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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Well I do live on the borders of Romford which has a lousy reputation. There is no way I would post the picture of me wasted as it is one embarassing and two unflattering. I will take some pics tomorrow that look halfway decent. I will post the picture I entitled GEology Buddies though :P

    That girl kinda scared me, bear. :P

    Just kidding. I hope the voting goes unbiased. Seriously, nothing is gonna come out of asslicking(rofl) up to people.

  2. I was looking for mods for GTA3. And I didn't even have it for PC.. I still can't play it. haha. Then I found posts from Joyrider, pagan, pyro and chris.. seemed like a cool place so I registered.. and I think some of us remember how big a noob i was. :P

  3. It probably won't play but I'm praying like hell that it does. I don't know my specs because I think my PC is obsolete by Dell's standards. All I know is that it's a Dell Dimension B110 and that it can play The Sims: Complete Collection, GTA2, and Mall Tycoon 3.

    Nate10, stop with the f words. This is not the warzone, its illegal outside the warzone

    Well, to flame.. yeah. Nate dude.. handle personal things through PM or something.. not the community thread.

    Does anyone think the Wii is gonna sale better than the 360 or PS3? Just because of the significantly (thanks tec. haha.) lower price and "innovative" design?

  4. Dude.. just let it go. It's nothing of importance and it just makes ya'll look bad.

    Anyways.. I'm kinda glad it's saturday.. kinda not. The break was pretty nice while it lasted. The only real signifigant (sp) thing I've done all day is move a bunch of rocks (ranging from 50 to over 100 basically..) and called Samantha. I hardly ever call people.. so yeah.

  5. Love is what you make of it. If you have a feeling.. and you want to call it love.. go ahead. But I do agree.. just after a week.. uh. I never told my ex I loved her cuz I didn't. So.. don't doet just to make someone happy, either..

  6. Lol

    Another pretty Dull day.

    Had an accident while on my friend bike.

    No injuries.Not even minor ones.

    Waiting to go to class

    Heh. Don't remind me. I've had a few (kinda bad) bike accidents when I lived in North Wilkesboro. Especially the time a ran straight into a tree. Lesson learned: Don't ride brakeless bikes down large hills. Got out lucky though.. with to helmet, I just busted my lip.

  7. Ah, yes. Relationships at an early age, to me are

    just practice for the future to see what you do and don't like

    so just date around or something.. OR build up relationships with good looking girls (or that will look good in the future)

    I wish I would've done that. Far too late now. Oh well.

    It's hard to get sponsered (sp) around here. There's like.. one local shop. People there are pretty awesome. Havn't been there in awhile.. can't really skate anymore. Stupid countryside living. :/

    What set-up do you have?

    I've got a Zero board, 52mm Baker wheels.. Ventures (I forgot what kind.. lol..) and Bones Reds.. that still need breaking in.. still. Other ones had dirt and shit all up in them.

  8. To talk with her and then date her.There were some goods sugestions that worked.Oh,i said that these would be an secret. :D

    Glad it worked out for ya man. What's her name?

    Today.. was boring. Went out to Lowes Hardware, wal-mart, grocery's... I hate all of them. There were loads of skanks in there with little kids.. kinda feel for 'em. The moms looked like they did really heavy shit (heroin, PCP.. crank..) and they were just running around like kids and gettin yelled at.

    How was everyone's thanksgiving day?

  9. Sorry about that Dave just wanted know that you could get ito our forum but of course if your not leaking the information so thats ok
    Yes we require passwords for your forums,and besides even if I could go into your forum I would not release any of your information to anyone.

    Uhm. He can't. The only way for us to get the password to your private forum is if Chris hands it out to us. And he obviously won't do that. So there.

    Anyways, Dave. What'd you think of the 'Official gang' member number being changed? And any word on the next version of the store?

  10. In a weekend? No way.Lets do it on Chirtsmas holiday when everybody would be on holiday and will saty here for hours.

    That's the thing. People go places over Christmas holiday (It'd be hard to catch most people at home around this time.) AND who knows when that dude will finish the IB store. I'm not sure if there is a projected date. I'll ask around in a bit.

    Hey you guys.. did ya'll ever finish SA 100%? I havn't.. yet. Been working on it though. Just got done with Catalina's missions.. I hate that bitch.. haha.

  11. I dunno, didn't you just post? :P

    I have absolutly no idea when the gang war will be. The store and such isn't fully operational yet. I'd think on a weekend when everyone (or most everyone) doesn't have anything to do.

  12. Different game engines dude. Just means ya prefer one to the other. But.. how'd they go about making Carbon as a sequal to MW? From what I've read.. it seems just like a revamp (or what should be sold as an"expansion" pack)

  13. It's alright, in my opinion. Just pretty repetitive (What racing game isn't though..). I played it on PS2.. the graphics of the cars looked pretty nice. The customization system in carreer mode sucks cuz you have a limited choice of parts. Not like.. performance, but visuals.

    And erm, what story line?

  14. Pardon my french but that test is now BULLSHIT or we both have a good mind. That was like the third page of it. I would of posted the results but the HTML code wouldn't work in the link.

    I don't really get what you're saying? I copied the first three pages..

    And was it just me.. or were two of them black?

  15. Insecure. Seeks roots, stability, emotional security, and an environment providing greater ease and fewer problems.

    Wants to overcome a feeling of emptiness and to bridge the gap which he feels separates himself from others. Anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to explore all its possibilities, and to live it to the fullest. He therefore resents any restriction or limitation being imposed on him and insists on being free and unhampered.

    The situation is preventing him from establishing himself, but he feels he must make the best of things as they are.

    Feels rather isolated and alone, but is too reserved to allow himself to form deep attachments. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense.

    That test makesme feel really wierd.. 'cause er.. that pretty much.. is me.

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