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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. A week, Beat that, But SA was a pain, Finding the Clam Shells were the hardest, Plus without cheating, That was a big challenge...

    Just collecting stuff is the real pain. No cheats are EASY. Except you just can't spawn a hydra and across the state in 10 seconds. And that damn level 8 trucker mission. >.<

  2. Does anyone still play San Andreas? I'm trying to beat it.... still.. before Christmas. Definately got my moneys worth out of it. Ofcourse, this is my 100th (exageration) time beating it, but it's fun to do 100%.

  3. We won't get any posts in on Christmas. We're all gonna be too busy playing with our gifts. And I'm going to be watching InuYasha and stoner comedies nonstop that day.

    Heh, true. I'll probably get on to wish everyone a merry christmas and then call people then play / mess with whatever I get. So that means we'll have to get to working NOW! haha.

    post reave

  4. Actually, I was thinking something like jewelry. But with the money I have, it'll only last a few months. And remember, this is a person who sends me $100 on my brothers' birthdays.

    Damn. I dunno man, I still think sentimental is the way to go. I mean, you and I are the same age. There's no way we could a job. Or atleast over here.. which isn't that far. But yeah dude, good luck with the decisions.

    Maybe something she'd find useful? Like... a mop for example. I'm not sayin any kinda joke or anything, just I have a hard time coming up with good examples.

  5. My holiday plans aren't ruined after all! Now, I have a new problem. What to get my mother with limited funds?

    Make her a Christmas card. Be creative and stuff. I mean, if she doesn't like that... then there's something wrong with her, IMO. (No offence)

  6. Fifa Street 2.

    Honestly, I'm tired of your posts like this. I mean, every once in a while is fine. But when it becomes a constant thing, it's bullshit. Stop trying to get your post count up like that, please. It doesn't make you less n00b or make your peepee grow.

    Anyways, I'm playing San Andreas right now. Those burnout games are FUN. I borrowed the 3rd or 4th from my friend awhile back. Crashing just facinates(sp) me. haha.

  7. well am not saying its copy it but theres a website called livexl.co.uk home of the djs P.S only said it because it said home of the dragons :lol:

    That's nice. You arn't from America, are you? Just a question, no stereotypes or anything involved.

  8. I take English 2 next semester. It's like, Grammar, reading, poetry and all that good stuff all into one class.

    Isn't that what English 1 is? O.o

    I'm dreading Christmas. I hate Christmas now. I can't afford to buy people things :erm:

    That's what they all are. Just different dificulty levels. And I got a card from Samantha today. It's pretty cool. She made it (: I still have to make mine though. Just got some crayons today......

  9. GTA Awards

    Most Knowledgeable: Original GTA Master.

    Most Helpful Member:I don't really know. Everyone contributes a little bit.

    Best Stunter: -

    General Awards:

    Most Respected Member: Spaz. Definately.

    Most Improved Member: Dave.

    Best New Member: BEAR!

    Funniest Member: Gerard. Funny comments in the staff room

    Most Intelligent Member: Chris.

    Best Signature: Spaz

    Weirdest Looks:Wu zi mu

    Most Annoying Member: Tommy Montana.

    Best Graphics:mvi

    Best Writing: Gerard

    Most Original Username: Ciaran

    Most Active Member: Chris

    Biggest Userbar Whore: -

    Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age: mvi :P

  10. Ok,now gang system dissaperd.My members and my gang will remain in the gang system or i would have to do again when Chris will put it here?

    He'll get it back up when he has time. Cos I'm sure he backed it up before upgrading. Nice to see ya'll almost have the official number though. Good job.

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