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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. ^ Feed me < Food! v Drops a brick on my head
  2. ^ Wrongo! < Hungry! v Microsoft asskisser.
  3. ^ Nope, that's Hazer. < Uhh...a dude? v Is a pervert.
  4. !!!KILL ALUCARDO!!! alucardo is a horrible person who enjoys making up evil stories about frida sures being raepd by noods, also flaming cris crokers videos and including bil gates in his vile stories ALUCARDO IS A THREAT TO OUR PERFECT, POLITIALLY CERRECT SOCIETY!!1 HE MUST DIE!!!!11! - Hazer
  5. hola amigos i fink that alucardo is a cunt, he shud fuck off coz da kankers sisters r hot and i wana fuck their hairy bumholes ALUCARDO IS A CUNT! I LOVE TOONS 2 JACK OFF 2! ALUCARDO MUST DIE! KILL ALUCARDO hola amigos i fink that alucardo is a cunt, he shud fuck off coz da kankers sisters r hot and i wana fuck their hairy bumholes ALUCARDO IS A CUNT! I LOVE TOONS 2 JACK OFF 2! ALUCARDO MUST DIE! KILL ALUCARDO
  6. Cause I said so ^ Ewww. < Laughs at Chris Crocker's epic fails v Has fantasies about having sex with a pig.
  7. I don't go on any of those sites, social networking sites are like FTL.
  8. Why don't you click it then Avi - 7 Sig - 8 Person - Don't know you much, seems a nice guy.
  9. A spider has crawled into my bedroom, and now I'm on my bed with a glass.
  10. I sometimes play on SA:MP I don't have a specific nickname, yet, thinking along the lines of Alucardo (how original) My brother also plays SA:MP, his nickname is Eduardo, and he hangs out exclusively at the AboveUltimate server.
  11. !!!!ATTENTION PEOPLE!!!!There is a new competition. The most nooby post will win the prize of 20000 dollars. You have until 30th July until this competition closes. Rules: No huge posts. Have at least some content in your posts, no one word posts allowed. Begin!
  12. well why dont you shut up then you worthless piece of shit
  13. right u noobs i wish for a fish and if i dont get one i will kill you
  14. ^ Needs help < Needs no help v Needs lots of help v Needs to jump off a cliff v Needs to eat a cock
  15. ^ I thought that was Hazer doing that < Is going to jump off a chair v Is Warner's sex slave
  16. Why thank you :)

  17. I am one of the PSP users, because I like to surf the web at two in the morning. I'm mainly a Firefox user.
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