mod, I didn't ask, I OFFERED, TO FUCKING HELP.
  13. WARNING! SpongeBob SquarePants has invaded the random topic. Arm yourselves!
  14. 88. BAN MEEEEE!! 87. dis forum sucks!
  15. You forgot to wish something. I wish for a cat.
  16. Granted, but it gets replaced by rude pictures of your aunt. I wish for a hot girl to be in my bedroom.
  17. 92. I feel so fucking hard!
  18. Barack Obama got up and ran off, Zoe grabbed a bowling ball and hit his head with it, he should be knocked out until the police arrive. "Now girls I gotta go to the real world, goodbye!" Alucardo said. "Don't go!" Said the two girls, but Alucardo disappeared into the real world, he finished drawing his picture, it was of Frida and Zoe bickering of Manny. The end.
  19. Oh don't worry, he'll die. The four politicians opened fire, Zoe transformed into her alter ego, and sliced the necks of every one of them, they choked to death because Zoe cut their windpipes off, Alucardo and Frida grab machine guns and blasted George Bush's arms off, he tripped and fell off a balcony and onto a pack of wolves. "Grrr! I hate Malays!" Raymond yelled. Alucardo grabbed a spear and rammed it into his throat, "Help! I'm choking to death!" and he fell off the balcony and fell straight onto some helicopter blades. Hazer appeared wearing a thong, he was armed with two katanas and a dildo. Continue?
  20. When the three entered the Red Rocket Restaurant, they saw Raymond, with George Bush, Barack Obama and John McCain (was it John McCain? I don't remember) on a table, they loaded their guns ready to fire. "So you n00b I see you brought me two sex slaves." Raymond said. "Now we're gonna kick your ass." Obama said. "Shut up!" Zoe said, "Or I'll cut your nuts off!" and Obama backed off. "I'm gonna make your ass sore!" McCain said. "I can't wait to post pictures of your naked bodies on the internets!" George Bush said. "Shit on a stick!" Alucardo yelled angrily, now he has to save two girls' virginity from a noob and three politicians. "Make that four!" Gordon Brown said, he was dressed in a nappy. Continue?
  21. It wasn't long until he saw two girls, a goth and a punk, bickering at each other. "Bitch! Why don't you leave me alone!?" Frida yelled. "Because I hate you and I want Manny to myself!" Zoe yelled back. "Look, its that guy with the glasses and the emo hair." Frida said, pointing at Alucardo. "Shut up you bitches, I wanna get outta this hellhole, I hate shitty cartoon characters!" Alucardo said to the two. The three ran out of the disgusting house and into the streets of Gothaland, they had to go invade the Red Rocket Restaurant and kill Raymond and George Bush. Continue?
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