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Everything posted by Sherman

  1. NO SHIT. Dude, I'm real fuckin' tired of you replying to topics like this. I mean. Isn't it pretty obvious you're going to wait a little while if they arn't up? CLOSED.
  2. The winter break, yeah. >.> People do and go places that take MORE than 11 days. Especially when four of those days are "givens" by the Gov't. But summer.. seeing it doesn't snow, we get out May 22nd. And go back sometime in September.
  3. Ah man, you're so lucky. we basically have from the 25th (weekends are a Government GIVEN) till January 3rd. I have no idea why we go back on such a random day (Wednesday) but eh, whatever. There's gonna be a three month summer vacation.. so I guess that makes up for it.
  4. Wish mine were over. When do ya'll get out for Christmas break? Kinda reminds me.. two new girls.. haha.. maybe i'll like them better than the others. Their parents are rather.. wealthy though, I guess you could say. Christin is in my 1st and 2nd period.. and Emily is in my 4th. w00t w00t
  5. Sold and sold. Thanks for the money.. I mean, business guys. Still 3 deagles for sale. Buy them all for 900 -- store pricing.
  6. Exams are coming up in a few days. Start December 19th and end the 22nd. I have to take all four cos I was out so many days.
  7. It's my username. Exact same, just copy and paste into the thingy.
  8. What DID you get anyways dude? You never got unlazy and told us.
  9. Still waiting on it Thanks guys. Miami, your Deagle will be sent in a few minutes.
  10. Nothing fancy, just a few deagles. The number in front represents the stock number. (3)Deagle - $330 All Deagles will go for $900 Payments sent to me. Item(s) will be sent when I see the money.
  11. I like the grand-am idea. But to get a new one (which would be the nicer looking body style) would be a pretty good amount. My friend DID get a 99? for about 3500 though.. so.. hm. Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. ^Correct and lives semi-near here < Bored bored bored. V Likes girls.
  13. Dude.. whatsup with you and erections? o.O Trojan man.
  14. Erm... what exactly is an "SLR"? It makes me think of.. Mercedes-Benz.
  15. I'm not much into it, i may get a few bootlegs (Like ones that're recorded live.. but never in studio) and that's it. Hurricane game has been banned, by the way. If you can't figure out why, don't worry about it.
  16. Did you even read my post and the ones after? Anyways, I think I've come (mostly) down to the Celica and Nissans. Celica for the snow, it's AWD. And Nissan (180SX, 240SX..) for the sheer lightness of the cars. Still open to any suggestions though, still have a few more days until I really need to get a list wrote up.
  17. I'm making the highest grade I've made in awhile. Civics and Economics - 93.237%
  18. Heh. I'm gonna link the cars to pictures.. this would be a MKIII Supra. Not an MKIV like from TF&TF
  19. Cuz they're country hicks Why're they country hicks?
  20. You know you're a geek when you are willing to pay out the ass to play an MMORPG
  21. Yep, that was really him. And I dunno whatsup with the huge change, havn't played VCS.
  22. Heh, I'm trying to widen my choices. Then look at all the cars I've gotten suggested, and narrow them down based on power to weight ratios and array of mods available / cost efficientcy. Thanks for the suggestions so far guys. btw, two door is fine. even if it has a tiny backseat (MKIII Supra anyone?) it's something to ride my bitchass friends in.
  23. You know you're a geek and/or albino if your skin is paper white from where you never go out in the sun.
  24. I'll be heading to the strip and track. No street racing.. streets are littered with cops out here. Something that looks good, and has some speed. Thanks for the suggestion though.. I think.. I'm gonna add these to my first post.
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