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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Ya ya,they're active and talk in private forum but that doesn't mean they're actually a gang.They're basically a group of people(friends) right now.

    Just a hint of advice. I'm not gonna be mean or anything, 'cause I was the same way. But don't speak about anything unless you really know what's going on.

  2. How about one for "Official Forum Dee Dee Dee"?

    Why, looking to take home a prize? :bleh: Just f***ing with you.

    Anyways. For fun-awards I think we need something on man-whoring. It's just a must, really....

    Maybe a picture for that one? :D

    Though I do think you have me beat already in one of your pics on MS. Seriously, there's like 5 people around you. I'll definately get one if we make this an award.

    I don't know about the sig abuse award. Arn't these supposed to be fun awards? I don't want to have to see a fuckin' page filled with sigs. I mean. We have guidelines for sigs, hardly ever even enforced.. Just think it's stupid.

  3. Get to know her better. Flirt. Just that for now.. I mean, you don't really want to be her rebound. Trust me. Those never work.

    Rebounds are usually for when they're really torn up over someone and just tranfer it onto other people. Or that's what it is to me. Not telling you to be a complete asshole and not give her any attention.

    I'm probably going over it right now. So just.. hang out with her, flirt.. have fun. Just not to the point to where you annoy the hell out of her.. that would be.. bad.

    And yes, I am glad to say I take after Spaz a bit. Hehe. :D

    So today I was hanging out with Brian's ex. Not a good thing.. I know.. but it was fun. She's smart, kinda pretty, I like her erm.. body. I'm not saying anything will happen, I'm just doin my thing. Hahah. Then this whore got cussed out on the bus. Fun times.

    Edit: Yeah, using an internet translator to translate shit is bad. I'm taking French myself right now. There's many accent marks and ways of putting things and irregular verbs (the list goes on) to depend soley on one.

  4. Yeah well it's my post .... ... ...

    We arn't exactly stupid dude.. you could've made it simpler and just told us what you were having trouble with instead of just hanging it. But hey, whatever.

    Think I'm finally gonna go back to school tommorrow. Two more meds left and I don't feel like taking them at all. They're pretty big.. like, 800mg if I remember correctly..

  5. That's to bad Skyline.Was she the girl you were talkin about a while back on this topic?

    Yeah, but it's nothing really. We just dated for about a month. I lied to her a bunch either way. Especially when she asks if I was looking at any girls.. or if I did anything with anybody.. eh. It's a learning experience. The reason we ended is cuz we don't know eachother well and can't see eachother outside of school cause of her mom. So yeah, it just.. didn't work.

  6. O dont think anyone can force TVG to make a recruitement topic.Itz up to the member who wanna join.

    Anyway Good Luck

    Yeah only a few may join, i don't know if anyone will join this...

    Anyways TVG, good luck again, i guess <_<

    Alright, well atleast he's got a non-serious, which might get some members to join.

    Chris's sig lies. Bigger post count does NOT make your penis bigger. So please. Don't post just to make your post count bigger and get money. Make something out of them.. unlike you just did..

    Anyways, TVG. Anyone joined yet?

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