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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Yeah, IMo that should be allowed so gangs can have the optino of doing that since each gang probably has different stratedy's you know.

    It already is to my knowledge. As long as you don't post from it, you should be fine. I mean. We had them last time, why not now?

  2. You could always do that, yeah. I mean like, if there's 600K in your gang bank. And 40% (240K) is yours.. I doubt you'd get that 40% back out of it. But you're also helping not-so wealthy gang members, and everyone would pretty much be even.

    It's just however you wanna do it.

  3. Haha.. he doesn't act gay or talk like it or anything. Just a bit questionable I guess. Mrs Chambers is gonna be so pissed when she gets back. We stole a bunch of her candy... but.. we'll just claim that we were tryin to keep her from gaining any more weight. xD

    She's pretty large.

  4. Blah, he's stupid IMO. But did he sound serious or jsut jokin and babblin his head off since he's bored. But if serious I wouln't think asexual, maybe gay but deffinetly an idiotic babbler lol. ( Not because of not likeing girls.)

    He hardly ever talks and sounded serious. Straight face and all. It was kinda creepy, to be honest. I always thought we was one of those whore lovers.

  5. Don't you mean like 1 and a half? But I agree I am gonna stay for many years to come as well. How long do you plan on running this site for Chris? As long as you can?

    That isn't his original username. As in, he got banned before that. Long story. But it's pretty cool knowin' I've been here for 3 of those 4 years. Time absolutely flies.

  6. I had to fill out three End of Course infomation sheets. I only know my last four digits to my social, and I was debating which bubble I should fill in for my ethnicity.

    I never really got why they wanted to know ethnic groups or sex. Unless it's just for quicker sorting, it shouldn't matter.

    Today.. in math class, this guy (he's a smartass. i don't like him) was like "I don't like girls period, especially the ones I don't like" ... wouldn't that pretty much mean he's gay? Or atleast asexual.

    (That sentence didn't make much sense, I blame it on his race. Nor do I have anything against gays.)

  7. Well, you'll have to re-install the mods. And I'd take your saves and put them on a totally seperate folder on your desktop. I'm not sure how exactly to access teh save games though. Search for it, though. Try "save game" or.. "save game folder".. or something else, just some suggestions.

  8. Skyline, what the hell made you think up the question, "Do you like whores?" You know the answer most n00bs will say. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Because they're virgins.

    I felt like it.

    Really. Some rumor going around that I like this whore. And yes, I do realize there's a bunch of noobs. They usually give funny answers. I mean. It's the fucking community thread, where you can talk about (almost) anything in your life.

  9. Yeah, that's why I said I hate prostitutes. HATE. I understand what they do and why they do it but I still just don't get why that crap is in our world. Strip Clubs are enough IMO.

    Heh. I dunno about strip clubs dude. Some around here (NC) have those "back rooms" where people.. do their thing. Heh, yeah. Pretty sick.

    Anyways, I'm kinda going after some.. haha.. just work the ways ^_^

  10. Holy crap! Your grandma will turn 103 in the summer? :blink: Ok, how's it feel to know someone who lived through World War 1, the Great Depression, WWII, the civil rights movement, and two George Bushes?

    Yeah, basically and when I say basically I mean yes. Yeah I hate prostitutes but you and meh are whores Sky :D

    haha.. well, I mean like whores that give poon out like candy. Seriously. They get on my nerves, I don't want crabs.

  11. Some members will join. We just let them come on the forum, but most members who join are n00bs, and need help on Mods.

    And you have room to talk? :|

    Anyways, when's the gang going up TM?.... And on word of sports cars, first person that wants it gets my V8Ghost for 8,000.

  12. Sorry if I acted like an ass, Skyline and IJSAB.

    Like I said, TG's gang will only end up like those little boars in the forests of WoW.

    It's alright dude. I think we all do every once in awhile.. heh. Good luck with the gang TG..

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